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March 2003
Bad Day Gets worse the next day Wed, 13 April 2005 12:44 Go to next message
Ok here's a little bad day story that managed to get worse.

A mate of mine calls me up at 8pm yesterday and tells me the car i gave him broke down and he needed a hand and possibly a lift, no big deal cept for the fact he's down the coast and i live in brisbane. So anyway get down there trying to figure out why the little bitch wont turn over, after an hour we finally notice a piece of graphite or something in the dizzy(had cracked off the middle inside connector of the dizzy) so we figured that was the problem with the car, packed up our shit and went home. Next day i give my mate another lift down the coast with a new dizzy and some jumper cables as well as every tool we could find (just in case). Driving past on the other side of the freeway we are initially happy to see the car still there in the distance, get a bit closer and notice the rear is a bit lower than usual then see that SOMEONE HAD STOLEN THE TWO REAR WHEELS, BASTARDS. So we pull over sit in the front seats of the lowered car and gaze at the sky having a smoke and a giggle wondering WHAT ELSE COULD GO WRONG. Turns out the dizzy aint the only problem and we still cant get it going (think the coil's farked). Anyways so we need 2 wheels to get this thing on a towie so another mate (from bris) makes his way down with some wheels, and we finally get the car towed, in all i reckon me and my mate spent 8 - 10 hours on the side of the freeway over 2 days. Will find out whats wrong with it tommorow i guess heheeh.

end rant.
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November 2004
Re: Bad Day Gets worse the next day Wed, 13 April 2005 17:25 Go to previous messageGo to next message
hahahah thats really bad luck mate, stuff like that used to always happen to me. but not as much anymore Razz hehe
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March 2005
Re: Bad Day Gets worse the next day Thu, 14 April 2005 00:37 Go to previous messageGo to next message
I once lent my v8 commodore to some friends up from melbourne and they went to noosa, after there sight seeing they decided to come home only to find the car won't start, they tried jumping it to no evail. they rang me and me and another mate came up in his v8 commodore to see what was wrong. the starter had packed it in. now being auto we cant push start it but you can tow start in drive with the igntion on for aprox one klm @ 60kph. this time it didnt work so we parked it out the front of the police shop on haistings street and came back to brissy.
the next day i took my mates stater from his car up with me in another mates car, when i got there the car was trashed, number plates stolen, the boot was bent, my hdt spoiler was broken in half, back seat ripped out, passenger mirror hanging by the wires and the steering colum pulled apart. think they tried to steal it but couldn't start it so they trashed it Sad
never cought the arseholes. lucky it was only a commodore Laughing
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Forums Junkie

I supported Toymods

November 2003
Re: Bad Day Gets worse the next day Thu, 14 April 2005 00:58 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Let this be a lesson to everyone that you NEVER leave a car on the side of the road for more than an hour.

Call a tow truck up, and have it towed to the nearest servo at the VERY LEAST.
Or a mates place if its not too far.
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Corona RT142
Forums Junkie

November 2003
Re: Bad Day Gets worse the next day Thu, 14 April 2005 01:02 Go to previous messageGo to next message
i disagree my mates has an ae71 or ke70 not sure as haven't seen the engine anyway, he got done with without rego and had to leave the car on side of the road in liverpool overnight and it stayed there and wasn't touched
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Forums Junkie

Central Coast, NSW
February 2005
Re: Bad Day Gets worse the next day Thu, 14 April 2005 01:03 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Corona RT142 wrote on Thu, 14 April 2005 11:02

i disagree my mates has an ae71 or ke70 not sure as haven't seen the engine anyway, he got done with without rego and had to leave the car on side of the road in liverpool overnight and it stayed there and wasn't touched

how can you disagree?

your mate just got lucky.... you're taking a huge risk leaving your car on the side of the road unattended
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Corona RT142
Forums Junkie

November 2003
Re: Bad Day Gets worse the next day Thu, 14 April 2005 01:05 Go to previous messageGo to next message
its no different to parking it at a station and leaving it there all day, most rarely see ppl in the middle of the day and my car has never been touched, and there is silvias, liberty gT etc parked there and nothing has been touched.
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Forums Junkie

I supported Toymods

November 2003
Re: Bad Day Gets worse the next day Thu, 14 April 2005 01:14 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Its VERY different to parking it at a station during the day.

At night time, on the side of a highway/freeway there are usually no lights.

At 3am, there are no cars on the road.

During the day, you always have people coming and going from train station carparks.

I'm not saying they are safe, coz they aren't, but they are a shitload safer than the side of the road.
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Corona RT142
Forums Junkie

November 2003
Re: Bad Day Gets worse the next day Thu, 14 April 2005 01:23 Go to previous messageGo to next message
depends on your luck really, my dad parks his SSS at the station and often doesn't get home till late say 9-10pm, and it has never been touched. Put it this way the thieves that do attack the stations will do it day or night, my dad came back one day to see an ss up on bricks but with steelies laying beside how considerate at least they left tires, i know plenty of peeps that have lost there mags during the day at station.

yes the risk will be higher at night, but what can you really do, it you don't have the cash to get the car towed.
Personally though of all the ppl i know that have had cars stolen, majority have been from outside there own house or at a station.
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March 2005
Re: Bad Day Gets worse the next day Thu, 14 April 2005 01:24 Go to previous messageGo to next message
mine was out the front of the cop shop Shocked , you would think that would be safe...
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Corona RT142
Forums Junkie

November 2003
Re: Bad Day Gets worse the next day Thu, 14 April 2005 01:28 Go to previous messageGo to next message
i know someone that got bashed out the front of the cop shop, ppl just don't give a shit anymore, wacked out on drugs ppl take higher and higher risks and are just blatantly brazant.
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Corona RT142
Forums Junkie

November 2003
Re: Bad Day Gets worse the next day Thu, 14 April 2005 01:30 Go to previous messageGo to next message
sitting at the station when i was younger with my mum waiting to pick my dad up it was quite common to see ppl trying to knock off cars with screwdrivers and shit, this is at maybe 7pm when there is still plenty of peeps around and potentially the cars owner trying to collect it.
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Forums Junkie

I supported Toymods

November 2003
Re: Bad Day Gets worse the next day Thu, 14 April 2005 01:31 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Corona RT142 wrote on Thu, 14 April 2005 09:23

Personally though of all the ppl i know that have had cars stolen, majority have been from outside there own house or at a station.

But we aren't talking about a car being stolen, we are talking about a car being stripped/damaged/pillaged/plundered etc.

Its much easier to steal a car coz it can take under a minute.
Stealing a full set of rims, stereo, speakers, sub etc on the side of the road takes a lot long than a minute.
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Corona RT142
Forums Junkie

November 2003
Re: Bad Day Gets worse the next day Thu, 14 April 2005 01:34 Go to previous messageGo to next message
i also know ppl who have had rims stolen etc, as i said its not to rare to see a car up on bricks. Damaged there are a few cars that probably get keyed and some kids prob tried to break into my sis pulsar Q, they removed the lock but because of the central locking it remained locked, but they still fucked the door pretty well.
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Forums Junkie

Camden, NSW
June 2002
Re: Bad Day Gets worse the next day Thu, 14 April 2005 02:32 Go to previous messageGo to next message
LOL at 81LOW LUX, the station your friends parked out the front of was not a police station. It is like a crimestoppers/community/police are cool learning centre place on hastings street and is only ever manned during the day. Sorry to hear your story but i can totally understand what happened lol, as i go on holidays to noosa 3 times a year and know the area very well. Never leave anything in Hastings street or at the junction its a theifs paradise
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March 2005
Re: Bad Day Gets worse the next day Thu, 14 April 2005 02:43 Go to previous messageGo to next message
tell me about it oh well sold the shell and kept the motor maybee put it in the low lux? police beat i belive?
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Forums Junkie

September 2003
Re: Bad Day Gets worse the next day Thu, 14 April 2005 02:54 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Corona RT142 wrote on Thu, 14 April 2005 11:02

i disagree my mates has an ae71 or ke70 not sure as haven't seen the engine anyway, he got done with without rego and had to leave the car on side of the road in liverpool overnight and it stayed there and wasn't touched

Yes he was lucky, i stopped on the side of the road at night, to wait for somone, and a car stopped behind me very close, and the guy got out, as soon as i hit my brake lights, he ran back in the car and took off, theiving bastard Twisted Evil .
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Forums Junkie

October 2003
Re: Bad Day Gets worse the next day Thu, 14 April 2005 05:09 Go to previous message
ages ago i think it was "A Current Affair" or "Today Tonite"

they hit a camera in the bush and left a falcon in the side of the road.
They filmed people knocking bits off it even a tow truck driver.

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