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Forums Junkie

Central Coast, NSW
February 2005
Computer setups in cars Wed, 06 April 2005 04:35 Go to next message
Hi everyone Cool

While discussing in another thread the ability to use a car audio system hooked up to your PC, a few of us started to drift onto the topic of putting PC's in cars.

I was just curious, how many of you guys have done this, or something similar?

The topic of touch screens was also hinted at, how many people know of what sort of expense you'd be going to with such a thing?

Someday I'd like to sort out some sort of VIA EPIA mini-itx system, for mp3's.. possible video recording (doubt it at this stage... it's a soarer not a drift sprinter Wink ), DVD's (maybe?) and for other miscellaneous stuff that you can do with a computer... maybe have an emulator running in there for some in-car entertainment... etc.. and have it all integrated into my car as neat and tidy looking as possible.

Recording footage of a run, then play it back and preview the footage in your car with your integrated PC would be cool though!

Any thoughts on the subject? I'm sure plenty of you must have a whole lot of ideas or have done stuff to this effect.

Looking forward to seeing what's been done!


edit: Just got another idea.

Have a wireless access point installed in a car, and have each car with a computer fitted in it have a wireless card. Then, you can have a teamspeak or equivalent easy to use voice comm program installed and have constant voice contact with each other! While a two-way would probably be easier, how slick would that be!

Kinda geeky having all your cars in a cruise all networked but.
Maybe you should ignore that last part Laughing Laughing Laughing

[Updated on: Wed, 06 April 2005 04:39]

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Forums Junkie

I supported Toymods

May 2002
Re: Computer setups in cars Wed, 06 April 2005 04:53 Go to previous messageGo to next message
I like that last idea Smile On a serious note though, one of the VIA EPIA board would be great. Play DVD's and DivX, more importantly, play music via the CD player, or stored on a HDD. All controlled by a touch screen LCD mounted where the stereo used to be. I will do this one day Smile
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Forums Junkie

Central Coast, NSW
February 2005
Re: Computer setups in cars Wed, 06 April 2005 05:03 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Squid mentioned in the other thread that touchscreens arent as hard or expensive as I might think.

I'm not too familiar with how a touchscreen would hook up , anyone know and would like to share that info?

Also, how expensive is "not very expensive?

Lastly... I've got an old laptop, it's 14" LCD screen does 1024x768.

Can that screen be disconnected and then reconnected somehow to a different computer? I thought about integrating the laptop, but it's only a pentium MMX 266mhz therefore isn't quite "capable" of fulfilling my needs. Smile
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Forums Junkie

I supported Toymods

May 2002
Re: Computer setups in cars Wed, 06 April 2005 05:05 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Easiest option would be to go through ebay and look for a small touch screen display that would fit inside a DIN sized space.
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Forums Junkie

Melbourne - NthSubs
January 2004
wtf is a jabber? a punch line?
Re: Computer setups in cars Wed, 06 April 2005 05:05 Go to previous messageGo to next message
i have a laptop connected up to my tape deck Rolling Eyes
but it was pretty cool with the mp3's and shit cos it was one of thoses one where it had a jack for a cdplayer or something
might get a projector or something to display movieclips and shit on the rear windows for uber rice Surprised
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Forums Junkie

Central Coast, NSW
February 2005
Re: Computer setups in cars Wed, 06 April 2005 05:10 Go to previous messageGo to next message
when i used to have a decent laptop (sold it and bought a decent PC....) i used to have it plugged into my old tape deck as well, with one of those cd-player car kit things.

But i want something a little more permanent than a laptop sitting on the passenger seat...

but at the same time, i dont wanna just fasten a massive bracket and have a huge laptop sitting in the middle of the car... i want it discreet...hidden... as if it came with the car.

All i want to be able to see is the controls for using the pc (and even then, if not just buttons on the centre console i want to be able to hide it somewhere) and the LCD screen.

and a touchscreen LCD that fits in a DIN? wouldn't that be a bit too small?

Or you mean one that folds flat then slides into it, and when you wanna use it, you slide it out and fold it up so you can see it? That would be friggin awesome.
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Forums Junkie

I supported Toymods

May 2002
Re: Computer setups in cars Wed, 06 April 2005 05:17 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Nah, it'd be alright. You don't really need it to display much, so it wouldn't be a big issue.
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Forums Junkie

Central Coast, NSW
February 2005
Re: Computer setups in cars Wed, 06 April 2005 05:21 Go to previous messageGo to next message
justcallmefrank wrote on Wed, 06 April 2005 15:17

Nah, it'd be alright. You don't really need it to display much, so it wouldn't be a big issue.

but.... it's a computer!

I'd want a screen that could at least do 320x240

What would you be doing on a PC with a screen that's so small it fits in a DIN?

double-din maybe could be alright Smile

[Updated on: Wed, 06 April 2005 05:22]

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Forums Junkie

I supported Toymods

May 2002
Re: Computer setups in cars Wed, 06 April 2005 05:23 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Sorry, I meant double DIN, not single.
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Forums Junkie

Central Coast, NSW
February 2005
Re: Computer setups in cars Wed, 06 April 2005 05:29 Go to previous messageGo to next message
ah ok

that would be sufficient display area.

Just wondering... would a normal sized computer consume too much power to make it feasible?

'cause you could probably pick up the equivalent to a VIA PC (p3 1ghz, probably with some SDRAM for very cheap or that comes with it for much cheaper than one of these VIA boards.

I know the VIA EPIA board would be the preferred option, because of its size, much lower power consumption, ease of use and the fact that it's got EVERYTHING onboard, but would a normal sized computer put too much strain on the battery? It would just be so much cheaper to do it this way. Although I doubt I could fit everything in the glovebox/under the seat if I did it this way. EPIA you certainly could.

Also would you guys fit a UPS in your car as well, so that when the engine goes out it keeps supplying power to the computer?

Some UPS's you can configure so when the power cuts out the computer goes into hibernate as well... could be useful for not having to worry about shutting down the PC before you turn off the car!

[Updated on: Wed, 06 April 2005 05:30]

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Forums Junkie

I supported Toymods

May 2002
Re: Computer setups in cars Wed, 06 April 2005 05:32 Go to previous messageGo to next message
And older computer would probably be fine. The VIA stuff has the advantage that 1) they come in fanless and 2) they come on the tiny miniITX platform.
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Forums Junkie

September 2003
Re: Computer setups in cars Wed, 06 April 2005 05:34 Go to previous messageGo to next message
What exactly do you want to do?, you can get an xbox to do most things, or get a Laptop Razz .
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Forums Junkie

Central Coast, NSW
February 2005
Re: Computer setups in cars Wed, 06 April 2005 05:40 Go to previous messageGo to next message
justcallmefrank wrote on Wed, 06 April 2005 15:32

1) they come in fanless and 2) they come on the tiny miniITX platform.

cooling would be a bit of a problem for a normal PC :/


plus, you're right, the fact that those 800mhz EPIA's are the size of a CD jewel case and are fanless is pretty damn cool.

Might just wait and do that...

Have you ever been to ?

Some interesting stuff on there and i havent checked it out lately, but there might be an article regarding someone doing an install in a car, and they might have thought of ideas we havent. Smile

Then again, looking at this

Makes me think i could just turn the centre console piece between the passenger seats into a car entertainment control center... heh

the possibilities!

When i do this, my screensaver has to be words on the screen that say "WARNING, DANGER TO MANIFOLD"

(people who've seen fast and the furious will get it)

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Forums Junkie

I supported Toymods

May 2002
Re: Computer setups in cars Wed, 06 April 2005 05:41 Go to previous messageGo to next message
There is multiple ones in cars there. I'll chat later when I get back home.
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Forums Junkie

Melbourne - NthSubs
January 2004
wtf is a jabber? a punch line?
Re: Computer setups in cars Wed, 06 April 2005 05:45 Go to previous messageGo to next message
best option is a laptop, only because of the moving parts thing etc... u could setup one of them lcd monitors on the dash or something and just connect it to the laptop

+ the laptops got dem touch mouse pad things
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Forums Junkie

Central Coast, NSW
February 2005
Re: Computer setups in cars Wed, 06 April 2005 05:49 Go to previous messageGo to next message
rthy wrote on Wed, 06 April 2005 15:45

best option is a laptop, only because of the moving parts thing etc... u could setup one of them lcd monitors on the dash or something and just connect it to the laptop

+ the laptops got dem touch mouse pad things

yeah but laptops aren't "integrated" therefore just give the impression of something bolted into the car.

Unless you mean get an old laptop, pull it apart, and hide it all in the dash/under a seat and just have the screen on the center console?

That could work.
But my only cheapo laptop that ive got now isnt fast enough for what i'd use it for..

and if you were really budget, a mini-itx system with one of those via systems (excluding the LCD, cause i dont know how much a small LCD would cost) wouldnt cost you more than $400 probably

A laptop would be quite a bit more.

You could always buy a touchpad later on, cut a hole in the centre console near the shifter, and put it in there.


That's the shifter surround for my soarer
That bit at the bottom could be cut out and a touchpad would fit in there perfectly!!!

But i digress. We wouldnt need a touchpad if we had a touchscreen LCD.

However, not needing a touchscreen LCD means it would be a fair bit cheaper!


Come on, there must be some people with more ideas out there! Smile
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Forums Junkie

I supported Toymods

November 2003
Re: Computer setups in cars Wed, 06 April 2005 05:59 Go to previous messageGo to next message
IPod + RCA input = Done
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Forums Junkie

Central Coast, NSW
February 2005
Re: Computer setups in cars Wed, 06 April 2005 06:13 Go to previous messageGo to next message
CrUZsida wrote on Wed, 06 April 2005 15:59

IPod + RCA input = Done

For just audio, yeah... That would be the perfect solution.

But if I wanted just audio I'd keep using the kenwood KDC-126 CD player I've got Smile

The added versatility of having a computer in the car I'm sure would come in handy..

(But it is kind of a waste of money I guess... the money spent on putting a computer in my car could be spent on rims, or a new exhaust... aaagh! I'll be getting those things before I put a computer in my car anyway, heh)

How many people have USB ports in their dash? Laughing

[Updated on: Wed, 06 April 2005 06:15]

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Major Clod

August 2003
Re: Computer setups in cars Wed, 06 April 2005 06:21 Go to previous messageGo to next message
An Ipod doesn't give you video, games, video recording, etc...

A modchipped Xbox would be quite cool to do, with a bit of stuffing around you could get everything to work except for video recording. You also don't need to run Windows, you can boot into any dashboard, and you don't need to cater for the need to shut down the PC. You could also take apart an xbox controller and mount some of the controls in your center console.

I was looking into a car PC a few years ago. You can get Touch screen LCD interfaces off ebay for a few hundred. MiniITX and miniATX boards are easy enough.

The power supply is something people overlook. You could go the dodge and use an inverter, but I'd prefer to use a proper 12V switching PSU that can cater for the ATX soft powerup.

There are a few PSU's on the market that run off 12V, but they are a few hundred $$$'s.

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Forums Junkie

I supported Toymods

November 2003
Re: Computer setups in cars Wed, 06 April 2005 06:26 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Major Clod wrote on Wed, 06 April 2005 14:21

An Ipod doesn't give you video, games, video recording, etc...

Yeah, coz i spend THAT much time in my car that I see the need for a TV/Video/console game.

Cmon, what a WOFTAM.
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Forums Junkie

Central Coast, NSW
February 2005
Re: Computer setups in cars Wed, 06 April 2005 06:33 Go to previous messageGo to next message
CrUZsida wrote on Wed, 06 April 2005 16:26


waste of f*kn time and money?

You're probably right. hehe

But since I dont need to buy a harddrive, getting an EPIA board and a small LCD screen would cost less than a 20gig ipod, and i'd have around 100gig of space.

So its still a feasible option for me as an mp3 player
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Major Clod

August 2003
Re: Computer setups in cars Wed, 06 April 2005 06:35 Go to previous messageGo to next message
CrUZsida wrote on Wed, 06 April 2005 16:26

Major Clod wrote on Wed, 06 April 2005 14:21

An Ipod doesn't give you video, games, video recording, etc...

Yeah, coz i spend THAT much time in my car that I see the need for a TV/Video/console game.

Cmon, what a WOFTAM.

Just because you're not interested doesn't mean that others aren't either. Besides, the initial question was about computer systems, not just MP3 players.

It would be stupid to start an argument over what people perceive as a waste of money and time, this forum is full of that already.
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Forums Junkie

I supported Toymods

November 2003
Re: Computer setups in cars Wed, 06 April 2005 06:44 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Hey, I'm all for wasting money on a car, but waste it on something you are gonna use.

When honestly are you going to use videos/games etc in a car?

Video recording has its benefits, but you can do that easily with a digicam so its kinda redundant.
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Forums Junkie

Perth, WA
December 2004
Re: Computer setups in cars Wed, 06 April 2005 07:02 Go to previous messageGo to next message
run a computer system in the glove box, behind some perspex or something, with a neon or two.

cooling wouldnt be too much of an issue, it would just cost a fair bit for all of the water cooling pipes youd have to run out from the heater or some other place...

i realise that this water is fairly hot, hence a heater... but it would still run the thing cooler than an air flow setup.

Score, i just found some ipod headphones in the laptop im using in tafe.

also, you could somehow mount some sort of controller onto the steering wheel for shifting through songs/vidclips...

maybe one of those flexible rubber keyboards slapped onto the dash aswell?


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Forster NSW
September 2004
Re: Computer setups in cars Wed, 06 April 2005 07:29 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Merudo wrote on Wed, 06 April 2005 15:29

ah ok

that would be sufficient display area.

Just wondering... would a normal sized computer consume too much power to make it feasible?

'cause you could probably pick up the equivalent to a VIA PC (p3 1ghz, probably with some SDRAM for very cheap or that comes with it for much cheaper than one of these VIA boards.

I know the VIA EPIA board would be the preferred option, because of its size, much lower power consumption, ease of use and the fact that it's got EVERYTHING onboard, but would a normal sized computer put too much strain on the battery? It would just be so much cheaper to do it this way. Although I doubt I could fit everything in the glovebox/under the seat if I did it this way. EPIA you certainly could.

Also would you guys fit a UPS in your car as well, so that when the engine goes out it keeps supplying power to the computer?

Some UPS's you can configure so when the power cuts out the computer goes into hibernate as well... could be useful for not having to worry about shutting down the PC before you turn off the car!

A computer wouldn't consume much power at all. I read of one person who put a computer in his car, that had left it on overnight. The car still started the next morning. (computer only, no monitors)
They might draw 10amps on the +12v and the same on +5v. Which isn't a great deal.

The biggest problem comes with the power supplies. You can go with an inverter, but for what you need this is pricey. Considering it needs to be a sinewave inverter. Plus the problem with that is it seems rather impractical to convert 12volts DC up to 240volts AC, and then back down to 12v/5v DC. DC-DC power supplies are also dear and more so rare to come across.
The advantage of a good DC-DC unit is, that the input supply can usually be from around 8v - 16v, so the PC stays on while you crank the engine over.
I'm looking into an in car PC myself at the moment, power supplies are the only thing giving me grief. Looking into making my own...

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Forums Junkie

I supported Toymods

November 2003
Re: Computer setups in cars Wed, 06 April 2005 07:32 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Dale_ta22 wrote on Wed, 06 April 2005 15:29

[They might draw 10amps on the +12v and the same on +5v. Which isn't a great deal.

10amps overnight is more than enough to completely drain the battery.

A pair of headlights draw 10A, and most cars wont start if you leave them on for 2 or more hours.
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Forster NSW
September 2004
Re: Computer setups in cars Wed, 06 April 2005 08:16 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Ok my mistake there.
The +12 and +5v circuits in them provide around 10amps, whether they draw that amount of power I don't know.
One guy's DC-DC power supply only put out 1.2amps on the +12v. So now I'm quite confused.

In the example I used, the person was also using an inverter. I should add.
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Forums Junkie

I supported Toymods

May 2002
Re: Computer setups in cars Wed, 06 April 2005 08:25 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Peewee, I'm so doing this just to piss you off Smile
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Forums Junkie

I supported Toymods

November 2003
Re: Computer setups in cars Wed, 06 April 2005 08:26 Go to previous messageGo to next message
And watch me laugh as the XX takes another 2.5 years.
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Forums Junkie

I supported Toymods

May 2002
Re: Computer setups in cars Wed, 06 April 2005 08:28 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Go fix that ignition fuckup of yours Smile But the wires are all the same Laughing
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Forums Junkie

I supported Toymods

November 2003
Re: Computer setups in cars Wed, 06 April 2005 08:30 Go to previous messageGo to next message
justcallmefrank wrote on Wed, 06 April 2005 16:28

Go fix that ignition fuckup of yours Smile But the wires are all the same Laughing

Oh, I will when I work out wtf is going on Confused
But at least I can drive it! Razz
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Forums Junkie

Melbourne - NthSubs
January 2004
wtf is a jabber? a punch line?
Re: Computer setups in cars Wed, 06 April 2005 08:42 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Merudo wrote on Wed, 06 April 2005 16:33

CrUZsida wrote on Wed, 06 April 2005 16:26


waste of f*kn time and money?

You're probably right. hehe

But since I dont need to buy a harddrive, getting an EPIA board and a small LCD screen would cost less than a 20gig ipod, and i'd have around 100gig of space.

So its still a feasible option for me as an mp3 player

yea, i also bought one of em usb mp3 players, and mounted it like a turbo timer Rolling Eyes
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Forums Junkie

Central Coast, NSW
February 2005
Re: Computer setups in cars Wed, 06 April 2005 08:49 Go to previous messageGo to next message
rthy wrote on Wed, 06 April 2005 18:42

yea, i also bought one of em usb mp3 players, and mounted it like a turbo timer Rolling Eyes

did it pull chicks?
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Forums Junkie

Melbourne - NthSubs
January 2004
wtf is a jabber? a punch line?
Re: Computer setups in cars Wed, 06 April 2005 08:51 Go to previous messageGo to next message
LEFT RIGHT AND CENTER! and the cars not even on the road yet! Rolling Eyes

but it did work fine, only problem was the ghey battery which can be fixed by one of em power adaptor things
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Forums Junkie

July 2003
Re: Computer setups in cars Wed, 06 April 2005 08:57 Go to previous messageGo to next message
the touch screens connect AND emulate a mouse device at least all the commerical POS stuff does. you can see i sell POS Smile

you can hunt down little 8-12" touch panels that are designed for POS use but im sure you could adapt. the VIA based gear would be perfect for this application low power consumption, just enough oomph, small space and low heat.

water cooling from your engine coolant would be impracticle as the water is HOTTER then the ideal temperatiure you want the gear to be running at hence you would be heating rather then cooling your computer gear. simple air cooling would be more then sufficent for this application. esp if you are runinng VIA based mini computers.

also keep in mind it is illegal to have a display visible when you are dirivng unless it is specifically a navagation system. id certainly like the video recording but the problem is that all the cameras you would adapt to it arnt really up to the task. the first sort of cameras that would be really suitable are the miniDV style camers which dont exactly intergrate nicely and they have their own recodring facility anyway making the ocmputer setup fairly reduntant.

i prob wouldnt run windows on it rather a linux distribution of some flavour (take your preference on dist) as you could make it run in a much more liight weight fasion then windows and also have it running eleganty in the desired lower resolution to suit the small screen.

no need for a touch pad, touch screens do that for you,
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Major Clod

August 2003
Re: Computer setups in cars Wed, 06 April 2005 10:49 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Don't know if anyone has seen these but they seemed to be what most people used back when I was researching making an MP3 player (back before IPOD's were in).

They actually have a shitload more stuff than they used to a few years ago, some of it would be pretty handy and make the job effortless.

Not only do they have DC-DC ATX and ITX power supplies, they have ATX and ITX cases to hold the computer components with the power supplies built in, pretty nifty. Not sure on prices though, but I'd say it wouldn't be cheap compared to a standard PC case thats for sure!

The power supplies do have soft ATX on/off, so you don't have to worry about shutting down windows etc, just turn off the ignition. They have a shutdown delay so that your PC can power down in 10 seconds, all the way up to 60 minutes. Extremely handy for stopping off for a few minutes, you don't have to wait for everything to boot back into your OS, just keep going.

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Forums Junkie

May 2002
Re: Computer setups in cars Wed, 06 April 2005 11:44 Go to previous messageGo to next message -12v-dc/index.html
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Forums Junkie

1st street on the right
November 2002
Re: Computer setups in cars Wed, 06 April 2005 12:01 Go to previous messageGo to next message
I was unable to find images but someone may remember an audio install in the states by a guy they called fishman (because he used live fishtanks to demo watertightness of interconnects). Screw your lcds, he put a 68cm CRT into the centre of the dash of a dodge ram, still had full seating, drivable, heater and ac etc.
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Forums Junkie

May 2002
Re: Computer setups in cars Wed, 06 April 2005 12:51 Go to previous messageGo to next message
check out very cool forums

People are using USB GPS's with maps they have downloaded off the net for satelite navigation

As soon as single DIN motorised VGA touchscreen become cheaper ima gonna set one up in my MR2 Smile
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Forums Junkie

May 2002
Re: Computer setups in cars Wed, 06 April 2005 13:10 Go to previous messageGo to next message

thats the sorta setup im after
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Dubbo NSW
June 2004
Re: Computer setups in cars Wed, 06 April 2005 13:18 Go to previous messageGo to next message
system we had running had:
15" benq lcd
old lappy with a palm attached.
Use palmamp

Good stuff.
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Occasional Poster

Central Coast
January 2005
Re: Computer setups in cars Wed, 06 April 2005 15:52 Go to previous messageGo to next message
This is what my friend has done to his magna
he's got the whole pc intergrated into the glovebox,
the keyboard glows blue and has got a touchpad in the centre console, I think its a 6.5 inch screen on the dash but i'm not too sure and the power inverter at the back of the car, and also below the cd-player now he's got a slot loading IDE DVD drive Cool

still has it running today and is alot tider now then what that picture is

its a bit hard to play CS on it though Very Happy
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I supported Toymods

April 2004
Re: Computer setups in cars Wed, 06 April 2005 15:54 Go to previous messageGo to next message
i gota ask, but why? Ok if you want a GPS or watch some movies while your away but whats with the laptop? lol Smile
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Forums Junkie

May 2002
Re: Computer setups in cars Wed, 06 April 2005 23:07 Go to previous messageGo to next message
personally, i would keep all this gear in my house not in a car Razz
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Forums Junkie

Central Coast, NSW
February 2005
Re: Computer setups in cars Thu, 07 April 2005 00:24 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Les wrote on Thu, 07 April 2005 09:07

personally, i would keep all this gear in my house not in a car Razz

same, but if you're gonna spend $500 on an ipod and hook it into your car, or if you're gonna spend $500+ on some kick arse head deck, id rather build a small EPIA system for my car and have the extra functionality over ONLY being able to play music Smile

Im not after something so that i can play HL2 or doom 3 in my car... just something that can play music, a movie if the occasion calls for it, and perhaps might have an emulator installed on it Wink

Although a PS2/xbox would be cheaper, less mucking around, and you would be able to play GOOD games on it not just old emulated arcade ones... hmm

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Forums Junkie

April 2003
Re: Computer setups in cars Thu, 07 April 2005 01:04 Go to previous messageGo to next message information

cut down linux distro specifically designed for a pc powered car mp3 player Smile
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Occasional Poster

April 2005
Re: Computer setups in cars Thu, 07 April 2005 16:21 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Now i know this is gonna sound nerdy or werid or sumthin

Oneday i wanna Put an xbox in my car lol. but what im gonna do is fully customize it all.. Like wat i was thinkin of doing was pulling the Xbox apart and then placing diff things in diff places..e.g Drill holes or fabricate or whatever it is they do 4 holes in the dash to the left of the car and Put the contoller ports there. Stash all the internals somewhere else inside the dash, like in the dash box or sumthin lol...Put the Dvd-rom thingy in a spot where say the Head unit would go, but still have a head unit or put it in the dashbox etc. Then get an Lcd sumwhere, nothing big just sumthin decent

Just so it looks customized lol..oh and no1 steal my idea Razz

I will do it one day, when i have money and a car only 16 so no car or money yet lol...Look out for it in about 3 yrs...but by then they'll probably have like Xbox3-4-5 or Something better....Ahh well


P.s - and yea, it sounds a bit boring aye Cool
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April 2003
Re: Computer setups in cars Fri, 08 April 2005 01:57 Go to previous messageGo to next message
I can see how all this work and I would also love to do it as well. I have comtemplated it before but figured it was too much hassle.

1. How would the issues of power be worked out? Cause when you switch the car off you'd want the computer to power down also otherwise you'd end up with a flat battery.

2 When you started it back up, wouldn't it take to long to boot up to be functional?

3 Also, with a regular Cd player, it remembers where your CD was up to, so when you switch it back on it continues where it left off. How would you do this with a PC? If you left it on, wouldn't it cause your battery to go flat?
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Forums Junkie

Epping, Sydney
April 2003
Re: Computer setups in cars Fri, 08 April 2005 02:22 Go to previous messageGo to next message
this is pretty cool too
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Forums Junkie

VIC, Sth Frankston.
July 2003
Re: Computer setups in cars Fri, 08 April 2005 02:27 Go to previous messageGo to next message
a modded xbox with remote is ideal imho. use a 5" double din mounted telly with rca/svideo in and ur pretty much away, multimedia strictly though afaik, no web browsing Cool
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Occasional Poster

April 2005
Re: Computer setups in cars Fri, 08 April 2005 02:38 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Yeah i really want to do the modded xbox...When the time comes you all will know about it lol
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Major Clod

August 2003
Re: Computer setups in cars Fri, 08 April 2005 03:03 Go to previous messageGo to next message
fingers wrote on Fri, 08 April 2005 11:57

I can see how all this work and I would also love to do it as well. I have comtemplated it before but figured it was too much hassle.

1. How would the issues of power be worked out? Cause when you switch the car off you'd want the computer to power down also otherwise you'd end up with a flat battery.

2 When you started it back up, wouldn't it take to long to boot up to be functional?

3 Also, with a regular Cd player, it remembers where your CD was up to, so when you switch it back on it continues where it left off. How would you do this with a PC? If you left it on, wouldn't it cause your battery to go flat?

There are a few ATX power supplies that will power down the computer properly when you ignition is turned off. They have delays so that it shuts down after 10 seconds, 10 mintes, 20 minutes, an hour, etc...

I'd be leaving it on 10 minutes, that way if you just stop off at a servo or something you can come back to the car and don't need for it to boot up.

There are copies of windows that are stipped down and boot quick. There are also some similar Linux distributions.

Winamp will continue playing at the song that it was last on, and I'm sure you could get a plugin that could also remember the position in the middle of the song that it stopped at.

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April 2003
Re: Computer setups in cars Fri, 08 April 2005 03:23 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Hmmmm, That's quite interesting Major Clod.

This might warrant some further investigation...Definately sounds like something worthewhile mucking around with.
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Forums Junkie

April 2003
Re: Computer setups in cars Fri, 08 April 2005 03:32 Go to previous messageGo to next message
fingers wrote on Fri, 08 April 2005 11:57

3 Also, with a regular Cd player, it remembers where your CD was up to, so when you switch it back on it continues where it left off. How would you do this with a PC? If you left it on, wouldn't it cause your battery to go flat?

from cmms website


Saves exact position in playlist and song to continue playback after reboot

you need to kmow how to use linux tho, might be a problem lol

[Updated on: Fri, 08 April 2005 03:34]

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April 2003
Re: Computer setups in cars Fri, 08 April 2005 03:38 Go to previous messageGo to next message
ehendrikd wrote on Fri, 08 April 2005 13:02

you need to kmow how to use linux tho, might be a problem lol

Yeah, F#@k linux. If I was to do it it'd have to be using Windows.
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Forums Junkie

Central Coast, NSW
February 2005
Re: Computer setups in cars Fri, 08 April 2005 03:54 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Major Clod wrote on Fri, 08 April 2005 13:03

There are copies of windows that are stipped down and boot quick.

You could even run windows CE

But if you're gonna do that, you might as well just have a pocketPC on your dash Wink
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Forums Junkie

January 2003
Re: Computer setups in cars Fri, 08 April 2005 12:08 Go to previous messageGo to next message
All the major PC companies make little "Ultra Form Factor", they are worth looking at.

HP has such a computer, it's an "E-PC" 900MHz, 256MB RAM & a 40GB HDD. Onboard everything and has one optical drive. It's so small it actually has an external power supply. The computer runs off 19V @ 3.2Amps(MAX). I know the voltage is wrong, but alternators are supposed to charge at 14-18V's so.....I dunno, I'm no electrician though.

The other thing is this computers size it's 25 X 25 X 8cm's, fits perfectly under the seat of most cars.

Other good thing is it's price, I picked mine up for $200, with a Windows 2K OS licence. I'm running XP SP2 on it and it runs a treat.

Couple this up with a touchscreen somewhere and....

[Updated on: Fri, 08 April 2005 12:10]

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Forums Junkie

Perth, WA
December 2004
Re: Computer setups in cars Fri, 08 April 2005 15:10 Go to previous messageGo to next message
fingers wrote on Fri, 08 April 2005 09:57

I can see how all this work and I would also love to do it as well. I have comtemplated it before but figured it was too much hassle.

1. How would the issues of power be worked out? Cause when you switch the car off you'd want the computer to power down also otherwise you'd end up with a flat battery.

2 When you started it back up, wouldn't it take to long to boot up to be functional?

3 Also, with a regular Cd player, it remembers where your CD was up to, so when you switch it back on it continues where it left off. How would you do this with a PC? If you left it on, wouldn't it cause your battery to go flat?

youll find that shutting a computer straight off is not problem at all, the only problem with doing so is if you have an application running which is saving/using/doing something.

if your at the desktop with nothing actually happenening, you can safely switch your PC off with no ill effects.


edit: PC's have a mode called hibernate, basically it saves all you settings and shit, so when you switch your pc back on, its exactly how you left it.

and as for boot up, you realise a fresh windows xp installation boots up in almost 3 seconds, this is from my experience using a Pentium 3 728 mhz machine with 256 MB of RAM...


[Updated on: Fri, 08 April 2005 15:14]

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Forums Junkie

Melbourne, Australia
July 2002
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Re: Computer setups in cars Sun, 10 April 2005 07:06 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Alchemist wrote on Fri, 08 April 2005 22:08

All the major PC companies make little "Ultra Form Factor", they are worth looking at.

HP has such a computer, it's an "E-PC" 900MHz, 256MB RAM & a 40GB HDD. Onboard everything and has one optical drive. It's so small it actually has an external power supply. The computer runs off 19V @ 3.2Amps(MAX). I know the voltage is wrong, but alternators are supposed to charge at 14-18V's so.....I dunno, I'm no electrician though.

The other thing is this computers size it's 25 X 25 X 8cm's, fits perfectly under the seat of most cars.

Other good thing is it's price, I picked mine up for $200, with a Windows 2K OS licence. I'm running XP SP2 on it and it runs a treat.

Couple this up with a touchscreen somewhere and....

Ive got one of those eVectra things from HP as well and we were toying with the idea of an in car setup. The only thing was sorting out power. Now in the jaycar catalog it says that the inverters they have are fine for laptops (my old mans old HP laptop shares the same external supply as the eVectra) but I don't know if i would trust it. They had some nice sign-wave inverters too that would most likely be a better option but they are a tad more expensive.
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Forster NSW
September 2004
Re: Computer setups in cars Sun, 10 April 2005 14:36 Go to previous messageGo to previous message
Hirogen wrote on Sun, 10 April 2005 17:06

Alchemist wrote on Fri, 08 April 2005 22:08

All the major PC companies make little "Ultra Form Factor", they are worth looking at.

HP has such a computer, it's an "E-PC" 900MHz, 256MB RAM & a 40GB HDD. Onboard everything and has one optical drive. It's so small it actually has an external power supply. The computer runs off 19V @ 3.2Amps(MAX). I know the voltage is wrong, but alternators are supposed to charge at 14-18V's so.....I dunno, I'm no electrician though.

The other thing is this computers size it's 25 X 25 X 8cm's, fits perfectly under the seat of most cars.

Other good thing is it's price, I picked mine up for $200, with a Windows 2K OS licence. I'm running XP SP2 on it and it runs a treat.

Couple this up with a touchscreen somewhere and....

Ive got one of those eVectra things from HP as well and we were toying with the idea of an in car setup. The only thing was sorting out power. Now in the jaycar catalog it says that the inverters they have are fine for laptops (my old mans old HP laptop shares the same external supply as the eVectra) but I don't know if i would trust it. They had some nice sign-wave inverters too that would most likely be a better option but they are a tad more expensive.

Dude, don't use an inverter for that.

Have a look here 2&CATID=&keywords=dc%2Ddc&SPECIAL=& ;form=KEYWORD&ProdCodeOnly=&Keyword1=& Keyword2=&pageNumber=&priceMin=&priceM ax=&SUBCATID=

Jaycar cat number mp-3462 if that doesn't work.

DC-DC car power supplies for laptops, perfect for what you want to do, and only $89.50. Needless to say, it would also do a better job than an inverter.
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