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February 2005
Driving lights on Corona MKII? Fri, 03 June 2005 03:10 Go to next message

i alwasys forget to turn the headlights off on my 1973 corona mkII, wich ofcourse results in a flat battery.. and after a few times, a dead battery.

so.. now i wanna change this, is there a simple way to make the headlights come on when i start the car up, and turns themselves off when i stop the engine?

i hope to be able to do this in a cheap and easy way, without having to re-do the entire electrical system

thanks for all help Very Happy
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Forums Junkie

May 2002
Re: Driving lights on Corona MKII? Fri, 03 June 2005 03:15 Go to previous messageGo to next message
A second relay in series with the headlight relay will do it. Hook up the second relay to ignition power, that way the lights can only come on when the ignition is on.

I don't seem to have a problem remembering to turn off my lights though? Razz
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Corona RT142
Forums Junkie

November 2003
Re: Driving lights on Corona MKII? Fri, 03 June 2005 03:19 Go to previous messageGo to next message
my good old rona has a alrm thing, that when you don't turn the lights off it starts beeping at you, that way its pretty hard to get out of the car without turning them off. Came like that from the factory. Surprised
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February 2005
Re: Driving lights on Corona MKII? Fri, 03 June 2005 03:20 Go to previous messageGo to next message
thanks for ur answer

what kinda relay should i get?

can i do this as simple as connecting the relay right on the lightswitch, then to the ignition switch?

will i get a problem with the lights go while starting the engine and it will take a lot of power from the starter?
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February 2005
Re: Driving lights on Corona MKII? Fri, 03 June 2005 03:22 Go to previous messageGo to next message
alarm is a good thing, i had that too, and its good enough, but i figured i might as well trying to fix drivinglights as starting to fit an alarm

Very Happy
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April 2004
Re: Driving lights on Corona MKII? Fri, 03 June 2005 03:28 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Bosh 20amp 12v relay is heaps you can get them from any auto electrician there not hard to fit they have a schematic on the side.
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February 2005
Re: Driving lights on Corona MKII? Fri, 03 June 2005 03:44 Go to previous messageGo to next message

i have some bosch relays for my foglights laying around here somewhere, maybe they can be used too?`

where would be the easiest place to put the relay and hook up the wires? inside the car or in the engine bay? i just want the easiest point to hook it together.

Very Happy
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April 2004
Re: Driving lights on Corona MKII? Fri, 03 June 2005 03:55 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Probably under the dash near your fuse box. Find switched power then tap into your head light fuse. Remove the power side of the fuse and run it through the relay and back into your fuse box make sure you use a power source that has been fused for the trigger wire of the relay.

Is the head light relay behind the kick pannel on the drivers side or under the bonnet You could mount the relay right beside the head light relay and try and find a fused power source in that area and just tap into the power suply for the main headlight relay.
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February 2005
Re: Driving lights on Corona MKII? Fri, 03 June 2005 04:06 Go to previous messageGo to next message
thanks, i think i start to understand now.

so actually i just find the fuse for headlamp, take it out before the fuse, thru the relay, then back into the fuse.

then the two other connectors (dont know what its called in english) on the relay, one of them i use for switched power and other is ground, correct?

the switched power can be almost anything i assume.. for example the cigarette lighter?
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April 2004
Re: Driving lights on Corona MKII? Fri, 03 June 2005 04:27 Go to previous message
There's actually five terminals on a relay two of them are the switching terminals the other three are one is power in then you have an option of normally open and normally closed "normally" means the state of the relay when its not powered. I.E Normally open means power can go into the relay but not out until its powered.
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