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Forums Junkie

I supported Toymods

Perth, Western Australia
December 2002
Why is the Adelaide Car Scene so Bitchy? Thu, 21 April 2005 17:27 Go to next message
Very much a generalization based on my experiences dealing with, speaking to, and spending a bit of time there, but fuck me, if I lived in Adelaide, I'd keep to myself car wise - so many bitchy petty little arguments, threats of violence against each other and property, sarcastic remarks simply designed to inflame, disregard for other people, and very distinct groups even within the same style of car - why? I've never seen such a polarised community of people in one area, all feeding off one another's comments and actions. I don't understand it. I speak to lots of guys in Adelaide particularly, and individually, they all are great to to talk to and deal with, but put them in a group and the need to take a side overrides common sense I feel at the moment. So a serious question both for the people from Adelaide, and also others who've also had the same feeling - whats going on? I don't need the answer, but your thoughts on the subject and a bit of self assessment would be great if you'd think about it for a minute? At the end of the day - it's just a hobby for Christ's sake, and if it means more to you than that - have a think about whether the rest of the world really needs to know about the passion with which you approach it?
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Forums Junkie

March 2003
Re: Why is the Adelaide Car Scene so Bitchy? Thu, 21 April 2005 17:44 Go to previous messageGo to next message
I concur.
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Just Half Steppin

Banned Again

March 2005
Re: Why is the Adelaide Car Scene so Bitchy? Thu, 21 April 2005 17:54 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Its partly because i am a dickhead and i started shit with people that were just getting annoying and i took it too far...

i believe however that i have since started to grow up
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Forums Junkie

September 2003
Re: Why is the Adelaide Car Scene so Bitchy? Thu, 21 April 2005 21:47 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Meh, I guess that some people feel that they are much better than others.

One thing that I have noticed is the "drifters" vs the others. Anything that remotely seems like criticism (as well as direct criticism for dumb ideas - but these are not only that group) is met with a barrage of abuse.

When it gets to that, I bail out. I'd rather be happy and have a good time, and if that is with a select few, then fine. Smile
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Forums Junkie

January 2004
Re: Why is the Adelaide Car Scene so Bitchy? Thu, 21 April 2005 22:42 Go to previous messageGo to next message
I try to be everyones friend, i hate making enemies.. most of the adelaide ppl know me and love me, but lots of the ppl i know hate many others.

Cant we just all get a bong? Very Happy
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Forums Junkie

c'town, NSW
May 2002
Re: Why is the Adelaide Car Scene so Bitchy? Thu, 21 April 2005 23:19 Go to previous messageGo to next message
its not car enthusiasm anymore

a sik car along with the hardcore (read: bitchy) demeaner is necessary if your going to be a try hard pimp maccas gangsta.

datz wot gangstaz d0 br0 dey reprezent da maccaz carpark n sm0ke all da ovva bruvvaz dat be mullin in on der terr1t0ry.
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Hobart, Tasmania
January 2005
Re: Why is the Adelaide Car Scene so Bitchy? Thu, 21 April 2005 23:44 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Haha, I'm waiting for Ms_Silycar to come in here. Laughing
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Forums Junkie

South Australia
July 2002
Re: Why is the Adelaide Car Scene so Bitchy? Fri, 22 April 2005 00:15 Go to previous messageGo to next message
I dunno why people are so bitchy, I have seen a fair bit of it and I try not to let any of my own bitchiness leak out into the public arena - guess we are just undignified over here Very Happy

As for the 'drifters' vs others....well I dunno, these days I'd consider myself a 'drifter' simply because I can't afford to actually go rallying, but I have no idea who the 'others' are!!!

I was pretty surprised out how catty the scene is over here, I expected that we'd all get along. But typically that's not the case.

I did call some guy a 'retard' though because we had a disagreement over a deal involving car parts and money. Oh I also said that they should 'stay the fuck out of my life'...there that's my bitchy confession. Am I naughty Confused Razz
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Forums Junkie

February 2005
Re: Why is the Adelaide Car Scene so Bitchy? Fri, 22 April 2005 03:23 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Laughing Because adelaide is a hole and the residents are taking it out on the people who live in better places! But seriously i'm not sure why, i couldn't really care anyway.
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Adelaide - Race Central
June 2004
Re: Why is the Adelaide Car Scene so Bitchy? Fri, 22 April 2005 04:58 Go to previous messageGo to next message
DANG Embarassed
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Forums Junkie

Perth, WA
December 2004
Re: Why is the Adelaide Car Scene so Bitchy? Fri, 22 April 2005 05:04 Go to previous messageGo to next message
ahhh i couldnt manage living there Confused

ive been on a cruise with OST and n-tence, both of which were incredibly friendly and good to have a chat to... i think the whole cruise i knew one person.

and even that was meeting them by chance!

pretty fucked up if you ask me, its like anti-lag only letting people into their club if they have heavily modified cars, yeah, some people have money, but most people dont...

just because it doesnt look horn, doesnt mean its shit...

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Forums Junkie

Adelaide, SA
May 2002
Re: Why is the Adelaide Car Scene so Bitchy? Fri, 22 April 2005 05:36 Go to previous messageGo to next message
We have a lot of shitheads in adelaide, but then there are a lot of nice people who modify cars etc.

Don't judge us all by looking at a few bad people, or you are just as bad No No No
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January 2005
Re: Why is the Adelaide Car Scene so Bitchy? Fri, 22 April 2005 06:50 Go to previous messageGo to next message
dammit i'm moving to adelaide in a month, didn't wan't to hear this!
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Forums Junkie

Adelaide, SA
May 2002
Re: Why is the Adelaide Car Scene so Bitchy? Fri, 22 April 2005 07:02 Go to previous messageGo to next message
I find most of the cockey bastards drive commodores and falcons.

Ricers around here can generally be quite nice and accepting. The drifters might come accross as sour but thats because they get a lot of shit in the first place. The "others" which I guess i'm a part of... well I just take things at face value. I hate riced up korean cars though.

celica_cam - when you're in Adelaide, we'll have to go for a cruise!
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Forums Junkie

Adelaide, SA
May 2002
Re: Why is the Adelaide Car Scene so Bitchy? Fri, 22 April 2005 07:08 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Oh yeh, we have bogans too... their density increases as you go north. There are nice people up that way but they are all surrounded by these bogans. Way too often the bogans are abusive and rude towards anyone on the road, drive a commodore or falcon, and do very bad things to very good people Sad
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Forums Junkie

June 2003
Re: Why is the Adelaide Car Scene so Bitchy? Fri, 22 April 2005 08:01 Go to previous messageGo to next message
when i first saw this thread i thought "no there not bitchy"

but then when i thought about it there are a few instances i can think of

you will find that its only the minority that do the bitching
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Forums Junkie

August 2002
Re: Why is the Adelaide Car Scene so Bitchy? Fri, 22 April 2005 10:32 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Clint, stop your bitching. Cool
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Forums Junkie

Melbourne - NthSubs
January 2004
wtf is a jabber? a punch line?
Re: Why is the Adelaide Car Scene so Bitchy? Fri, 22 April 2005 11:50 Go to previous messageGo to next message
dont it happen in all states?
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Forums Junkie

Toymods Vice President

May 2002
Re: Why is the Adelaide Car Scene so Bitchy? Fri, 22 April 2005 11:50 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Too much pot leads to mental instabillity.
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November 2003
Re: Why is the Adelaide Car Scene so Bitchy? Fri, 22 April 2005 12:03 Go to previous messageGo to next message
I've never had any problems. I guess it all depends who you meet. Classic Celica Club cruises are always pretty friendly.


[Updated on: Fri, 22 April 2005 12:05]

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Forums Junkie

South Australia
July 2002
Re: Why is the Adelaide Car Scene so Bitchy? Fri, 22 April 2005 15:27 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Joshstix wrote on Fri, 22 April 2005 21:20

Too much pot leads to mental instabillity.


I think Adelaide has some issues relating to lifestyle etc. Funnily enough there was an article in the paper today about how Adelaide people are too bitchy in general...
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Forums Junkie

I supported Toymods

July 2004
Re: Why is the Adelaide Car Scene so Bitchy? Wed, 27 April 2005 02:29 Go to previous messageGo to next message
the adelaide car scene is a good one, the drifters used to cop a fair bit of flak in the past for competiting in a "stupid" sport but now that recognition has come around the tables have turned...sadly the police also dont help in the adelaide car scsne growing, as they get very defect "trigger" happy down here which keeps a lot of the good cars off the street Sad

id say there is a few people that ruin it, especially those people that treat the car scene as a fuck shop, instead of a car scene...

not mentioning anynames of course Rolling Eyes
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Forums Junkie

I supported Toymods

July 2004
Re: Why is the Adelaide Car Scene so Bitchy? Wed, 27 April 2005 02:35 Go to previous messageGo to next message
but just to summ up, the car scene can be ok if you find a group of mates you trust and actually enjoy hanging out with, i dont mind attending a mass cruise sometimes but every weekend is a bit much, id rather go for a thrash with a small group of mates in the hills once a week and attend a big cruise every now and then.

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Forums Junkie

South Australia
July 2002
Re: Why is the Adelaide Car Scene so Bitchy? Wed, 27 April 2005 03:12 Go to previous messageGo to next message
I love teh car scene Very Happy

But I'll beat the shit out of anyone who gets in my face.... Laughing j/k!!! I couldn't punch my way out of a paper bag!
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Forums Junkie

September 2003
Re: Why is the Adelaide Car Scene so Bitchy? Wed, 27 April 2005 03:52 Go to previous messageGo to next message
From my own observations about Adelaide car scene:

in some instances there is a little bit of 'elitism' and there are quite a few 'dickheads' in Adelaide, the other thing I tend to notice is that there are also those that see a 'cruise' as an opportunity to demonstrate their superior driving skills (or lack of (Myself included here - but not every cruise) - this isn't a dig at anyone either just an observation) but then on the flipside:

There are people prepared to help, provide information, organise great cruises / events, and do what they can to make the car scene better.

The toyota club and the classic celica club are great examples of where people are friendly and helpful.

With the odd exception, but in general everyone in both of the above have always been more than approachable and friendly.

I can't comment on other car clubs because I simply don't know.
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Forums Junkie

August 2002
Re: Why is the Adelaide Car Scene so Bitchy? Wed, 27 April 2005 08:02 Go to previous messageGo to next message
MR 1JZ wrote on Wed, 27 April 2005 12:29

id say there is a few people that ruin it, especially those people that treat the car scene as a fuck shop, instead of a car scene...

not mentioning anynames of course Rolling Eyes

i love naming names, im going to start with ke30twodoor.
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Adel. Hills
September 2004
Re: Why is the Adelaide Car Scene so Bitchy? Wed, 27 April 2005 10:14 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Arch wrote on Fri, 22 April 2005 08:12

I try to be everyones friend, i hate making enemies.. most of the adelaide ppl know me and love me, but lots of the ppl i know hate many others.

Cant we just all get a bong? Very Happy

lol, that is the approach i take to things as well.

i have seen a fair of bitching and shit-slinging in SA and it is very petty. i would like to think we can all get along (or get a bong, nice one Arch Laughing ) but it seems some people think that everyone is out to get them, even fellow car-heads.

there is possibly something wrong with the water down here but we all seem to clash in many ways and try to out-do each other too much. i like to think that everyone who has a liking for smaller engined/turbo'd whatever is my friend and i can talk to them about cars and shit but even within the four scene there is different groups, as was mentioned. and generally, it is that thing stated about having to outdo the other group that makes enemies for no reason.

meh, its hard to rationalise or make sense of what others do so i'll just say FUCK YOU ALL and go live out in the desert, away from all the bullshit and rivalries Razz

not really. Laughing

[Updated on: Wed, 27 April 2005 11:09]

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Forums Junkie

I supported Toymods

July 2004
Re: Why is the Adelaide Car Scene so Bitchy? Wed, 27 April 2005 10:52 Go to previous messageGo to next message
BlackSupra wrote on Wed, 27 April 2005 17:32

MR 1JZ wrote on Wed, 27 April 2005 12:29

id say there is a few people that ruin it, especially those people that treat the car scene as a fuck shop, instead of a car scene...

not mentioning anynames of course Rolling Eyes

i love naming names, im going to start with ke30twodoor.

sadly glenn you are soo far off the ball there dude...kristy is a nice chick who doesnt fuck around, getting warm tho...but i am going to stop talking about this one now, and leave it to you lads to make up your own minds...
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February 2005
Re: Why is the Adelaide Car Scene so Bitchy? Fri, 29 April 2005 13:21 Go to previous messageGo to next message
i will agree that adelaide has bitchy ppl but please dont judge becasue all the fours and sixers get along i notice.
like ill stop at a traffic light and another nice car driver will make a nice comment on my car and and i will say one back and we all get along,.
you interstate boys and girls must remember that we have a car plant in SA.
can you remember what it is Laughing
so every shaved head NEO and ego tripper goes out and buys one because there cheap and think they suddenly have a V8 supercar lol.
so when i pull up next to one i suddenly have a beer bottle throwm at my car after a night out with my girlfriend who is in the passenger seat next to me scared as all hell.
so dont judge us if your not from here just relise that we have to put up with these bogans with there no fear stickers and there spoilers made of crapy steel and barnzy pumping through there sick sound4 tape deck.

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Adelaide - Race Central
June 2004
Re: Why is the Adelaide Car Scene so Bitchy? Fri, 29 April 2005 13:32 Go to previous messageGo to next message
I think its just some people that you met that were rude mate!
I always say to people on this forum that if they see my car, please yowl a 'hello!' while most people do.......there are still some which I know ARE on Toymods..yet....dont even bother to give an acknowledge look let alone a hello! oh wells'' what can ya do!!!! not everyone can be nice! pity!!
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Forums Junkie

Toymods Vice President

May 2002
Re: Why is the Adelaide Car Scene so Bitchy? Sat, 30 April 2005 01:59 Go to previous messageGo to next message
You should see the reported threads listing at the moment. Every single one of them is someone from Adelaide bitching about someone else from Adelaide.

To me there seems to be a hell of a lot of friction for two reasons.

  1. Everyone seems to want to be ultimate dorifto king of the world
  2. People either hate on or completely suck up to the people that are good at the dorifto

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Forums Junkie

South Australia
July 2002
Re: Why is the Adelaide Car Scene so Bitchy? Sat, 30 April 2005 02:14 Go to previous messageGo to next message
The drift scene bitching thing perplexes me. Shouldn't we all be aiming towards the same thing?

Guess not Laughing

customSA63 -> Too much putting ppl in a box Razz People who like commodores like commodores it's just like us enjoying our Toyota's and I've seen plenty of dicks driving Toyota's too! It's just that there are SO many Commodores that there ends up being a few more dickhead commy drivers around than there are Toyota dudes.

jonchai -> I hope I've never ignored you! But then I'm always driving around in my stealthy Falcon so people don't recognise me... yeah....stealthy *cough*
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Forums Junkie

I supported Toymods

July 2004
Re: Why is the Adelaide Car Scene so Bitchy? Sat, 30 April 2005 06:13 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Joshstix wrote on Sat, 30 April 2005 11:29

  1. Everyone seems to want to be ultimate dorifto king of the world
  2. People either hate on or completely suck up to the people that are good at the dorifto


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April 2004
Re: Why is the Adelaide Car Scene so Bitchy? Sat, 30 April 2005 06:18 Go to previous message
i've never had any issues or seen any bitchiness on the adelaide car scene, appart from that involving one person. said person would have received same treatment in any scene, car or other, due to said persons actions.

i really dont care what said person did, its their "life-style" choice. some ppl dont like it however

appart from said incident, i dont bitch, i have nothing to bitch about, if the cops come round coz ur doing burnouts in ur skyline / commonwhore, im gonna be the last person they try and defect
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