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March 2005
question about my new ZE sprinter Mon, 11 April 2005 06:17 Go to next message
hay fellas.

i will try and write as best i can sum people have said i have to write in english. I stopped school in year 7 to work at woollies pushin trolleys to save for my first car so you get that. I bought a rota a month or so ago and it wasnt my thing. now i just sold it and got my new sprinta. dun ask how much it was cos it was to much. but everyone reckons thay are the shit.

heres my questions anywayz. hope sumone can help.

1. are all sprintas front wheel drive and how do you tell

2. my sprintah makes 180killa watts of powah at tha wheels with a neevo pulley. what spark plugs do i need to get up over tha massif 200killa watts at tha wheels. phear it.

3.i wannto get into drifting it looks pretty easy so what duz my car need to have changed to do it i reckon i will be hektik at it to. stock suspension at tha moment duzn seem to good

4. duz anyone evah pull any chicks wiv da spintah? mine duzn pull any chiks even wif a mad blue paint job. heaps of nerds keep tellin me its a car out of sum cartoon or sumfin. i just tell dem to step back and make room for da honeyz coz thay are after a sik bro like me not nerds like dem.

i reckon dats all, got to get off dis computer as my time is up and sum one else is wating to use it.

can't wait to get sum answerrs.

sorry for the spelling if it annoys sum one.
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Forums Junkie

May 2002
Re: question about my new ZE sprinter Mon, 11 April 2005 06:26 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Nah bro, the spelling is sik as eh. I luf it, gotta get me sum more educashun to get up wif it tho.

If you wanna know if your hektic sprinna is FWD, just jack up the front & rear wheel on the same side of da car, and rotate one to see if the other goes wif it. If they do, then you have a FWD for sure eh. Unless the previous owner has already fitted a Cusco earthing kit, which may make the results more confusing.
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Forums Junkie

Central Coast, NSW
May 2002
Re: question about my new ZE sprinter Mon, 11 April 2005 06:32 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Re-route the windscreen washer nozzles into two tubes that are easily nostril insertable - Insert one tube into each nostril. Once you snap second in your beast, squirt the windscreen washers. The longer you hold it, the bigger the thrill

Note #1: You will not go any faster, but with enough window cleaner in the reseviour... it'll sure feel like it.

Note #2: Chicks dig guys with forced nostril induction

Note #3: You may wanna mix it up a little, perhaps your ear? A lot of girls also like guys who are willing to try new things

Please let me know how you go with my advice, its worked a treat for me in the past


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May 2004
Re: question about my new ZE sprinter Mon, 11 April 2005 06:33 Go to previous messageGo to next message

1. are all sprintas front wheel drive and how do you tell

1) Sprinters are RWD, GZE rollas are FWD


2. my sprintah makes 180killa watts of powah at tha wheels with a neevo pulley. what spark plugs do i need to get up over tha massif 200killa watts at tha wheels. phear it.

2) I have never seen a set of spark plugs that add 20wKw


3.i wannto get into drifting it looks pretty easy so what duz my car need to have changed to do it i reckon i will be hektik at it to. stock suspension at tha moment duzn seem to good

3) Yeah, drifting is so easy... Rolling Eyes


4. duz anyone evah pull any chicks wiv da spintah? mine duzn pull any chiks even wif a mad blue paint job. heaps of nerds keep tellin me its a car out of sum cartoon or sumfin. i just tell dem to step back and make room for da honeyz coz thay are after a sik bro like me not nerds like dem.

4) To pull chicks get an education and a real job or get a fulsik VL commodore (you will need to sacrifice some penis size for this, by the sounds of it you "duznt has nun to sparez" phear it).

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Forums Junkie

Kilsyth, Melbourne
September 2004
Re: question about my new ZE sprinter Mon, 11 April 2005 06:35 Go to previous messageGo to next message
to tell if it is rear just look under the back of the car and look for a tailshaft travelling paralell with the doors and then it will come to another long axle thing called the diff which will be perpendicular to the driveshaft. if it has that it is rwd. if it doesn't and u still want to drift then u will have problems

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Forums Junkie

Central Coast, NSW
February 2005
Re: question about my new ZE sprinter Mon, 11 April 2005 06:36 Go to previous message
Danners wrote on Mon, 11 April 2005 16:32

Re-route the windscreen washer nozzles into two tubes that are easily nostril insertable - Insert one tube into each nostril. Once you snap second in your beast, squirt the windscreen washers. The longer you hold it, the bigger the thrill

Note #1: You will not go any faster, but with enough window cleaner in the reseviour... it'll sure feel like it.

Note #2: Chicks dig guys with forced nostril induction

Note #3: You may wanna mix it up a little, perhaps your ear? A lot of girls also like guys who are willing to try new things

Please let me know how you go with my advice, its worked a treat for me in the past



everyones looking at me at work now LOL
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