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Location: sydney
Registered: July 2003
timing on 4agze's
Fri, 15 April 2005 08:55
quick question,
how do you go about setting the timing ?
i know you need a timing gun and you hafta turn that round thing.
is this process more for a mechanic or can you do it urself.
also, what do you have to take into account whilst advancing and retarding the timing.
kind regards

Toymods Social Secretary
Location: Sydney
Registered: July 2002
Re: timing on 4agze's
Fri, 15 April 2005 09:35

dont bother advancing or retarding timing, just set it to the factory position.
on the tech docs section, read the 4age book - it has the instructions on how to set it on a 4age, which the same applies to for a gze (only you rotate the CAS instead of a dissy)

Location: Perth WA
Registered: December 2003
Re: timing on 4agze's
Fri, 22 April 2005 00:05
IF you adjust it at all , set it to stock. they love advance but it kills them very fast.