Hey Guys,
My car went into registration the other day, i thought it might pass because everything works and brakes are fine, but the stupid idiot who inspected my car said my demister wasnt working, okay for starters the idiot didn't have any idea on how to use the Demister and he left the dashmat in front of it so it was kinda blocking some of the air, and he failed that part. He also reckon'd my exhuast was loose which was total bs because the exhuast is in there securely. He then also failed the brakes saying that it had 20% more play than what it should so i came home bled them with old man and i'm taking it back in tommorow to see what he says,
wish me luck
haha find a new pink slipper!
i cant rememember the last time my demister was checked
it didnt work for ages on my old car, plus the loud as fuck rice cannon. passed easily