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Registered: March 2005
rb30 into hilux
Wed, 20 April 2005 02:32
done a search unable to find any info anyone know about this conversion will be doing it in a couple of weeks.
heres what i know; a whole car
2.use motor, gearbox, tail shaft yoke, computer, wiring harness, fuel tank, pump, unleaded fuel neck, radiator, instruments, most of the exhaust inc cat.
3.cut n shut 18r sump to rb30 sump, mod oil pickup, inc windage tray, mod engine mounts and gearbox cross member, fit thermo, speedo cable addaptor(to calibrate to correct reading[diff gears])shorten tail shaft with nissan yoke.
4.bolt in wire up away
6.mod plate
7.insert many beers between every step

Location: Brisbane, Queensland
Registered: January 2004
Re: rb30 into hilux
Wed, 20 April 2005 02:39

i was looking at puttin a 7M-GTE in place, looks a bit easier to be honest.
Either way, what u've just described is the best way to go about it.
Mmmm beer.

Registered: March 2005
Re: rb30 into hilux
Wed, 20 April 2005 02:45

as far as i can work out no mater what motor you use its going to be fiddley.
this is cheap all work done for $1000 aprox inc mod plate

Location: Brisbane, Queensland
Registered: January 2004
Re: rb30 into hilux
Wed, 20 April 2005 03:06

IN my situation it works out a bit easier.
I have a W55 box in my ute, so that'll bolt straight upto the engine, make a few engine mounts, and wire the sucker in and your done (for 7M engine that is).
I don't think anyone here would have done a RB30 swap, so your on your own on this one.

Registered: March 2005
Re: rb30 into hilux
Wed, 20 April 2005 04:10

Ill be putting pictures on readers cars thread
if anyone wants to know how to do it then that will be the place to look
just need to find a vl crumpledoor or a r31 skyline

Location: Perth
Registered: October 2003
Re: rb30 into hilux
Wed, 20 April 2005 04:43

Quote: | this is cheap all work done for $1000 aprox inc mod plate
Is this a quote from a workshop or how much you think it will cost?

Registered: March 2005
Re: rb30 into hilux
Wed, 20 April 2005 05:13

my workshop is my garage.
i do all work myself inc any fabricating mate has a lathe, milling machine and any other tool you think you might need.
i can get a car for $250
mod plate $250
speedo adaptor $120
exhaust $180
total $800
plus $200-$300 for nuts, bolts, oils welding wire etc
tail shaft will be shortened by us, engine and gearbox mounts by us, remember i am buying a whole car running so all bits are there, and the sump will be done by us plus between the two of us we have enough shit laying around to do this cheap and quick.
and remember its na and factory rear drive so its not as expencive as turbo or fwd to rwd conversions.
wish me luck
i know it always ends up costing 3times what you originaly think but if you do enough research first and measure 3 times cut once then it wil be fine.

Location: Perth
Registered: October 2003
Re: rb30 into hilux
Wed, 20 April 2005 08:11

A running VL or Skyline for $250?
Where was that stolen from?
You will probably need to add a thermo fan to that, I dont think you will have enough room to run an engine fan.
What are you going to do with all the sensors and dash setup, transplate VL one into Hilux?

Location: Low Head (Tasmania)
Registered: September 2004
Re: rb30 into hilux
Wed, 20 April 2005 08:53

if you are planning on using a vl/skyline gearbox, unless your tunnel is plenty big enough, i advise you to swap the tunnel out of the vl/skyline into the hilux, this might sound drastic but its good for stregnth, and you no the box will be a good fit. My info comes from a panel beater who has done many conversions like this.

Location: Montrose, VIC
Registered: May 2002
Re: rb30 into hilux
Wed, 20 April 2005 13:29

RB30E isn't exactly an exciting engine anyway... Maybe a 1GGTE would be an idea for a fairly easy swap?

Registered: March 2005
Re: rb30 into hilux
Wed, 20 April 2005 23:41

im shore the rn41 tunnel is big enough but ill measure anyway, plus if i use the skyline tunnel i can use the floor mount hand brake
is the 1ggte going to be this cheap? remember im not after exciting but reliable decent power and good fuel economy for the right dollars.
i now its against the rules to use nissan power in toyota but im not a toyota purist but a car enthusiast in general, ive owned all different makes eg toyota, holden, nissan, vw, ford, so as you can see im not dedicated to one religion.

Registered: October 2003

Location: Brisbane
Registered: July 2002
Re: rb30 into hilux
Thu, 21 April 2005 12:31

a 1g is going to be way better than an rb30e.. more power/torque(on boost anyway)
and better fuel economy i beleive

Location: Brisbane
Registered: June 2003
Re: rb30 into hilux
Thu, 21 April 2005 13:04

Jag7799 wrote on Thu, 21 April 2005 22:31 | a 1g is going to be way better than an rb30e.. more power/torque(on boost anyway)
and better fuel economy i beleive
the rb30 will have more useable torque in a ute by far...I recon you should put a 7MGE in, i know someone who has one for $500 with loom and everything complete. (afm, whole motor, computer..the lot)
That is a SHITLOAD better motor than a crummy RB30. or you could do a real conversion and put a V8 (ford of course) or commonwhore v6 Into it.

Location: Montrose, VIC
Registered: May 2002
Re: rb30 into hilux
Thu, 21 April 2005 13:51

RB30's certainly aren't kind on fuel, and don't have a heap of go in them either. They also sound rotten, and seem to drive like they have serious lung cancer - much like a Buick V6, really Always out of breath - apparently Aussie drivers like this? RB30 is kind of like (cue dramatic music, with drumroll and TA DA! at the end) The Ultimate 202.
Why screw with a 7MGE over a 2JZGE?

Location: Brisbane
Registered: June 2003
Re: rb30 into hilux
Thu, 21 April 2005 13:52

mrshin wrote on Thu, 21 April 2005 23:51 | RB30's certainly aren't kind on fuel, and don't have a heap of go in them either. They also sound rotten, and seem to drive like they have serious lung cancer - much like a Buick V6, really Always out of breath - apparently Aussie drivers like this? RB30 is kind of like (cue dramatic music, with drumroll and TA DA! at the end) The Ultimate 202.
Why screw with a 7MGE over a 2JZGE?
cos 7mge will fit in his sick 1000 budget!

Registered: March 2005
Re: rb30 into hilux
Thu, 21 April 2005 22:43

i used to have a r31 shillouete 5 speed that had a 60ltr fuel tank and i would get 550klm per tank every tank, flogging it everywhere and i mean flogging it on hyway cruising id get 650klm per tank and they run 3.7 diff vl only run 3.08 so a vl should get better ecconomy
its the conversion im doing no mater what your recomendations are (thanx for the info on toyota motors)
why i posted this thread for was to find out if anyone has done this conversion and if they have any info for me about it.
thanx and please dont roast me for doing this

Location: Perth
Registered: October 2003
Re: rb30 into hilux
Fri, 22 April 2005 00:00

Quote: | they run 3.7 diff vl only run 3.08 so a vl should get better ecconomy
No necessarily. Maybe going for long highway trips but not around town.
I also agree, I have never seen an RB30 with good fuel consumption. Ususally they are between 12-15l per 100km this is not cool condsidering the VL only weighs around 1250kg dry.
They also feel extremely sluggish like Mr.shin suggests. You feel like winding the window down and hitting the engine with a wip
mmmmmm 2JZGE

Registered: March 2005
Re: rb30 into hilux
Fri, 22 April 2005 00:12

would you not agree that i was getting good fuel ecconomy???????
i thought it was good but im used to 350klm out of 65ltrs, go the carbie v8

Location: Perth
Registered: October 2003
Re: rb30 into hilux
Fri, 22 April 2005 01:44

Your fuel economy was acceptable but the funny thing is most people lie about their fuel economy for some reason. 
Being a manual would help, most RB30's are autos.

Registered: March 2005
Re: rb30 into hilux
Fri, 22 April 2005 01:51
no need to lie as you can see my monaro is about adverage for carbie v8
every one told me to go auto i said manual all the way
fuel ecconomy should be roughly the same 4.3 diff but 300kg lighter