hey driving through castle hill i saw a group of member from wat i rememba der was a crown, caldina, rolla and cant rememba da last 1 but anyways nice 2 c some members on the streets! p.s. i was in my corona aaavante!
sorry to burst a bubble but some ones guna say it... theres an offical spotted ur ride thrread.... but yah good news about seeing ppl.... being in melb i never seen ne one... so yah woudl b great i look at every toyota wondering...
hmmm wasn't on sunday was it or tonight cos it the motnhly meeting and sunday they had a lawn bowls day caldina would be wagonist, crown depending on what year ie newer tehwitzl older there is a few that have em and a rolla well that could be any one on here
& that was the sum total minus one of EVERYONE who turned up at Lawn Bowls. If you were so close, why weren't YOU there.
It was boring with only 5 people so we were on our way back to teh Witzl's place for a few brews.
Going to lock this thread now as it serves no purpose.
Stick you comments in the linked thread instead if you're that way inclined.