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Location: Brissy QLD
Registered: March 2004
DUNKY's first encounter with a mechanic shark!! ~sobs~
Tue, 08 March 2005 06:34
okay here how it played out, strangely enough on my quiet sedate drive to uni ~as apose to my racey run thru the mountains~ i manage to blow a small leak in the bypass radiator hose, this being a presure hose tends to blow a F load of steam and coolant out it, so i pulled over tothe side of the road when i noticed the steam comming out of the bonnet and and saw the temp gauage in red ~:'( i'm sorry my baby i didn't notice it right away~ so on the side of the road i pop the bonnet and she cooled down quickly so i limped her 2km down the road ~ more then a Km with the engine off.
pulled into the caltex in toowong, call RACQ that said i should be it changed by the mechanic shop on site. who then insisted that i need to change the top/main radiator hose, i reluctantly agreed to that, and refused to let him change the water pump and radiator ~okay he was just pushing his luck like i was goin to get that shit changed at a servo~
got back from uni after i had to catch a taxi thru traffic to St lusia, ~thats a nice $15 trip for like 3-4km's, and jimbo gave me a lift to my car and gave him some fuel money for goin out his way. well heres the break down for hte bill that i think is a little too high for my liking but what can i really do!!!!
2x Hose clamps $ 4.00
1x Radiator $ 19.80
1x Bypass Hose $ 17.70
> Laybour < $ 44.00
so totally 85.50 for 2 hoses and 2 clamps and maybe 2mins or laybour!!!
that concludes dunky's first mechanic shark experience, dare i say that probably won't be the last one. pitty it was so far from my house would have been alot cheaper for me!!!!

Location: Melbourne - NthSubs
Registered: January 2004
Re: DUNKY's first encounter with a mechanic shark!! ~sobs~
Tue, 08 March 2005 06:38

didnt u know?

Location: Baulko Hillo
Registered: April 2004
Location: Brisbane
Registered: February 2003
Re: DUNKY's first encounter with a mechanic shark!! ~sobs~
Tue, 08 March 2005 06:57

jeez - you should have left it there to cool down, got a BUS to the uni, after lectures got another bus or a lift to Taringa, got some coolant, pipe and clamps from supacrap then returned to the car to fit and continue home.
Why did the RACQ insist the mechanics change it?
unless you have some kind of warranty that requires a mechanic to fix shit i cannot imagine why they would even suggest that?

Location: Brissy QLD
Registered: March 2004
Re: DUNKY's first encounter with a mechanic shark!! ~sobs~
Tue, 08 March 2005 06:59

i did pay the money, but not with out being a little pissed off

Location: Baulko Hillo
Registered: April 2004
Re: DUNKY's first encounter with a mechanic shark!! ~sobs~
Tue, 08 March 2005 07:00

DunkyMonkey wrote on Tue, 08 March 2005 17:59 | i did pay the money, but not with out being a little pissed off
Fair enough.... And what Chuck said - does seem wierd. Maybe the couldn't be arsed.

Location: Sydney
Registered: September 2003
Re: DUNKY's first encounter with a mechanic shark!! ~sobs~
Tue, 08 March 2005 07:03

Thats nothing i have heard a lot worse stories, i had a carbie rebuild on my ke30 rolla and it costed $150 , btw that same thing happened on my sisters celica same model and colour as yours, theradiator hose blew apart somehow .

Location: Brissy QLD
Registered: March 2004
Re: DUNKY's first encounter with a mechanic shark!! ~sobs~
Tue, 08 March 2005 07:36

hmm really i have to get my 3SGE!!!! anyone know how much i'm lookin at for a beams conversion, i need custom engine mounts i know that much!!

Location: Brissy QLD
Registered: March 2004
Re: DUNKY's first encounter with a mechanic shark!! ~sobs~
Tue, 08 March 2005 07:39

oh and why didn't i go that well thats coz there aren't any buse, i had to catch a taxi from where i was, and as for the rest, well yeah more messing around then i would have liked, plus in toowong my car isn't very safe!!!
its fixed now, and i'll just have to live with it, i was in a bit of a hurry to get to my class too!!
its all good for the cruise on the weekend!!!!!

Location: Perth
Registered: October 2003
Re: DUNKY's first encounter with a mechanic shark!! ~sobs~
Tue, 08 March 2005 08:32

Sometimes I think people need to actually time how long it takes to do work on their car.
Id like to see you chase up the new hoses, hose clamps, get tools, remove 2 hoses and replace 2 hoses, (fill with water?), test for leaks in 2 minutes.
If a mechanic gets paid $20 an hour for wages you can just about double that to cover overheads, especially at a servo. To do a job they might have a minimum change of 1 hour labour?

Location: Sydney
Registered: February 2005
Re: DUNKY's first encounter with a mechanic shark!! ~sobs~
Tue, 08 March 2005 09:45

oh man that sucks, i would have left the car at uni and gone for a quick trip after and got the bits n pieces from Breakeveryday auto (supercheap). would have cost ya like 30 bucks.

Location: Brissy QLD
Registered: March 2004
Re: DUNKY's first encounter with a mechanic shark!! ~sobs~
Tue, 08 March 2005 13:09

apparently 12/hoses for genuine toyota, which mine are definately not, the main return line isn't even the same thickness as the old one its smaller, not to meantion the guy tried to convince me to change the water pump and radiator!! how can you really expain that?? skip you wanna take that question?
Registered: July 2002
Re: DUNKY's first encounter with a mechanic shark!! ~sobs~
Tue, 08 March 2005 15:17

If $85 is the worst you ever get then you should be very thankful. I guess the question is why the hose blew. Was it just old age? Or is there another problem... It's worth noting that almost every overheating problem (as the blown hose suggests you may have) on Toyotas is caused by partially blocked radiators.
I just think you may be being a little harsh on him. Just because he did something you are capable of doing yourself doesnt mean he shouldnt be paid. Every time I see the doctor I'm there for 6 mins and pay for 30....

Location: Sydney
Registered: June 2004
Re: DUNKY's first encounter with a mechanic shark!! ~sobs~
Tue, 08 March 2005 16:01

i would have bought the hoses (cant see why you need new clamps ) and asked to borrow a screw driver

Location: Perth
Registered: October 2003
Re: DUNKY's first encounter with a mechanic shark!! ~sobs~
Wed, 09 March 2005 00:00

DunkyMonkey wrote on Tue, 08 March 2005 21:09 | apparently 12/hoses for genuine toyota, which mine are definately not, the main return line isn't even the same thickness as the old one its smaller, not to meantion the guy tried to convince me to change the water pump and radiator!! how can you really expain that?? skip you wanna take that question?
Did he try to convince you to change the water pump/radiator before or after changing the hoses? Also how many km's has the car got on it?
If he had put geniune toyota hoses on they would have cost more and you would have whinged more maybe he couldnt get any genuine toyota hose in time, or they would have had to maybe spend another half an hour labour trying to chase up the geniune hose?
Was the main return line that was pulled off toyota geniune?
Dunky do you wanna take these questions?
Im not having a dig at you, but you gotta look at how expensive your labour is. If you decided to just change your hoses at home before they broke, by the time you found which autoparts store had the required hoses, driven there and back (fuel cost included), got your shit out, changed stuff, tested and cleaned up it would ad up to more than 1 1/2 hours labour more than likely.
Location: Brisbane
Registered: February 2003
Re: DUNKY's first encounter with a mechanic shark!! ~sobs~
Wed, 09 March 2005 00:17

expensive is when you break a shifter rod in a gearbox, have no tools or garage to fix it and need the car to get to work...
gearbox oil - $30
new selector rod - $80 (yes you can still get them for W50 boxes)
labour - $400
the look on your face as it's more than you paid for the car originally - priceless

Location: Brissy QLD
Registered: March 2004
Re: DUNKY's first encounter with a mechanic shark!! ~sobs~
Wed, 09 March 2005 15:38

sure mate i'll take these questions, he tired to convince me that the radiator and water pump need changing b4 changing the hoses.
car has little over 150Km on it
the radiator hose to the over flow tank was blocked its fixed up now.
as for takeing 1 1/2 hours the single guy working there had 7 cars from memory lined up out side the work shop looked like they were done since they had moved from this morning, unless he has like a car filing system. but i dunno
all it all i agree tho i got of lightly there are worse thing that can go wrong on cars that are more costly, but with that being said if work by a mechanic needs to be done, i would prefer it to be done by the mechanic i have been goin to for years and that i trust very much with my car. my mechanic alway give me advice for how to do things when i'm working on my car.
please note i'm not trying say not to go to this guy he looked after my ~except the rusty water over nice and shiny waxed the day for car, but hell that can't be helped~ car, just think yeah the hoses and labour feel a little padded to me, feel free to make up your own mind.
and i'm sure most of you have been in the simular situation.

Location: Melbourne
Registered: February 2005
Re: DUNKY's first encounter with a mechanic shark!! ~sobs~
Wed, 09 March 2005 21:24

yeh i've simply had enough of mechanics trying to overcharge..
so i've decided to invest in a good set of tools with my next paycheck.
eventho i dont have much experience with mechanical..i'm sure its a good way for me to learn as i go.

Location: Brissy QLD
Registered: March 2004
Re: DUNKY's first encounter with a mechanic shark!! ~sobs~
Thu, 10 March 2005 11:21

working on cars isn't that overly hard something just need the right tools, but something need a mechanic for. my advice is to invest in a good set of tools, i have my eye on a $150 socket set, had enough of these cheap shit ones lying around the house, and the other thing is a good teardown and rebuild manual

I supported Toymods
Location: melbourne
Registered: June 2002
Re: DUNKY's first encounter with a mechanic shark!! ~sobs~
Thu, 10 March 2005 12:07

i think someone may have said this already, but that is actually very cheap.
if you want a socket set, buy a supatool one from bunnigns, they seem good.

Location: Adelaide
Registered: May 2002
Re: DUNKY's first encounter with a mechanic shark!! ~sobs~
Thu, 10 March 2005 22:50

Thats not that expensive, not that I would pay it myself or anything though
But last week a freind of mine got a heater hose changed on his car... $90 for the parts + labour, 100+ for the tow
That was after nissan quoted $800 because they said they would have to remove the engine
So you didnt get ripped bad at all

Location: Perth
Registered: October 2003
Re: DUNKY's first encounter with a mechanic shark!! ~sobs~
Fri, 11 March 2005 00:17

shinybluesteel wrote on Thu, 10 March 2005 20:07 | i think someone may have said this already, but that is actually very cheap.
if you want a socket set, buy a supatool one from bunnigns, they seem good.
I bought a supatool 1/4" drive set and the rachet broke rather quickly The small screw for the backing plate undid and i lost it, all the inards came out over my engine

Location: Brissy QLD
Registered: March 2004
Re: DUNKY's first encounter with a mechanic shark!! ~sobs~
Fri, 11 March 2005 03:57
looking at a nice kit at repco, you know those really expensive ones on the wall