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Location: Camden
Registered: May 2002

On Probation
Location: sydney
Registered: February 2005
Re: Kyle's RA23 (preview)
Tue, 15 March 2005 12:59

just looking at the last pic made my captain salute in honour.

Location: Carlingford, Sydney
Registered: May 2002
Re: Kyle's RA23 (preview)
Tue, 15 March 2005 13:10

oh hell yeah

Location: Sydney, Australia
Registered: December 2003
Re: Kyle's RA23 (preview)
Tue, 15 March 2005 14:34

Fuck thats awesome, cant wait to see more.

Location: melbourne
Registered: November 2003
Re: Kyle's RA23 (preview)
Tue, 15 March 2005 20:03

looks ace, love the convo's!

I supported Toymods
Location: melbourne.victoria.austra...
Registered: June 2002
Re: Kyle's RA23 (preview)
Wed, 16 March 2005 05:52

oh my....

Location: Tamworth
Registered: August 2004
Re: Kyle's RA23 (preview)
Wed, 16 March 2005 07:00

mmm, looks very tough.

Location: Canberra
Registered: August 2004
Re: Kyle's RA23 (preview)
Thu, 17 March 2005 06:22

looks heaps tough. would be very nice with a 1uz, or ijz....

Location: Camden
Registered: May 2002
Re: Kyle's RA23 (preview)
Thu, 17 March 2005 07:32

i wanted to install a 1uz. I looked into it but in NSW it cant be done because factory weight is under the 1101kg mark. I consulted a few engineers and they all gave me the same answer. I have also been thinking about a 1j but i have already got the 1G with a single turbo manifold. Havent made up my mind fully yet.

Location: sydney
Registered: May 2002
Re: Kyle's RA23 (preview)
Thu, 17 March 2005 08:32

well the old girl looks different now

Location: Canberra
Registered: August 2004
Re: Kyle's RA23 (preview)
Thu, 17 March 2005 09:23

go the 1j. its a bit different to all the 1Gs out there. although a nice big single turbo does sound good

Location: Madrid - Spain
Registered: August 2002
Re: Kyle's RA23 (preview)
Thu, 17 March 2005 23:24

love the colour dude, keep up the good work.

Location: sydney
Registered: May 2002
Re: Kyle's RA23 (preview)
Fri, 18 March 2005 08:37

the green was the old colour when I owned it it really suited the car. It would be good to see it painted the same again but it's not up to me, I can't wait to see how it turns out

Location: Arthurs Creek, Victoria
Registered: May 2002
Re: Kyle's RA23 (preview)
Thu, 24 March 2005 07:04

You've gone to all the effort of tubbing it and yet your only running a 1g with a single turbo?

Location: Sydney
Registered: April 2004
Re: Kyle's RA23 (preview)
Thu, 24 March 2005 08:13

WOW the body is sooo straight!! looks awsome with the rear rimms sitting flush on the guards,thats all rotatr needed,well didnt really need but would have lookd nice anyway..

Location: Sydney
Registered: April 2004
Re: Kyle's RA23 (preview)
Thu, 24 March 2005 08:14

also I think someone is being a little sneaky with the real engine transplant ??

Location: Camden
Registered: May 2002
Re: Kyle's RA23 (preview)
Fri, 25 March 2005 08:55

Original plan was just a tidy up and the 1G but things changed. Id love a 1uz but it wont be road legal and i dont know how i could get it registered. If anyone has any ideas or info on getting a 1uz engineered id like to talk. I could go a 1J which would be legal and i know there are plenty of hot up parts out there. I even thought of a camry V6 1mz/2mz but cannot find any info of a RWD setup. Anyone suggest other engines?

Location: Canberra
Registered: August 2004
Re: Kyle's RA23 (preview)
Mon, 28 March 2005 01:14

1J is the way to go mate. unless you can find someone who can help with a 1UZ engineering

Location: Madrid - Spain
Registered: August 2002
Re: Kyle's RA23 (preview)
Mon, 28 March 2005 01:45

One of the 4x4 toyotas used the camry motor in north south configuration, not sure which one though, Hilux??. Would be cool to see one of these in a 23 with a roots blower sitting in the valley.

Location: Camden
Registered: May 2002
Re: Kyle's RA23 (preview)
Mon, 28 March 2005 04:48

I think you have been reading my mind. I have been researching engine combos lately and have found limited info on the camry V6. Since the engine will be running some sort of forced induction im restricted to a 2.5L. As far as v6's go there are 2 that i can find out there found in the camrys. There is the older VZ series v6 and the newer MZ series. In both families there is a 2.5L v6, but the newer MZ 2.5L as far as i know, are very hard to come by. However the older VZ series 2.5L V6 was found in the early 88-91 or so camrys. Still FWD though. BUT... the V6 hilux and 4 runners used a 3L V6 SOHC engine from the VZ series of engines. I also read that they used a gearbox closely related or from the same family as the trusty R154 but im yet to comfirm. At least there is some hope for a RWD V6 combo.
Also found that the camry V6 gearbox can be bolted to a 3sgte. So maybe the 3sgte RWD conversion can be used for the v6 conversion.
This is all i have found so far. Im going to be running an auto, maybe a C4 so a custom bellhousing may be the easiest option.
I have also been looking into a roots style blower for the V6. That would be so tough!!

Location: East Maitland NSW
Registered: December 2004
Re: Kyle's RA23 (preview)
Mon, 28 March 2005 04:51

I reckon th C4 is the way to go. Put a stage 3 shift kit in it and set it up for full manual and it will be a sweet drag car

Location: Madrid - Spain
Registered: August 2002
Re: Kyle's RA23 (preview)
Mon, 28 March 2005 06:58

I spoke to my old man (he is a mechanic) about putting a blown V6 into a celica. He personally doesn't like them cos the oil pumps aren't very reliable and has had to do a few rebuilds because of pump failures. Having said that, I am sure a better pump could be used and apart from that they seem to be a good engine. They would be a much better package for a celica than a 1JZ, but would require a lot of custom work.
As far as legalities are concerned, have you had the OK from an engineer for the mini-tubs?

Location: Camden
Registered: May 2002
Re: Kyle's RA23 (preview)
Mon, 28 March 2005 08:12

I havent had a chance to have a look at a v6 yet due to the long weekend but i will have a look around during the week. Im not too keen on the 1J, i think it is too long and would still need to mod the radiator to fit it in and i already have a new fire wall.
I have had dramas trying to find an engineer that seems to be even slightly interested in my project. I want to get it prodressively engineered to make sure im travelling along the right track so i have a legal car in the end. The engineers i have spoken to say the tubs are ok as long as i havent modified the chassis rail which i have not. One engineer said i can only run tyres 1.5 inches wider over standard but the bloke who built them said the max tyre width on any street car is 10 inches, but i will have to talk to an engineer. Another engineer said call him 4 weeks before its finished and he will have a look at it. Its quite frustrating as they dont think i am serious but just another dreamer.

Location: Madrid - Spain
Registered: August 2002
Re: Kyle's RA23 (preview)
Mon, 28 March 2005 09:04

Yeah the 1G fits in nicely, but I haven't seen too many 1J conversions that "look right" in my opinion, they are just a little too long for an early celica.
I used to work with an engineer that did car modifications and if you knew how many dreamers called him a day, you would understand their scepticism.
Find an engineer that is happy to work on cars that are modified to the extent you want and work with him on it. Most engineers don't want the hassle of highly modified cars.

Location: Camden
Registered: May 2002
Re: Kyle's RA23 (preview)
Tue, 29 March 2005 06:55

Today i started phoning around the wreckers to price an engine. Im looking for the early carmy engine which is a 2VZ-FE which is a 2.5L V6. I want to get the 2.5L so i can run either super/turbo. However i spoke to about 10 wreckers and i only had luck with 1 place but the engine was in storage in a warehouse.
I did however find a 4 runner V6 bellhousing from a 4X4 wrecker. Even the the 4 runner V6's seem to be hard to find as well, unless you want to spend big bucks on a newer wreck. I got the bellhousing for $180 which was ok i guess.
Then i went searching for camry engines again to see if the bellhousing will even fit. I found one wrecker that had a few V6's but still had gearboxes on them so it was hard to tell. I tried matching the bellhousing to a FWD gearbox to see if it had the same mounting holes but it wasnt even close. But im not sure if the blokes at the wreckers were sure it was a V6 FWD gearbox to start with. It seems like i was going around in circles.
On the way home i tried a local smaller wrecker and they had a 3VZ-FE witout a gearbox attached. I tried the 4 runner bellhousing and it fits!!!! all the bolt holes line up but both the engine and the bellhousing have a dowl in the same position so one has to be removed. But i was so excited that i forgot to check the starter motor. Well anyway a bit of progress on a V6 RWD conversion.
Next i have to check out if the R154 wull fit on the other end.

Location: Camden
Registered: May 2002
Re: Kyle's RA23 (preview)
Fri, 01 April 2005 14:37

Heres some pics of the engine bay. It has a new firewall and has been smoothed around the strut towers and all hole welded up. It looks too good to put an engine into!!


Location: Carlingford, Sydney
Registered: May 2002
Re: Kyle's RA23 (preview)
Fri, 01 April 2005 17:26

holy crap that looks like it was alot of work, damn engine will only go and mess it up

Location: Tamworth
Registered: August 2004
Re: Kyle's RA23 (preview)
Sat, 02 April 2005 00:33

Wow, that engine would want to be damn smick so it doesnt ruin the look of it.

Registered: March 2005
Re: Kyle's RA23 (preview)
Sat, 02 April 2005 00:51

very nicely done keep going at that rate and you will have a top show car and with a blown v6, holly shit

Membership Secretary
Location: Sydney
Registered: June 2002
Re: Kyle's RA23 (preview)
Thu, 07 April 2005 10:36

That is awsome man its looking the goods.
Love the tubs and the tyres and those guards
PHat man real phat

Location: Canberra
Registered: August 2004
Re: Kyle's RA23 (preview)
Mon, 11 April 2005 01:17

wow thats so smooth. cant wait to hear whats happening with engine

Location: Camden
Registered: May 2002
Re: Kyle's RA23
Sat, 30 April 2005 03:35

In the end after much research, trips to the wreckers, phone calls and dealing with dickheads, i have given up on the idea of running a V6. I managed to find a possible candidate which was the 3VZ-FE in RWD format. However this engine was not to be the performer i would have liked. Even with a blower, i still could not look past the proven power of the 1JZGTE.
Even though i already have a 1GGTE with a single turbo setup in my shed, i wanted to run an auto for he drags. The A340 i think would just not cut it. I found that Dellow make a bellhousing for the 1JZGTE to mount a C4 auto. The C4 auto is a proven gearbox and would handle what i want to do with the car.
I also cme across a decent sized turbo at a price i couldnt resist. I still think it is a bit too large for the 1JZGTE so it definately would be overkill for the 1G.
Anyhow, the build is comming along well and here are a few pics.

The 1J with the Dellow C4 bellhousing

The turbo for the 1JZGTE on the right compared with the T04 i bought for the 1G on the left

Location: Sydney, Australia
Registered: December 2003
Re: Kyle's RA23
Sat, 30 April 2005 03:45

Nice update, its looking awesome dude!

Location: Campbelltown
Registered: November 2003
Re: Kyle's 1JZGTE Ra23
Sat, 30 April 2005 03:48

nice dude, guess its a while before i'll see it on the streets of camden, woot another mad toyota to add to list the for campbelltown

Location: Melbourne
Registered: April 2005
Re: Kyle's 1JZGTE Ra23
Mon, 02 May 2005 08:47

Awesome man!!
What did you use to tub the rears??
Did you use guards off an existing vehicle, or were they prefabricated by you??

Location: sydney
Registered: May 2002
Re: Kyle's 1JZGTE Ra23
Mon, 02 May 2005 09:26

this thing is looking unreal!!!! I would hate to think what this car has had spent on it over the years, 1 thing I know it is a long way from the $200 shit heap I brought many years ago,the first time I bought it.
I love it......I wonder what the chances are of buy it a third time

Location: East Maitland NSW
Registered: December 2004
Re: Kyle's 1JZGTE Ra23
Mon, 02 May 2005 11:24

If there was a car i had ever loved its this one, and its not even painted or anywhere near finished. Great work!
What are you going to do to the C4? shift kit stage 3 maybe? Those 3 speeds go had all day and not too expensive to fix either.
Keep us updated.
Stay classy

Location: sunny coast, qld
Registered: October 2002
Re: Kyle's 1JZGTE Ra23
Mon, 02 May 2005 21:55

that is amazing!

Location: Canberra
Registered: August 2004
Re: Kyle's 1JZGTE Ra23
Tue, 03 May 2005 05:41

fuck yeah that looks awesome. how nice does the cage look. good to see you've gone 1J as altought the v6 would've been different, i think the 1J will make far bigger numbers

Location: Adelaide, SA
Registered: May 2002
Re: Kyle's 1JZGTE Ra23
Tue, 03 May 2005 08:13

Keep small children away from that turbo - they might get sucked in!
Nice work mate!

Location: Camden
Registered: May 2002
Re: Kyle's 1JZGTE Ra23
Tue, 03 May 2005 09:54

Thanks everyone for the positive feedback. She is turning into beast. When i first got her i was just planning a stock 1g and now i think i have gone outer control with my plans Its definately not the cheapest build and id say i will be keeping her for a long time - sorry Toyrota!
I think im lucky that i have met a great group of blokes that are very talented and love building cars. All the body work is being professionally done but i have put in a lot of research to help make the build possible. The body wasnt as good as i hoped when it got blasted but they best thing is that it had no rust. The tubs were fabricated from scratch.
I am totally stuck on a colour. There are way too many fine colours to choose from. I think in they end, if its applied properly any colour will work.
Not too sure what is to be done with the C4. I havent got a chance to chat to performance gearbox builders. Im trying to sort out the custom torque converter first.
I will post more pics as i get them

Location: Sydney
Registered: April 2004
Re: Kyle's 1JZGTE Ra23
Tue, 03 May 2005 10:17

Loving how this is coming along mate and I can see you obviously arent the type of person to cut corners! This is going to be one very unique,quick and georgeous looking celica..Well done!!
Damn I wish I could weld

Location: Canberra
Registered: August 2004
Re: Kyle's 1JZGTE Ra23
Wed, 04 May 2005 05:10

i reckon you should paint it a deep pearl/candy red. you dont see to many in red. i know of a TA22 that looks really nice in silver...haha

Location: Sydney
Registered: April 2004
Re: Kyle's 1JZGTE Ra23
Fri, 06 May 2005 07:08

I rekkon you could go a really outrageous colour! somthing bright or solid like that new toolbox blue the monaros are coming out in..Ill find a pic..essay

Location: Camden
Registered: July 2002
Re: Kyle's 1JZGTE Ra23
Fri, 06 May 2005 11:59

Camden ay? Can i ask who's fabricating all these parts for you? I know a fair amount of people around the macarthur area. Maybe catch up one day?
looks tuff man, keep up the good work!!
Location: Sydney
Registered: July 2002
Re: Kyle's 1JZGTE Ra23
Sat, 02 July 2005 06:37

It probably would be possible to get a 1UZ engineered if you are prepared to spend the money. It would require de-stroking it to reduce the capacity, which would mean getting a custom crank made.
(Think of the high rod/stroke ratio you'd end up with... that engine would be able to handle _very_ high rpm).

Location: Nor Calif USA
Registered: June 2002
Re: Kyle's 1JZGTE Ra23
Sat, 02 July 2005 17:00

Pube wrote on Tue, 03 May 2005 19:54 | Thanks everyone for the positive feedback. She is turning into beast. When i first got her i was just planning a stock 1g and now i think i have gone outer control with my plans Its definately not the cheapest build and id say i will be keeping her for a long time - sorry Toyrota!
I think im lucky that i have met a great group of blokes that are very talented and love building cars. All the body work is being professionally done but i have put in a lot of research to help make the build possible. The body wasnt as good as i hoped when it got blasted but they best thing is that it had no rust. The tubs were fabricated from scratch.
I am totally stuck on a colour. There are way too many fine colours to choose from. I think in they end, if its applied properly any colour will work.
Not too sure what is to be done with the C4. I havent got a chance to chat to performance gearbox builders. Im trying to sort out the custom torque converter first.
I will post more pics as i get them
I've been watching this buildup closely.
I have also most the same build-up going my self.
Here is a pic of my car mName=TurBoRG&op=modload&name=gallery& file=index&include=view_album.php

Location: sunny coast, qld
Registered: October 2002
Re: Kyle's 1JZGTE Ra23
Sun, 03 July 2005 09:03

I am not trying to offend but you should start another thread Turbo RG as you will get more responses
BTW looks like a bit of a beast.

Location: Camden
Registered: May 2002
Re: Kyle's 1JZGTE Ra23
Sun, 03 July 2005 10:05

A 1UZ would have been nice but to develop a legal 3.0L 1UZ would give me too much of a headache. If i had some extra cash I would go nuts on a 1J....maybe i still will one day
Your car looks the goods TurboRG, just reminds me to go and start nagging my panel beater to finish my car off!!
Not much has changed for me, last time i checked my car was asleep on its side on a matress. It looked so comfortable too. But I think its getting bed sores so hopefully it will be on its legs shortly.
Oh yeah I chose a colour too...
Registered: August 2004
Re: Kyle's 1JZGTE Ra23
Sun, 03 July 2005 12:18

wat an absolute beast this thing is gonna be cant wait to see it on the strip.

Location: Thornleigh sydney
Registered: January 2005
Re: Kyle's 1JZGTE Ra23
Sat, 09 July 2005 08:03

dude....ummmmnn sweet

Location: Nor Calif USA
Registered: June 2002
Re: Kyle's 1JZGTE Ra23
Tue, 19 July 2005 00:05

anything new with this project?

Location: Camden
Registered: May 2002
Re: Kyle's 1JZGTE Ra23
Tue, 19 July 2005 09:25

I went to the panel shop today and it was still on its side. Im starting to get annoyed that its not being worked on but the guy doing the work, works by himself. Hopefully within 2 weeks it should be back on the floor and being finished off!!!

I Supported Toymods
Location: Glenmore Park, NSW
Registered: March 2004
Re: Kyle's 1JZGTE Ra23
Wed, 27 July 2005 01:22

what was the v6 worth $$$ wise you were looking at?
wish i could afford ya 1ggte! that'd be heaps for me!

Location: Camden
Registered: May 2002

I Supported Toymods
Location: Glenmore Park, NSW
Registered: March 2004
Re: Kyle's 1JZGTE Ra23
Thu, 28 July 2005 13:48

still nutin out ideas ... but turbo 18rg is off the cards... too costly.
pm'd you bout the manifold... mrs wouldnt let up the cash.
now have a second job just to fund me build!
cant wait to see yours rollin!

Club President I supported Toymods
Location: Sydney
Registered: May 2002
Re: Kyle's 1JZGTE Ra23
Mon, 01 August 2005 06:42

Very nice dude.
Can't wait to see how it turns out.

Location: Brisbane
Registered: August 2005
Re: Kyle's 1JZGTE Ra23
Mon, 15 August 2005 04:18
very nice mate. keep up the good work its looking ausome..