Well more a limitation. My PM inbox has become %100 full, and i hate to delete these old PM's as they have contacts and info etc i'd like to keep.
Is there an option to export them all out as a txt file or something along those lines?
can we get a little more space to store more PM's? I'd even pay a yearly fee for this privelidge.
First up I'm moving this one over to membership and feedback.
Now the limit at the moment I believe is 300Kb. I've got all my PM's back to 2002 and have only used 80% of my storage. I guess I'm just not super active in the PM business.
I'll float the propostion of increasing the PM limit and see what happens. I don't necessarily think it is a great idea however simply due to the fact that there is no contract of service involved with the PM's and therefore I do not recommend using it to store any important information. If you have important information you want to keep move it somewhere that you can control.