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Forums Junkie

May 2002
xbox question Thu, 31 March 2005 08:45 Go to next message
i have an aladin and a 160GB HDD, now ive managed to copy a DVD movie to the HDD, but i cant figure out how to play it? can it be done? also i have heaps of divX movies on DVD, if i were able to get these onto the HDD, could i get a player to use them?
ive managed to save games to the HDD and use them, but now i wanna save movies. any help appreciated Smile
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December 2004
Re: xbox question Thu, 31 March 2005 09:11 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Do you have the evo x dash board cause u should be able to play the movies from that
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June 2004
Re: xbox question Thu, 31 March 2005 09:37 Go to previous messageGo to next message
divx movies will play on your xbox no problems

but trying to copy a movie straight from a bought dvd wont work
you have to rip it to your pc and turn it into a avi or whatever.

did you copy it using the same program as you use for games.. dvd2xbox or whatever its called..

it just gives you the raw files.

someone correct me if im wrong and it is possible.
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Forums Junkie

May 2002
Re: xbox question Thu, 31 March 2005 09:44 Go to previous messageGo to next message
yes i have the evox dash, i can play the dvd from the disc but i wanted to play it on the HDD.

yes i used the dvd2xbox program, i had a feeling i couldnt play it, and i dont have a dvd drive on my pc to convert it Sad

with the divX movies that are on DVD, how can i watch them on xbox? it wont copy with dvd2xbox, will one of the other programs work? can i then use the media player to view them?

thanks Smile
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Forums Junkie

May 2002
Re: xbox question Thu, 31 March 2005 10:38 Go to previous messageGo to next message
get xbox media center Smile

best media player ever, the web site only has the source though as the XDK its compiled with is illegal

If you know how to use IRC and FTP u can get onto the #xbins channel on EFNET to find it
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Forums Junkie

May 2002
Re: xbox question Thu, 31 March 2005 12:11 Go to previous messageGo to next message
dood, i got no idea about using an FTP let alone settin up my xbox to do it Sad
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Forums Junkie

Rockhampton QLD
July 2004
Re: xbox question Thu, 31 March 2005 12:21 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Shocked i've had my xbox for a year now, i didn't realise you could mod them! who does it and what can you do to improve them? sorry for the hijack i'm just stunned Surprised
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Forums Junkie

Melbourne - NthSubs
January 2004
wtf is a jabber? a punch line?
Re: xbox question Thu, 31 March 2005 12:24 Go to previous messageGo to next message
i had one, it was fun, easy to copy games and stuff with the evoX dash, but donno about xbox live?
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Forums Junkie

Rockhampton QLD
July 2004
Re: xbox question Thu, 31 March 2005 12:28 Go to previous messageGo to next message
so if i get evox dash (whatever that is) i can rent games and save them to the hard drive yeah?
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Forums Junkie

I supported Toymods

Sutho/Hills NSW
September 2002
Re: xbox question Thu, 31 March 2005 12:38 Go to previous messageGo to next message
yea not that easy, the 10gb or 8gb drive depending on what model it is wont be able to hold many games you will need a larger hdd any IDE PC hdd will do but someone who knows what there doin to set it up, there partitioned differently to a normal pc hdd.

i have my xbox flashed, didnt require a chip and cost me a carton of beer and bought a 120gb hdd.

look in the traddingpost, heaps of people can do it
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Major Clod

August 2003
Re: xbox question Thu, 31 March 2005 12:45 Go to previous messageGo to next message
You will need a modchip in your xbox. This will allow you to read burnt media, and allow you to install a larger harddrive. Normal Xbox hard drives are around 10 gig, nowhere near enough information. EvoX is the easiest dashboard to use, you put that on once you have chipped and installed a new harddrive. It becomes your main menu of sorts.

You can copy games to your HDD, there are SNES, Genesis and N64 emulators out there, so it can be heaps of consoles in one. Xbox Media Center is awesome and lets you play DVDs, Movies, Music Etc... It can even read files on discs that EvoX and many others cannot.

Generally I will get episodes of shows like Lost, SG1, Battlestar, etc from people at work, I burn the files to DVD, chuck them in my Xbox and watch them on my widescreen.

There is heaps of stuff you can do with a chipped Xbox, a lot more versatile than just letting you pirate games.
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Forums Junkie

Rockhampton QLD
July 2004
Re: xbox question Thu, 31 March 2005 13:37 Go to previous messageGo to next message
WOW!! Surprised
it would be cool if you could get it to play playstation or pc games Laughing

i'm gonna look into getting it chipped and such. just goes to show how much more advanced it is than ps2!Laughing Twisted Evil
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Forums Junkie

Perth, WA
December 2004
Re: xbox question Thu, 31 March 2005 15:54 Go to previous messageGo to next message
86DRFT wrote on Thu, 31 March 2005 21:37

WOW!! Surprised
it would be cool if you could get it to play playstation or pc games Laughing

i'm gonna look into getting it chipped and such. just goes to show how much more advanced it is than ps2!Laughing Twisted Evil

dude, the xbox is essentially a pc crammed into a sexy case, you can do everything on that, that you can on a PC.


those 4 ports at the front for controllers are USB ports, just weird looking.

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Forums Junkie

May 2002
Re: xbox question Thu, 31 March 2005 16:13 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Mines similar to eviljacks cept i did it my self

Soft modded with a 120gig hard drive, i hackored it my self, lots of information on the net, no modchip needed and works like a charm, not sure on later models as im a bit outa the loop

My xbox has permanent cat5 running to it and it accesses movies and music off my file server Smile

as for EVOSTi i suggest you get on the internet and work out how to use FTP as its one of the only ways to get files onto the xbox over a network Smile Im pretty sure you could make a bootable CD that booted into media player, bit if u have a moded hard drive there is no reason not to install it on the hard drive.

FTP is pretty simple if you can use windows explorer you can use an FTP (explorer acts as an FTP Wink )

Just go to the IRC chan i told you about, follow the instructions the bot tells you then you can just go to in your internet explorer bar, should be able to download the latest version

Short of writing a step by step guide i cant help you anymore, so might have to find someone local who can be convinced to help for sexual favours (or non sexual, but we all know sexual is teh best) or go without Wink
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Forums Junkie

October 2003
Re: xbox question Thu, 31 March 2005 23:35 Go to previous messageGo to next message
I rececntly did mine and it was super easy.

Soldering iron and solder - $20 at dick stiff
Executer 2.6CE Lite - just shy of $50 delivered Divineo HK (took 2-3 days)
160Gig HDD - $140 from a random computer store in chinatown

Heaps of info on the net
Find out what version of XBOX you have and read the readily avaiable modification instructions for the chip you are buying before you go ahead with anything.
The easiest way to do things once your chip is installed and flashed and your HDD is in, is to make a boot disk with a dashboard and utils on it. This will allow you to boot via the disk, reformat your new drive and FTP the necessary files accross to it. If you boot up before you replace your drive, you can also copy your old save games off to put on your new drive.
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Forums Junkie

Rockhampton QLD
July 2004
Re: xbox question Fri, 01 April 2005 02:59 Go to previous messageGo to next message
EldarO wrote on Fri, 01 April 2005 01:54

86DRFT wrote on Thu, 31 March 2005 21:37

WOW!! Surprised
it would be cool if you could get it to play playstation or pc games Laughing

i'm gonna look into getting it chipped and such. just goes to show how much more advanced it is than ps2!Laughing Twisted Evil

dude, the xbox is essentially a pc crammed into a sexy case, you can do everything on that, that you can on a PC.


those 4 ports at the front for controllers are USB ports, just weird looking.


thats awsome, is it possible to surf the net at all? im guessing not.
its just the ultimate entertainment machine. Smile
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Forums Junkie

I supported Toymods

Sutho/Hills NSW
September 2002
Re: xbox question Fri, 01 April 2005 03:09 Go to previous messageGo to next message
you can, but why would you? Razz
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DRFT - 86

Batemans Bay, NSW
February 2005
Re: xbox question Mon, 04 April 2005 11:54 Go to previous messageGo to next message
gona have a x-box in my possesion within 2 weeks.....
fuck im gona be learning some shit over the next few months.......didnt realise u could do so much shit with them....
guess I'll be learning some PC tech stuff........hmm nerd been born........this is so not right Rolling Eyes
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Forums Junkie

September 2003
Re: xbox question Mon, 04 April 2005 13:01 Go to previous messageGo to next message
86DRFT wrote on Thu, 31 March 2005 22:21

Shocked i've had my xbox for a year now, i didn't realise you could mod them! who does it and what can you do to improve them? sorry for the hijack i'm just stunned Surprised

have you been living under a rock Rolling Eyes .
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Forums Junkie

Rockhampton QLD
July 2004
Re: xbox question Mon, 04 April 2005 13:44 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Embarassed ive heard about it a little bit, just no specifics, none of my friends have modded theirs so i didnt think about it till now. Rolling Eyes
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Forums Junkie

September 2003
Re: xbox question Mon, 04 April 2005 13:48 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Anyway i have both ps2 and xbox, and if you actually want to enjoy your games get a ps2, xbox sucks for games Twisted Evil .

**Runs and hides in a corner, after realising this is a XBOX thread Embarassed.

[Updated on: Mon, 04 April 2005 13:56]

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Forums Junkie

Rockhampton QLD
July 2004
Re: xbox question Mon, 04 April 2005 22:20 Go to previous messageGo to next message
what makes it more enjoyable? it cant be the shitty graphics, controllers and load times.
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Forums Junkie

September 2003
Re: xbox question Mon, 04 April 2005 23:09 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Have you played GranTurismo4?, nothing xbox has released can compare to it.
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Major Clod

August 2003
Re: xbox question Tue, 05 April 2005 01:44 Go to previous messageGo to next message
I've never been a fan of any of the GT games, they've never really done anything for me. I can't stand "realistic" racing games without damage either.

Microsofts Forza racing is being released soon. Supposedly better physics and damage too.

I've never liked the sony controllers. The analogue L and R buttons on the Xbox are a must for racing games.

There are plenty of fun games on both consoles. GTA: San Andreas is my fav PS2 game, but thats only because it was released on PS2 first and I wasn't going to wait nine months for it to arrive on PC.

Being able to run emulators for older consoles on a modded Xbox makes it the best party console. Also, networking four Xbox's and having a 16 player LAN on Halo 2 is awesome fun.
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Forums Junkie

Coffs Harbour, NSW
November 2004
Re: xbox question Tue, 05 April 2005 02:31 Go to previous messageGo to next message
smt_007 wrote on Tue, 05 April 2005 09:09

Have you played GranTurismo4?, nothing xbox has released can compare to it.

forza is out early may Razz
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December 2004
Re: xbox question Tue, 05 April 2005 03:10 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Forza motor sport is going to kill GT 4 in ever way possible, This game has got the most realistic handling, braking and speed simiulation that is out. If you smash your car in forza, the car will actually damage and it by smashin it will also effect the performance of the car, unlike GT 4 were you can go 300km into a wall and the bounch off it and the car still drives.

Forza may not have the 700 cars that gt 4 boasts it has but really half the cars on gt 4 are pieces of shit that you wouldnt even consider using to race in were as forza has the creme della creme of the automotive industry.
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Forums Junkie

Coffs Harbour, NSW
November 2004
Re: xbox question Tue, 05 April 2005 03:30 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Julz01 wrote on Tue, 05 April 2005 13:10

Forza motor sport is going to kill GT 4 in ever way possible, This game has got the most realistic handling, braking and speed simiulation that is out. If you smash your car in forza, the car will actually damage and it by smashin it will also effect the performance of the car, unlike GT 4 were you can go 300km into a wall and the bounch off it and the car still drives.

Forza may not have the 700 cars that gt 4 boasts it has but really half the cars on gt 4 are pieces of shit that you wouldnt even consider using to race in were as forza has the creme della creme of the automotive industry.

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Forums Junkie

September 2003
Re: xbox question Tue, 05 April 2005 03:48 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Have the Forza makers acually test drove over 500 cars on a race track and motorkhana course, with computers logging how the car handles, brakes and steers etc???.
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Corona RT142
Forums Junkie

November 2003
Re: xbox question Tue, 05 April 2005 04:37 Go to previous messageGo to next message
forza is now delayed until 12th june as fars as i know and GT4 has 700 cars but wtf half of them are the same anyway, comeon like 30 Skylines, Sti's and evo etc by the time you take out repeats you probably get down to 200-300 cars.
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Forums Junkie

Rockhampton QLD
July 2004
Re: xbox question Tue, 05 April 2005 05:36 Go to previous messageGo to next message
whats a simulator without damage? No No No Sleep

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Forums Junkie

September 2003
Re: xbox question Tue, 05 April 2005 05:56 Go to previous messageGo to next message
ok i will stop now, theres no gain in being a keyboard warrior, lets agree to disagree, because i know this can get out of hand Rolling Eyes.
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Forums Junkie

Coffs Harbour, NSW
November 2004
Re: xbox question Tue, 05 April 2005 06:06 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Corona RT142 wrote on Tue, 05 April 2005 14:37

forza is now delayed until 12th june as fars as i know and GT4 has 700 cars but wtf half of them are the same anyway, comeon like 30 Skylines, Sti's and evo etc by the time you take out repeats you probably get down to 200-300 cars.


it still says may on the xbox site, though Very Happy
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Corona RT142
Forums Junkie

November 2003
Re: xbox question Tue, 05 April 2005 06:12 Go to previous messageGo to next message
its wrong very wrong, in the Harvey Norman Catalogue i got on the weekend it had a thing for preordering Forza for $89.95 and the stated release date was the 12th of June
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Forums Junkie

May 2002
Re: xbox question Tue, 05 April 2005 06:21 Go to previous messageGo to next message
i got a ps2 with a few games, GT is ok not great, i bought an xbox soley for halo.
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Forums Junkie

September 2003
Re: xbox question Tue, 05 April 2005 06:25 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Yeah i bought a PS2 solely for GT3 and now GT4 Smile, XBOX is still good with its Hard drives and movie playing and backup of Full games Cool.
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February 2005
Re: xbox question Tue, 05 April 2005 06:47 Go to previous messageGo to next message
ehh i chose a ps2 over xbox coz..
1. i have my pc to browse the net, mp3, watch divx etc.
2. online games are heaps better on pc than ps2 and xbox anyway
3. the xbox is shit ugly. ps2 is heaps sexy. especially the slim version
4. gran turismo 4. if ur not playing this, ur definatly missing out on the best racing game currently available.

[Updated on: Tue, 05 April 2005 06:48]

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December 2004
Re: xbox question Thu, 07 April 2005 11:56 Go to previous messageGo to next message

nah it should be on track for release in early may, cause there having that halo 2 tournament in sydney where they are going to have the full version of forza setup witht thoses new vrx seats as well. so hopefully this is a good sign and Ive been to like most of the games stores in the city and I have gathered that it should be released at the earliest 29th april to the latest the 5 th may

[Updated on: Thu, 07 April 2005 11:59]

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Forums Junkie

Rockhampton QLD
July 2004
Re: xbox question Thu, 07 April 2005 12:14 Go to previous messageGo to next message
i'm quite fond of Rallisport Challenge 2 actually, easy to set the cars up for sliding, beautiful graphis and an amazing physics engine. it's fun for all the family!

screw the's allllll mine!
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Corona RT142
Forums Junkie

November 2003
Re: xbox question Thu, 07 April 2005 23:09 Go to previous messageGo to next message
i bought rallisport 2 found it way too easy and there was a scratch on the disc and it would stall after a while so i took it back and got my moneyback the graphics were good but the game was so easy it was not funny.

[Updated on: Thu, 07 April 2005 23:16]

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st184 sillycar
Forums Junkie

June 2004
Re: xbox question Fri, 08 April 2005 00:35 Go to previous messageGo to next message
I like the Xbox for the modchip experience - no load times off the Hard-disk my friends! Waiting for GT4 to spin in the PS2's drive is teh POOOH! I use teh Xbox as a cd player, DVD player, Movie repository etc. more than I play games on it now!

The only downside is I haven't got a switch to turn off the modchip, so I can't use my fully hektic broadband connection to go "Live!" Sad
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December 2004
Re: xbox question Fri, 08 April 2005 14:01 Go to previous messageGo to next message
st184 sillycar wrote on Fri, 08 April 2005 10:35

The only downside is I haven't got a switch to turn off the modchip, so I can't use my fully hektic broadband connection to go "Live!" Sad

Your missing out on live its good, only shit thing is that you have to buy all original games
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Forums Junkie

Perth, WA
December 2004
Re: xbox question Fri, 08 April 2005 14:44 Go to previous messageGo to next message
i have both ps2 and xbox, and the xbox is covered in dust and is left to one side... why? because the games are teh shitz0r.

what ps2 lacks in length, girth and sheer power, it makes up for in technique, its not how big your processor is, its how you use it!

and about the shit your giving gt4, you realise its a racing sim and not destruction derby? i doubt you have any idea how time consuming and expensive it is to generate code and models for damage?

in order for it to be the "perfect" sim, aswell as the perfect "crash" sim, it would have to have more capacity, would take about a year and a half longer to be released, the game would be so slow it would be like 80 year olds running a marithon, AND the loading times would be so long you can get up, have a piss, fix that annoying clunking sound in your engine bay, give your car a clean and polish, have a shower, make yourself some cereal, eat it, then sit down to play one 3 lap race.

in terms of a racing simulator, GT4 is god, forza may try, but the fact is, more cars, better gameplay will always win.

im not praising ps2, first off, i think the controller is something saddam hussein designed to give us all arthritis, but face it, its smaller, lighter, better looking and has more games than the xbox. japanese companies pretty much invented great games, yet xbox has no japanese developers!

and, one last thing, the xbox was purchased first with birthday money.

the ps2 was bought later because it was on special at $240 (this was 2 years back) at mega mart, including a free platinum game and a memory card, interestingly, that platinum game was gt3 Smile

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Forums Junkie

Perth, WA
December 2004
Re: xbox question Fri, 08 April 2005 14:48 Go to previous messageGo to next message
oh, i forgot, you guys are aware that you can mod the ps2 and put a hard drive in it?

i thought this was well known Confused

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Forums Junkie

Rockhampton QLD
July 2004
Re: xbox question Sat, 09 April 2005 02:15 Go to previous messageGo to next message
EldarO wrote on Sat, 09 April 2005 00:44

i have
in order for it to be the "perfect" sim, aswell as the perfect "crash" sim, it would have to have more capacity, would take about a year and a half longer to be released, the game would be so slow it would be like 80 year olds running a marithon, AND the loading times would be so long you can get up, have a piss, fix that annoying clunking sound in your engine bay, give your car a clean and polish, have a shower, make yourself some cereal, eat it, then sit down to play one 3 lap race.

not if it was run on an x-box Razz

like forza Twisted Evil
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Forums Junkie

Coffs Harbour, NSW
November 2004
Re: xbox question Sat, 09 April 2005 02:33 Go to previous messageGo to next message
EldarO wrote on Sat, 09 April 2005 00:44

gt4, you realise its a racing sim and not destruction derby?

the game would be so slow it would be like 80 year olds running a marithon, AND the loading times would be so long

in terms of a racing simulator, GT4 is god, forza may try, but the fact is, more cars, better gameplay will always win.

[the ps2 is] smaller, lighter, better looking and has more games than the xbox

racing simulations should be simulations. as someone else put earlier, what's a simulation without damage? i dont consider a racing game without damage to be a simulation, just an arcade game. which, mind you, are fun in their own right, but definitely cannot be called a simulation

the game would be agonizingly slow on the ps2, but with the xbox's hard drive, not so

gt4, again, as someone else put it, has heaps of slightly different versions of the cars, making up a lot of the numbers. most of the "duplicates" you would never bother to play, as well as some of the lower cars, simply shoved into gt4 to make up numbers

and seriously, i dont really care which console is lighter, smaller, as in my case, it's just going to sit there. i hardly ever move it around. also, i dont mind if it's chunky as long as it has the brains to back it up. i reckon the xbox is "better looking" than the ps2, because it reflects its abilities hehehe also, in regard to the volume of games, the ps2 has been out for how much longer than the xbox? and already had a cult following Rolling Eyes
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Forums Junkie

Rockhampton QLD
July 2004
Re: xbox question Sat, 09 April 2005 02:39 Go to previous messageGo to next message
yeah....what he said^^^
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December 2004
Re: xbox question Sat, 09 April 2005 11:11 Go to previous messageGo to next message
EldarO wrote on Sat, 09 April 2005 00:44

and about the shit your giving gt4, you realise its a racing sim and not destruction derby? i doubt you have any idea how time consuming and expensive it is to generate code and models for damage?

in order for it to be the "perfect" sim, aswell as the perfect "crash" sim, it would have to have more capacity, would take about a year and a half longer to be released, the game would be so slow it would be like 80 year olds running a marithon, AND the loading times would be so long you can get up, have a piss, fix that annoying clunking sound in your engine bay, give your car a clean and polish, have a shower, make yourself some cereal, eat it, then sit down to play one 3 lap race.

in terms of a racing simulator, GT4 is god, forza may try, but the fact is, more cars, better gameplay will always win.


You can still have not proved to me how GT4 has better game play when forza boasts more realistic features, in my opinion the demo of forza in which you get to race on laguna seca, the game play is alot feel of it is alot better then racing on the same track in GT4 , which makes it more of a simulator. And the fact is if they had a game on PS2 that was on the same level as forza it proably would lag as the xbox is a more powerfull machine that could handle alot more then the PS2.

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Forums Junkie

February 2005
Re: xbox question Sat, 09 April 2005 11:47 Go to previous messageGo to next message
PS2 is heaps better in my opinion, sure the graphics aren't as good but the game selection drops cosby's all over xbox's. The punisher is fkn awesome, not as good as manhunt, but still fkn great. You get to kill people american history X style!
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December 2004
Re: xbox question Sat, 09 April 2005 11:49 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Yea the punisher looks pretty good, but it is on xbox as well thus better graphics lol
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February 2005
Re: xbox question Sun, 10 April 2005 01:05 Go to previous messageGo to next message
EldarO wrote on Sat, 09 April 2005 00:44

its not how big your processor is, its how you use it!

lol i love that.
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Forums Junkie

Coffs Harbour, NSW
November 2004
Re: xbox question Sun, 10 April 2005 02:01 Go to previous messageGo to next message
unforgiven wrote on Sat, 09 April 2005 21:47

[the ps2's] game selection drops cosby's all over xbox's

ill say it again:
how much longer has the ps2 been out than the xbox?
the ps2 already had a cult following, both in customers and developers respects

and seriously, heaps of the games are really similar
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Forums Junkie

I supported Toymods

June 2002
Re: xbox question Sun, 10 April 2005 09:45 Go to previous messageGo to next message
um, something about XBOXes

if you dont want to pay micro$oft money to play xbox on the interweb you can allways use xbconnect, which is free, and you can play your legitimate backup games on it too.

as for the divexes, if this hasen't been answered, here is what you do if you dont have a dvdrom on your PC

network to your xbox using flashFXP

go to your dvdrom directory, copy the divexes to your PC, then FTP them back on to your xbox in your video directory.

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Forums Junkie

May 2002
Re: xbox question Sun, 10 April 2005 11:06 Go to previous messageGo to next message
cept you need a network card on your pc which i dont have unfortunately Sad
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December 2004
Re: xbox question Mon, 11 April 2005 00:57 Go to previous messageGo to next message
and xbox connect is pretty laggy even when you play with australians
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Forums Junkie

May 2002
Re: xbox question Mon, 11 April 2005 01:02 Go to previous messageGo to next message
EVOSTi wrote on Sun, 10 April 2005 21:06

cept you need a network card on your pc which i dont have unfortunately Sad

gezzz come on swap meets have them for like $5 must have at least one network card to be cool
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Forums Junkie

Perth, WA
December 2004
Re: xbox question Mon, 11 April 2005 02:22 Go to previous messageGo to next message
xbox and forza both eat asshole,

the idea of a RACING sim is that you stay on the track, you stay away from other racers, because, after all, it is a RACE and not destruction derby.

whine whine whine, the end result is, ps2 has more games, the games are better, more people own ps2,

and on top of all that, i couldnt really give two shits about what you guys think because you obviously arent me and what you think doesnt affect me in the slightest.

ok, now, let get back to admiring the great b00bs of this world Cool

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Corona RT142
Forums Junkie

November 2003
Re: xbox question Mon, 11 April 2005 02:35 Go to previous messageGo to next message
dude you have to stay on the track in forza and with damage i can't see you just barging through the pack and bouncing off walls etc that may help you attain faster times.
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December 2004
Re: xbox question Mon, 11 April 2005 09:12 Go to previous messageGo to next message

dosnt sound like it Laughing

[Updated on: Mon, 11 April 2005 10:03]

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Forums Junkie

Coffs Harbour, NSW
November 2004
Re: xbox question Mon, 11 April 2005 09:41 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Corona RT142 wrote on Mon, 11 April 2005 12:35

dude you have to stay on the track in forza and with damage i can't see you just barging through the pack and bouncing off walls etc that may help you attain faster times.

just cos you have damage, doesnt mean its gonna be a "destruction derby", it just means you'll have to become a better (virtual) driver Razz
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Forums Junkie

Rockhampton QLD
July 2004
Re: xbox question Mon, 11 April 2005 10:54 Go to previous messageGo to previous message
EldarO wrote on Mon, 11 April 2005 12:22

xbox and forza both eat asshole,

the idea of a RACING sim is that you stay on the track, you stay away from other racers, because, after all, it is a RACE and not destruction derby.

whine whine whine, the end result is, ps2 has more games, the games are better, more people own ps2,

and on top of all that, i couldnt really give two shits about what you guys think because you obviously arent me and what you think doesnt affect me in the slightest.


yeah, i mean, you never see real race cars going off the track or hitting each other do you? Rolling Eyes
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