cant say for the rest of it. but the only commonality i know of is how the paseo gears can be bunged into a c52 casing to give taller gearing?
only useful if you have an MR2 or if the paseos box is totally r00ted (rip a c52 box for parts).
i was not aware of any other commonality as far as parts go. sorry, but you know what they say: with enough money anything (any engine convert) is possible.
so that might be the first thing to look at if you have ideas for this car - whats the budget? if you are cheap id spend a LOT of time looking up stuff. research BEFORE spending any money.
if your budget is a lil more flush then you are only limited by what you could afford, i am assuming (and by physical engine conversion space - you cant fit a v8 in a mini). i have no idea what sort of space the paseo has in its guts to be honest.