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I supported Toymods
Location: Northern Beaches
Registered: May 2002
Thermo fans
Wed, 25 May 2005 08:02
My thermo fan died the other night (think due to a short in the wiring) so I gotta replace it. It was a Repco 11inch fan, so I go and get another Repco 11inch fan.
So I rip out the old one fan (not so easy when you got no room to work with and can't pull the radiator out without everything else coming off) only to find the new one won't fit between the engine and the radiator. I compare the 2 and the new one is thicker than the old one.
So im wondering does anyone know either where id get an older Repco fan which would be thin, or what good fans are nice and thin?
Banned by his request
Location: moved to tamworth
Registered: July 2002
Re: Thermo fans
Wed, 25 May 2005 08:19

has it got rubber vibration bushes? if so take them out or there are a few diffrent makes of thermo fans! thermotec do fans as does davis craig etc, take your old fan out to rocket or the like and just check.

Location: Brisbane
Registered: February 2003
Re: Thermo fans
Wed, 25 May 2005 13:35

Out of curiosity how much was the fan?

Location: Melb, Victoria
Registered: April 2004
Re: Thermo fans
Wed, 25 May 2005 15:06

Sorry to hear About the fan mate, but thats repco for ya!
I work at Repco and we get the thermo fans in for warranty claims all the time
They always stuff up, one guy went through 3 of those fans on his 9 seater Nissan Bus in about 8mths!
Davis craig fan are good quality, i suggest checking out there range.

I supported Toymods
Location: Northern Beaches
Registered: May 2002
Re: Thermo fans
Thu, 26 May 2005 05:09

Thanks guys, it was $108
Got the day off work tomorrow so ill do some hunting around places to try find another one
Is the best places just AutoOne, Repco etc.?

Location: Brisbane
Registered: June 2003
Re: Thermo fans
Thu, 26 May 2005 09:01

also try out ICE thermo fans. I use a 14" one on my seems to suck a huge anmount of air. Also the blades are rotateable and it comes with a relay/ wiring kit.

Toymods member I supported Toymods
Location: Rydalmere, NSW
Registered: May 2002
Re: Thermo fans
Fri, 03 June 2005 04:04

All the Repco fans I've used so far (one 11" and two 10" fans) have come with their own wiring harness and relay. I didn't bother using the harness and relay on the first 10" fan and it lasted for about 5 months. I replaced that with another 10" fan (identical) and wired it up the same way - lasted 4 days.
Replaced that with an 11" fan and wired it up to it's own harness and relay, and that was back in February. No problems since then, except it's a "permo-fan" ie. it stays on the whole time, and not controlled by a thermo-switch. I know where the thermo-switch location is, but I'm not exactly sure how it should be wired in to make it activate only when the thermostat does.

Toymods Social Secretary
Location: Sydney
Registered: July 2002
Re: Thermo fans
Fri, 03 June 2005 05:07

andrew - that would be most likely because the wiring for the repco fan it looking for a temp switch that is OPEN when below temp, and CLOSED above temp..... toyota thermoswitches are the other way around

Toymods member I supported Toymods
Location: Rydalmere, NSW
Registered: May 2002
Re: Thermo fans
Fri, 03 June 2005 05:15
Thanks for that Karl, I've since been informed by Mos that the thermo-switch isn't in the place where it should be (at the bottom of the radiator. There's a blanking-plate there instead. What's the best option for a thermo-switch and where would I be able to bag one? Will it go in the same place where the standard RAV4 one went (in the bottom of the radiator)?