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Location: Adelaide
Registered: September 2003
wow, it's cold out side, and my 18rgeu is letting me know it
Thu, 26 May 2005 12:16
ok i have rebuilt the 18rgeu and it is starting and idling fine now during normal weather.
now i have asked this before but cant find it but:
when starting the car cold the engine "idles" at about 300rpm.
if i apply a bit of throttle for the first 2 minutes it will eventually get to about 850 rpm and i don't need to assist it.
so the question is...
now i have a haltech f7 so can control the cold start fuelling (the cold start injector isn't connected but this would negate that anyway), but i can't get it to at least idle at an acceptable rate when cold.
is there something else i can change to get it to idle without me assisting it when cold, is there a way i can check if i have my vaccuum retard/advance set up correctly on the dissy or doesnt this affect it?
i have tried a fair few settings for cold start fuelling but it just won't maintain idle(extreme extra fuel, no extra fuel, 3 or 4 variations in between) .
timing is set to standard for when car is warm.
what else can i check
idling when warm is about 1000rpm so the idle adjustment screw seems fine for when it is warm also.
Location: Land of Oz
Registered: June 2004
Re: wow, it's cold out side, and my 18rgeu is letting me know it
Thu, 26 May 2005 12:29
What your engine is trying to say is "Please give me a nice set of carbs".
Location: Adelaide
Registered: September 2003
Location: Brisbane
Registered: February 2003
Re: wow, it's cold out side, and my 18rgeu is letting me know it
Thu, 26 May 2005 13:36
could be that you need a new aux-air-valve
or remove it all together and replace it with a simple solenoid (air-con idle-up on a camira might be a handy donor) or see if the haltech will drive a more sophisticated valves that uses a stepper motor to vary the amount of air flow.
Location: Brisbane
Registered: April 2004
Re: wow, it's cold out side, and my 18rgeu is letting me know it
Thu, 26 May 2005 22:41
I don't know about the haltech but my EMS has a setting where you set the amount of fuel and timing for cold start until it reaches a certain temp.
I Supported Toymods
Location: Glenmore Park, NSW
Registered: March 2004
Re: wow, it's cold out side, and my 18rgeu is letting me know it
Fri, 27 May 2005 02:18
isnt that the reasoning behind the Quote: | cold start injector
| ?!
Location: Adelaide
Registered: September 2003
Re: wow, it's cold out side, and my 18rgeu is letting me know it
Fri, 27 May 2005 04:43
cold start injector adds more fuel when cold, BUT the haltech just pumps more fuel in when cold according to a cold start fuel map so the cold start injector is no longer required.
also haltech only does fuel as well, it doesn't do timing
hey chuck can you show me a piccie of what you are talking about, it sounds interesting but i don't know what i am looking for
Location: Brisbane
Registered: October 2002
Re: wow, it's cold out side, and my 18rgeu is letting me know it
Fri, 27 May 2005 07:14
if u end up using a stepper motor {ISC motor}, call mitsu and find out how much the non genuine ones for magnas are, they were fuck all last time
they are thru a company called ACA
Location: Adelaide
Registered: June 2003
Re: wow, it's cold out side, and my 18rgeu is letting me know it
Fri, 27 May 2005 07:27
I've always got idle up switches given to me from wreckers.
The dizzy idea may be part of it. Does the vacuum advance on the 18RGEU dizzy normally go through a temperature switching valve on the thermostat housing?
If it should, maybe this might help.
Location: Hobart
Registered: June 2002
Re: wow, it's cold out side, and my 18rgeu is letting me know it
Fri, 27 May 2005 10:15
i think thechuckster is on the right track. There is a by pass valve connected just before the throttle valve and goes into the plenum. It just needs to be connected to 12v when the engine is running.
as the coil heats up the valve closes slowing down the idle speed. Engine heat also speeds this up.
this is what im talking about...
and you dont need to use cold start injector with a modern computer, they just add extra fuel with the normal injectors.
Location: Brisbane
Registered: April 2004
Re: wow, it's cold out side, and my 18rgeu is letting me know it
Fri, 27 May 2005 10:47
Hay thats a good drawing where did it come from
Location: Adelaide
Registered: September 2003
Re: wow, it's cold out side, and my 18rgeu is letting me know it
Fri, 27 May 2005 13:15
wow that picture is awsome
i don't have any of thataux air valve section at all and always wondered what came out of those blocked up pipes.
here is my setup
i have tried to colour code as best as possible.
red pipe from throttlebody into valve on the thermostat housing
green pipe from thermostat housing into vaccuum advance
yellow pipe from vaccuum advance to a t piece from which one side goe into plenum and other goes into the fuel pressure regulator.
the purple circles according to the picture are where my aux air valve should go
and the aqua square i heve no idea about (i saw a picture of it once going behind the engine somewhere)
so can i get this aux air valve assembly from a toyota car at the wreckers that will allow it to bolt straight up.
chuck the haltech doesn't control anything like that i dont believe (it is a haltech f7) so i don't know if i can go that route or not, is it still an option??
apologies if the pictures kill the link by the way
thanx for the help guys this is great i might still be able to get my car to idle yet, just need to find a donor or adapt something.
oh and what does that dash pot thing do in the diagram as well cos i don't think my car has that either
Location: Brisbane
Registered: April 2004
Location: Hobart
Registered: June 2002
Re: wow, it's cold out side, and my 18rgeu is letting me know it
Sat, 28 May 2005 01:26
i believe the picture is form the toyota EPC (electronic parts catalogue) i have this somewhere it has lots of pictures like this for various toyota engines. You can download it from some places but you need to get one which includes a car with the 18rgeu. The one i posted (by mistake) is for power steering, in the document below there is one for no power steering aswell.
I have a pdf of these pictures for the 18rgeu. Very handy.
ill upload it for you, heres a link:
barned01, it looks like you have the cold ignition advance hooked up, so that should be ok. But like you said no aux-idle valve. I think these valves are pretty standard they would probably be found on lots of 80's efi cars. lots of other efi toyotas aswell.
Location: Brisbane
Registered: April 2004
Re: wow, it's cold out side, and my 18rgeu is letting me know it
Sat, 28 May 2005 01:34
That doc is great been looking for something like this for ages.
Location: Hobart
Registered: June 2002
Re: wow, it's cold out side, and my 18rgeu is letting me know it
Sat, 28 May 2005 01:39
yeh it would have come in very handy when i was putting my EFI together, found it after that though...
Location: Adelaide
Registered: September 2003
Re: wow, it's cold out side, and my 18rgeu is letting me know it
Sun, 29 May 2005 11:05
people100, from your reply in the other thread about fixing the water inlet pipe relating to my dizzy, i now get to ask another question
wow it is starting to sound like my car is a bit of a dogs breakfast (although the 18rc lock was my doing as i wasn't able to find a g block available at the time)
when i had the engine apart, the dizzy did have a nippon denso metal tab on it saying it was an 18rgeu but could it be possible that the vaccuum advance part of the dissy had been swapped over for an 22re one???
i will see if i can get those two pipes that go to the idle air bypass valve this week and go to the wreckers on the weekend to get the valve itself and then report my findings....unless of course someone already has this available for me...
Location: Adelaide
Registered: September 2003
Re: wow, it's cold out side, and my 18rgeu is letting me know it
Sat, 02 July 2005 07:55
ok i managed to find a bypass vlve at the wreckers today.
now the only thing i need to do is work out how to wire it up.
the plug on it has a white wire with a black stripe as well as a blue wire, kinda like sky blue.
now the white with black stripe wire should be fairly easy as i could probably mount that off of some other white with black stripe wire in the engine bay, but what do i connect the blue wire to? do i just hunt down a blue wire in the engine bay as well?
i have a funny feeling the single wire going to the coolant temp sensor was blue. if it is can i just piggy back it off of this?
Location: Adelaide
Registered: September 2003
Re: wow, it's cold out side, and my 18rgeu is letting me know it
Sun, 03 July 2005 15:18
surely someone must know where the blue wire on the idle control valve goes??
if anyone out there has the haynes manual, does it say where it goes in there?
Location: Hobart
Registered: June 2002
Re: wow, it's cold out side, and my 18rgeu is letting me know it
Mon, 04 July 2005 03:48
its just a coil. there is no polarity.
This means you hook one wire to ground (chassis, neg terminal on battery etc).
Then hook the other wire to somewhere which has 12V when the ignition is on, or better yet when the fuel pump is on.
If you want to keep the wire colours correct the white/black one would be ground, the blue one 12V.
Location: Adelaide
Registered: September 2003
Re: wow, it's cold out side, and my 18rgeu is letting me know it
Mon, 04 July 2005 09:26
it isn't temperature dependent?
how does the valve know when to close when the car has heated up a bit,
Location: Hobart
Registered: June 2002
Re: wow, it's cold out side, and my 18rgeu is letting me know it
Mon, 04 July 2005 11:22
the valve is operated by a bi-metal strip. There is a electrical coil there aswell. When the engine is started the bitmetal strip is cold, as the electrical current heats the coil up, and as heat from the engine warms up the valve the two metals expand at different rates making the strip bend which gradually closes the valve.
So it is temperature dependant, but with help from the elctrical coil. This way if the engine warms up faster with driving the valve warms up fast and closes faster. Or if you start it and let it idle the valve warms up slower and stays on fast idle longer.
Very simple i know, but it seems to work pretty well.
Location: Adelaide
Registered: September 2003
Re: wow, it's cold out side, and my 18rgeu is letting me know it
Mon, 04 July 2005 21:26
cool i will try and wire it up ttonight and see how i go.
i wasn't able to mount it in between the 2n'd and 3rd intake pipes on the manifold as it is supposed to because it hits the edge of the block, so i will have to fabricate a mounting point off of it somehow. the valve was off a 2se so there is a fair chance the mounting points may be slightly different i suppose.
thanks ra40celica i like the cut of your Jib
Location: Hobart
Registered: June 2002
Re: wow, it's cold out side, and my 18rgeu is letting me know it
Mon, 04 July 2005 21:57
if you can't mount it in its original spot, try to mount it somewhere close to the head or block, so that it warms up with the engine.
toyota have located it so there is a coolant gallary right behind where it mounts. This means it probably react faster to engine heat, than somewhere well insulated.
Location: Adelaide
Registered: September 2003
Re: wow, it's cold out side, and my 18rgeu is letting me know it
Tue, 05 July 2005 11:29
oh my freaking gosh you guys are all legends.
after wiring it up my car started first time before even one revolution of the motor. idled at roughly 1100rpm and when warmed up maintained idle beautifully.
i have never experienced this with the engine efore, it is like a brand new engine now. yay
somehow i managed to loose the fuel gage while wiring the idle control valve up (i found a blue wire and connected it to that and also found a white with black stripe wire and connected it to that as well) but i will have a look in the morning and hopefully it is just a fuse or something.
cheers for all the help guys.
Registered: June 2004
Re: wow, it's cold out side, and my 18rgeu is letting me know it
Wed, 06 July 2005 09:50
why doesn't he need vacuum advance? my 18r-G's got a mallory twin-point dizzy without vac advance and it lacks power at low rpm, and i think this is part of the reason.