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Location: Perth, WA
Registered: December 2004
licence plates getting out of control.
Thu, 31 March 2005 12:01
pulled out of the quokka this week, what the hell is wrong with people?

Location: Perth, WA
Registered: December 2004
Re: licence plates getting out of control.
Thu, 31 March 2005 12:05

Custom Number Plates "AFK" ("Away From Keyboard" a kind of tongue in cheek joke at my own lifestyle). Suits any Nerd, Geek or plain jane/joe with no life and addiction to the web and a twisted sense of humor. Polycarbonate, black with white text. for sale $400 ONO
ahhaah funny sheet!
i already know there was a thread about licence plates, but this is about the ones being stupidly expensive, but i just found this description funny!
Location: Somewhere on a dirt bowl ...
Registered: August 2004
Re: licence plates getting out of control.
Fri, 01 April 2005 01:31

Acouple of months back on ebay someone on the sunny coast here was trying to sell "TAX SUX" plates for about $75,000 from memory.
Location: Wollongong
Registered: March 2005
Re: licence plates getting out of control.
Fri, 01 April 2005 01:33

fuck custom plates
not worth the money
rather put it towards other stuff
like titties and beer

Location: Campbelltown
Registered: November 2003
Re: licence plates getting out of control.
Fri, 01 April 2005 01:35

speaking of tongue in cheek there is a guy with a merc in our area used to be an older one but now a newer i think high model where talking 150K here with the plate lfesux

Location: QLD, Gold Coast
Registered: February 2004
Re: licence plates getting out of control.
Fri, 01 April 2005 02:51

yeah i saw one with just the number 1 for like 300k, i think were all in the wrong business, we should be selling licence plates

Location: Campbelltown
Registered: November 2003
Re: licence plates getting out of control.
Fri, 01 April 2005 02:59

number one would be worth heaps they are the only ones with true value though all these other ones like geoffrey etc for 25k is bullshit, i saw IBM advertised for 2.5 million. My uncle collects early edition plates he has a few one on everything he owns which is quite a few cars earliest is number 80. In SA thats worth about 25K if it were NSW it would be near 100K. He has had the plates for a long time though.

Location: Wollongong
Registered: May 2002
Re: licence plates getting out of control.
Fri, 01 April 2005 09:05

Corona RT142 wrote on Fri, 01 April 2005 11:35 | speaking of tongue in cheek there is a guy with a merc in our area used to be an older one but now a newer i think high model where talking 150K here with the plate lfesux
LOL, saw him driving through the Cross last Saturday night.

Location: Sydney
Registered: November 2003
Re: licence plates getting out of control.
Fri, 01 April 2005 09:58

was talking to a toyota dealer up the coast and he said someone traded in a car with number plate "7", the dude goes do u wana keep ur plate? guy was just like nah means nothing to me.
transfered the plate into his name after he traded it, has been offered 25k for it but turned it down, said hes jsut gona hang onto it.

Location: Melbourne
Registered: June 2004
Re: licence plates getting out of control.
Fri, 01 April 2005 10:02

Man, Vicroads charge $28 for standard plates, $400 for custom.
Do you know how much beer $370 buys ? ! ? !
for the not-so-good-at-maths, that's 10 slabs.
I know which I'd rather take home with me . . .
Location: NSW, East Coast
Registered: July 2003
Re: licence plates getting out of control.
Sat, 02 April 2005 12:49

Whats the go with NSW RTA charging minimum $130 for any new plate that you order, if you choos ethe letter and number combo.
I was thinking of getting LAZ14A for me hachi but $130 per year is just revenue raising bullshit.
My Rant

Location: Liverpool
Registered: February 2005
Re: licence plates getting out of control.
Sat, 02 April 2005 22:47

I just went and ordered some last week. The ones on my RA28 were DAZ-18T. The previous owner's name is Darren.
I got the slimline white plates with a combination of letters and numbers more befitting my size and age.
Cheers, Greg.
Location: NSW Engadine
Registered: June 2003
Re: licence plates getting out of control.
Sat, 02 April 2005 23:20

There used to be a SL500 Mercedes with 20" Lowenharts on it with DA LIFE number plate... wonder how much he payed for those...

I supported Toymods
Location: Sydney
Registered: May 2002
Re: licence plates getting out of control.
Mon, 04 April 2005 01:48

Quote: | "TAX SUX" plates for about $75,000 from memory.
| Think I mentioned somewhere here before that's the first custom plate I ever saw. Would be around 20 years old now. First saw it on a red 3 series BMW in the late 80's. I even remember the street I saw it in.
Among the dumbest I seen from memory is 'YNVME4'

I supported Toymods
Location: SA; Home of Car Scene BS
Registered: January 2004
Re: licence plates getting out of control.
Mon, 04 April 2005 02:32

farking jebus....... 70odd k for shitty plates like them???? what the hell am i doing??
SILYCAR plates... how much do people wanna offer??? heheh!!!!
i was offered 4000 and i turned it down..... everyone knows me as SILYCAR... how could i sell the plates??!!!
come on... what ya reckon i could get?

Membership Secretary
Location: Sydney
Registered: June 2002
Re: licence plates getting out of control.
Mon, 04 April 2005 03:40

Saw a Merc 4x4 cruiseing summer nats with plates
that was damm funny.

On Probation
Location: Hobart
Registered: December 2004
Re: licence plates getting out of control.
Mon, 04 April 2005 03:45

unless u r completely retarded, have no friends or life or just have so much money it s coming out your arse... why hte fuck would u want custom plates for.. its not like anyoen but u really gives a shit about them anyway... i would much rather spend the $$$ on a phat turbo that a bunch of shitty numbers and letter when ultimately no one gives a flying toss!
my 2c worth!

Location: Sydney
Registered: May 2003
Re: licence plates getting out of control.
Mon, 04 April 2005 04:43

at the end of the day it is personal choice sometimes personal plates top off the car esp when your building a nice show car. I could never sell my personal plates and even if i did i would still been known as FLYNSX.

I supported Toymods
Location: Sydney
Registered: May 2002
Re: licence plates getting out of control.
Mon, 04 April 2005 07:44

It definitely becomes an identity thing. When it's used in that context, there's nothing wrong with it.
Using plates to make a statement/s though, is entering tossbag territory

Location: cambo
Registered: May 2002
Re: licence plates getting out of control.
Mon, 04 April 2005 09:45

i get my plates in two weeks i got XAE92X

Location: Canberra
Registered: September 2003
Re: licence plates getting out of control.
Tue, 05 April 2005 05:36

My personal plates include YEP11S and YSP33D oh and not to mention the girlfriends plates YUP11E

Location: Liverpool
Registered: February 2005
Re: licence plates getting out of control.
Tue, 05 April 2005 05:42

The ones I recently purchased read FAT-01D
fat and old.....get it?

Location: Coffs Harbour, NSW
Registered: November 2004
Re: licence plates getting out of control.
Tue, 05 April 2005 06:15

Farkurnell wrote on Tue, 05 April 2005 15:42 | The ones I recently purchased read FAT-01D
fat and old.....get it?

I supported Toymods
Location: SA; Home of Car Scene BS
Registered: January 2004
Re: licence plates getting out of control.
Tue, 05 April 2005 14:16

see, yes i pay $240 a year to have my plates 'SILYCAR' but the thing is, my car goes into shows and everyone in adelaide knows the car.....
its good when your friends with cops.... if they see your car they know that your the only one who should be driving it,so if it ever gets stolen or shit they will get pulled over automatically!!!
also good coz you can mention your car and everyone knows you... and good for friends to mention at different places - then they get discount.. friends of friends prices!!
bad coz EVERYONE knows you and you cant do anything without the rest of the state finding out.....
wouldnt change my plates unless i sold the car

Location: Perth, WA
Registered: December 2004
Re: licence plates getting out of control.
Tue, 05 April 2005 15:09

in WA as far as i know, you pay a once off and keep your plates at normal rates...
sucks to be you guys..
my mate just got plates, cost him $390 fully custom though...

Registered: July 2003
Re: licence plates getting out of control.
Tue, 05 April 2005 15:53

same with qld. once you've bought personalised plates, you own them > *

I supported Toymods
Location: SA; Home of Car Scene BS
Registered: January 2004
Re: licence plates getting out of control.
Thu, 07 April 2005 09:09

personalised plates here are 140 once off... but these are custom plates.... 240 a year... and its coz there are no numbers... just letters.... and 7 of em
yes it sucks to be us

Location: wollongong NSW
Registered: August 2003
Re: licence plates getting out of control.
Thu, 07 April 2005 11:47

79rollaboy wrote on Sun, 03 April 2005 09:20 | There used to be a SL500 Mercedes with 20" Lowenharts on it with DA LIFE number plate... wonder how much he payed for those...
those paltes are now on an oldish lexus with a green p plater driving all the time

Location: Sydney
Registered: April 2004
Re: licence plates getting out of control.
Thu, 07 April 2005 12:05

I saw LEBSXY on a riced lancer.
Also today I saw one I thought was a cool coincidence.
XAE860 (random gen black/yellow plate) and it was on a newish corolla being driven by a granny

Location: Sydney
Registered: November 2004
Re: licence plates getting out of control.
Thu, 07 April 2005 13:00

As silycar stated the good thing about custom plates is will be well known around especially in the car scene but the downfall to that iz u cant do n e fing without the whole state knowing about it!
either way itz the car owners choice, the plates making a statement can be pretty ghey sumtimes but if its used as an identity thing i dont c any harm in it!!! shame the rta iz making a killing off us!
I have a set of plates on hold in sydney $400 for the year plus $10 holding fee n I think theres more on that 2 for the first year???

Location: Gunnedah NSW
Registered: July 2004

Location: Balranald
Registered: May 2002
Re: licence plates getting out of control.
Sun, 10 April 2005 05:06

Ages ago I was playing around on the RTA site and saw DRIFTR was available....then about 6 months later saw it for sale inthe Sydney Morning Herald for $10, i'm still kicking myself.
Also IJZ25T for my Soarer was available for ages and I messed about too long thinking about it and now it's gone.

Location: Adelaide
Registered: January 2004
Re: licence plates getting out of control.
Sun, 10 April 2005 06:05

Last night i saw the plates ive been looking for aaaages for.
chick wouldnt pull over ffs would have bought the car off her for it, as im looking for an ae82 for my brother anyways.

Location: Campbelltown
Registered: November 2003
Re: licence plates getting out of control.
Sun, 10 April 2005 23:09
i saw a jacked up surf with the number plate not-low