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Location: Perth WA
Registered: June 2004
AE85 coupe... no rear sway bar mounts???
Sun, 29 May 2005 06:02
Hey just got my self a JDM treuno coupe (AE85 !!!) has a JDM RWD 4AGE conversion and thats just bout it. just playing around with it today i looked under the car to check out the diff and i notice it has no sway bar (or the mounts ) so just wondering if the AE85s diffs or coupes came with no rear sway bars??? and i dunno could it possibly be a T18??? how can i check THANKS JoHnNy_K

Location: Hobart
Registered: July 2004
Re: AE85 coupe... no rear sway bar mounts???
Sun, 29 May 2005 07:34

i know for a fact my T-18 and all i have seen have rear sway bars factory.

Location: Hobart
Registered: July 2004
Re: AE85 coupe... no rear sway bar mounts???
Sun, 29 May 2005 07:36

post up a pic of your cars rear end

Location: Melbourne
Registered: June 2004
Re: AE85 coupe... no rear sway bar mounts???
Sun, 29 May 2005 07:44

my t-18 didn't have swaybars
ae85's came with swaybars
u have a t-18 diff

Location: Perth WA
Registered: June 2004
Re: AE85 coupe... no rear sway bar mounts???
Sun, 29 May 2005 08:40

ok pics will be up soon (as soon as my friend takes some pics of it) , shiri or anyone else is there anyway i can do to check if its a T-18 ???, i rang up the preivous owner and asked him if hes ever changed the diff but he said he hasnt. But yeah confused now, be awesome if its a T-18 , but from what the previous owners done to it, it seems it wouldnt have a T-18.

Location: S.E suberbs, Vic
Registered: December 2003
Re: AE85 coupe... no rear sway bar mounts???
Sun, 29 May 2005 09:12

early T-18s didnt, the later ones did

I supported Toymods
Location: Perth, WA
Registered: May 2003
Re: AE85 coupe... no rear sway bar mounts???
Sun, 29 May 2005 09:12

some t18s came with swaybars, some didnt
id say the rear end is a s series

Location: W.A
Registered: May 2004
Re: AE85 coupe... no rear sway bar mounts???
Sun, 29 May 2005 09:25

My ae85 hatch came with a rear sway bar..

Location: S.E suberbs, Vic
Registered: December 2003
Re: AE85 coupe... no rear sway bar mounts???
Sun, 29 May 2005 09:27

definelty time for a pic, take one from where the tailshaft joins on if you can

Location: Perth WA
Registered: June 2004
Re: AE85 coupe... no rear sway bar mounts???
Sun, 29 May 2005 10:57

Ok got a friend to take pics of it tomorow , so hopefully pics should be up tomorow as well

I supported Toymods
Location: Perth, WA
Registered: May 2003
Re: AE85 coupe... no rear sway bar mounts???
Sun, 29 May 2005 10:59

come round here and gimme a look and ill tell ya what you got

Location: Melbourne
Registered: October 2004
Re: AE85 coupe... no rear sway bar mounts???
Sun, 29 May 2005 22:29

speaking of rear swaybar mounts -
who in melbourne would like to help me out either thursday - friday daytime , sat or sunday night, or monday - tuesday - wednesday daytime next week welding swaybarmounts (precut) to a t18 diff and swapping out my s series?
I have a bent axle and I am supposed to be driving a long distance next week - don't want to pay some bastard to do it for me and I have no garage (already pushed the front-yard mechanic thing).
there will be a slab of the finest beer of your choice (that you can get at liqourland) up for grabs!

I supported Toymods
Location: Perth, Western Australia
Registered: December 2002
Re: AE85 coupe... no rear sway bar mounts???
Sun, 29 May 2005 22:40
Identifying the diff series is easy - the S series diff only has 8 bolts to hold the centre into the housing, the T series has 10. You'll have an early T18 diff as eluded to above also.