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Location: Brisbane
Registered: April 2004
using 16r rods to stroke a 18r
Thu, 21 April 2005 03:12
does this sound about right using 16r rods with 22re pistons into an 18r block would make it 2.4L because 22re pistons are 94mm but sit abot 2mm below 18r deck hight so i heard by using 16r rods it pushes the piston back up to deck height.

Registered: March 2005

Toymods Social Secretary
Location: Sydney
Registered: July 2002
Re: using 16r rods to stroke a 18r
Thu, 21 April 2005 03:29

ewww... 7:1 
i would hate to think what his off boost response was like.

Location: Brisbane
Registered: April 2004
Re: using 16r rods to stroke a 18r
Thu, 21 April 2005 03:40


Registered: March 2005
Re: using 16r rods to stroke a 18r
Thu, 21 April 2005 03:45

if you are not turbo charging then dont use the dish down pistons that he uses use flattops to give you the comp back

Location: Brisbane
Registered: October 2002
Re: using 16r rods to stroke a 18r
Thu, 21 April 2005 07:34

22R pistons are 92mm, and only go to 93mm {acl tho}
using the 22r crank and a 92mm bore is 2366.55cc.
by the way, i'm picking up a 92mm bore block on monday , sparie

Location: Brisbane
Registered: April 2004
Re: using 16r rods to stroke a 18r
Thu, 21 April 2005 10:10

i looked at using the 22r crank but foud the bearing width on either the mains or the conrods was different. thats what i noticed when looking in acl book.

Location: Brisbane
Registered: October 2002
Re: using 16r rods to stroke a 18r
Thu, 21 April 2005 11:23

i shall do some sluething at work for u tomorrow
Location: Adelaide
Registered: September 2003
Re: using 16r rods to stroke a 18r
Thu, 21 April 2005 14:45

i have the bearings sitting here, they are suitable for:
conrod bearings - 6r, 7r, 8r, 16r, 18r, 18rg, 20r, 21r, 22r
main bearings - 16r, 18r
so the main bearings must be the different ones, could get it machined down though, i was quoted 280 odd to fix the conrod journals for an 18rg crank but i don't know if it is cheaper for the main journals.

Toymods Social Secretary
Location: Sydney
Registered: July 2002
Re: using 16r rods to stroke a 18r
Thu, 21 April 2005 21:46

i wouldnt dare dream of stroking an 18R with a 22R crank, or any crank for that matter.
If you want an unrevable tractor motor, start with a 22R, dont bastardise an 18RG 

Location: Brisbane
Registered: April 2004
Re: using 16r rods to stroke a 18r
Fri, 22 April 2005 00:15

oh no i would stick with the 18rg crank but i'm still iterested in trying a 2.4L 18rg turbo if it fails then i'll make use of my many spare 18rg motors, thats the fun of having a toy if it dies start again.
Location: Adelaide
Registered: September 2003
Re: using 16r rods to stroke a 18r
Fri, 22 April 2005 00:21

is bastardising an 18r-c accepted?
possibly with an 18rg head 

Location: Brisbane
Registered: October 2002
Re: using 16r rods to stroke a 18r
Fri, 22 April 2005 06:59
mmmmmmmmmm, 16R has a 73.5mm stroke, that means the piston speed at 9000rpm would equal an 18RG at 8000rpm