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Location: Perth
Registered: August 2003
Is the Toymods site ever gonna get a face lift?
Thu, 21 April 2005 19:10
Just wondering, cause i never go to the front page or tech articles cause it's ugly . I still offer to do it for free or could make me an member
I know html and have knowledge of asp, javascript etc. Like the front page, tech docs etc need an update and just a little face lift will make it much better. Also the content layout is bad.

Location: Tamworth
Registered: August 2004
Re: Is the Toymods site ever gonna get a face lift?
Thu, 28 April 2005 09:41

I think the layout of the site is fine. Easy to find your way around and has a basic front page that is easy on the eyes, who wants to stare at a front page when there is many articles inside to read. Something a bit different wouldnt hurt tho.
Just my opinion
Location: NSW Engadine
Registered: June 2003
Re: Is the Toymods site ever gonna get a face lift?
Thu, 28 April 2005 13:15

Nah I agree, boring as batshit...
Someone get the fab five in here to give it a tzushing...

Location: Adelaide
Registered: May 2003
Re: Is the Toymods site ever gonna get a face lift?
Fri, 29 April 2005 01:31

Its good, the only bit which annoys me is the little background image.
Far better than sites like NissanSilvia and others. This way the information comes first.

Location: Melbourne
Registered: May 2002
Re: Is the Toymods site ever gonna get a face lift?
Fri, 29 April 2005 01:38

Old school, notepad stylez! no flash no java... NO BULLSHIT 

Toymods Social Secretary
Location: Sydney
Registered: July 2002
Re: Is the Toymods site ever gonna get a face lift?
Fri, 29 April 2005 08:35

its well overdue for an update yes... and all that is again in the plan of the Toymods Board for 2005
Location: Sydney
Registered: August 2004
Re: Is the Toymods site ever gonna get a face lift?
Sat, 30 April 2005 04:48

Maybe not so much of a face lift, (i dont care what it looks like as long as the content is good), but how about going through it and ditching the dead links, and maybe adding some more info. I'm sure there are sites out there not listed, and some of the links lead no-where.

Location: northern beaches
Registered: August 2002
Re: Is the Toymods site ever gonna get a face lift?
Mon, 09 May 2005 09:54

please leave it! i think the current format is very good and after experiencing a few other forums, i like it even more.

Location: Perth
Registered: August 2003
Re: Is the Toymods site ever gonna get a face lift?
Mon, 09 May 2005 13:12

got nothing to do with the forums, like it how it is, just the other stuff

I supported Toymods
Location: SA; Home of Car Scene BS
Registered: January 2004
Re: Is the Toymods site ever gonna get a face lift?
Thu, 26 May 2005 04:19

79rollaboy wrote on Thu, 28 April 2005 22:45 | Nah I agree, boring as batshit...
Someone get the fab five in here to give it a tzushing...
hell yes... lets do it...
forum has been the same for as long as i can remember.... very boring... give the old fella a new look will yas!! hehe..

I supported Toymods Toymods Club Secretary
Location: Sydney
Registered: May 2002
Re: Is the Toymods site ever gonna get a face lift?
Thu, 26 May 2005 22:54

Talking about the Web Site here, not the Forums..
Hopefully both will be going through an overhaul soon though

Location: Sydney
Registered: October 2003
Re: Is the Toymods site ever gonna get a face lift?
Tue, 21 June 2005 10:20

Well my offer still stands to help out with any web stuff needed (when I have time of course).
I'm a member and also been a web programmer for nigh on 7 years.

I supported Toymods Toymods Club Secretary
Location: Sydney
Registered: May 2002
Re: Is the Toymods site ever gonna get a face lift?
Tue, 21 June 2005 22:52

Hi DaveDave,
Thanks for the offer, I personally love seeing members who're prepared to lend a hand on things. As it stands at the moment the re-development is under way (and what we've seen so far looks great!!).
We really do appreciate your offer of assistance though (and everyone elses).

Location: Sydney
Registered: October 2003
Re: Is the Toymods site ever gonna get a face lift?
Tue, 26 July 2005 08:39

When we go to the new forums, are our private messages going to come accross with us?
I don't mind knocking up a quick script that will allow people to download their private messages via a CSV file and/or XML file. All that would be required on the webmasters behalf would be to swap out a file. btw, I promise not to put any backdoors in the script and I'd be happy to explain all changes to the code to the necessary people.
I imagine this would also be useful for people like me (hence my motivation) that are almost full with their messages and would like to download/archive them and delete them from the server.

Toymods Vice President
Location: Sydney
Registered: May 2002
Re: Is the Toymods site ever gonna get a face lift?
Tue, 26 July 2005 09:04

At this stage nothing will be going across to the new forum from the old one. The ability to export them from this forum would be good.
The new forums have this functionality built in.
If you can email the board, with details on how it can be done I'll make sure Sam gets to see it.
Thanks for the offer Dave.

Location: Sydney
Registered: October 2003
Re: Is the Toymods site ever gonna get a face lift?
Wed, 27 July 2005 00:44

Took a little longer than expected, but it was a relatively simple mod (fud code a bit more convoluted than I thought).
My code is commented and can be located by a start and end comment with my name (davedave).
It works pretty well, you just select the messages that you want exported and in the 'move to'/'restore to' dropdown there are two new options - 'Export to CSV' (tab delimited) and 'Export to XML'.
My apologies to Mac/Linux users, carriage returns are in windows format. Simple to fix with any decent text editor on your end though.
Anyways, to get it to work, you need to replace the file /<fudroot>/theme/default/pmsg.php with the one in this zip file. I suggest backing up the orinigal file for obvious reasons.
If you use a different theme to default, then my code (between the comments) will need to be copied from this file to the one in the theme directory that you use.
Let me know how you go or if you need any more changes.
Edit: PS. the link to the zip file must be clicked from a toymods page to download it (just part of my standard anti-leech security measures )
PPS. Just noticed that IE likes to open the output itself rather than do what it's told. IE users should download mozilla, but failing that, they can just View->source and save the file.
If it becomes a problem, I can spend more time fixing this.
Stupid IE
PPPS. Also, when fudforum in installing the database table prefix (default fud23_) is set thoughout the files. If this is different my code will have to be changed to reflect this. It's easy to spot though by looking at the existing file, and may require a seach and replace to modify the new file. Again, just give me a yell if you need a hand
[Updated on: Wed, 27 July 2005 01:22]

Location: Sydney
Registered: October 2003
Re: Is the Toymods site ever gonna get a face lift?
Fri, 11 November 2005 04:13

As per Rods post here
Forums are CLOSING ! | I suggest you copy any information you may wish to keep that is stored in your PM's as they will no longer be available.
Is there any chance somebody can implement my change before we close the forums down?
I'm available for hand holding during the installation process if needed. Just pm/email me for my phone number.
toymods at scattered dot com dot au

Location: Gawler, SA
Registered: August 2003
Re: Is the Toymods site ever gonna get a face lift?
Sun, 13 November 2005 10:57
Actually tried to do this and couldnt get it working until I realised you want to implement it and its not actually implemented Please do this it would be great.