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Location: sydney
Registered: August 2004

Location: brisbane
Registered: December 2004
Re: *help* selling a unreg car
Mon, 14 March 2005 09:31

wat u mean wat u need to sell it... nothing dont need a rwc if ur sellin a unreg car well u dont if u live in qld im guessin other states r the same

Location: sydney
Registered: August 2004
Re: *help* selling a unreg car
Mon, 14 March 2005 09:34

i havnt transferd names yet

Location: Melbourne
Registered: February 2005
Re: *help* selling a unreg car
Wed, 16 March 2005 09:11

In vic you don't need a RWC to sell a registered car. But to change registration ownership you do. The RWC can become the buyers problem this way.
I didn't think you would need to do more that sell it and write the buyer a recipt for it. You may need to ring/ go into RTA (vicroads over here) and tell tham that the car is no longer in your hands, but that is about it really. I think.

Location: Girraween,Sydney
Registered: September 2003
Re: *help* selling a unreg car
Wed, 16 March 2005 21:41

As far as i know you just have to write the buyer a receipt stipulating(I think thats the right word ) that you sold the car in as is condition & that it was unregistered, get them to sign it & keep yourself a copy,
Then get the money off them, give them the keys & the car, and Roberts your fathers brother...

Location: Sydney
Registered: June 2004
Re: *help* selling a unreg car
Wed, 16 March 2005 21:58
if you have the rego papers its just a matter of filling it out. if you dont have the rego papers then write them a receipot of sale. what i do in the later case is sign it, the buyer sign it and a witness sign it and then there will never be an issue. also i usually will have the person that came with them sign it too