Hey toymods
I have made contact with a group in America who uses ARIAS to make forged 18rg pistons.
This group sells them for $550 US with wrist pins and clips.
Which converts to around $730 AUD without postage. I would call it maximum of $850 posted. This still works out to be far cheaper then any other forged pistons that i know off and not a great deal more than cast pistons.
They can make them to a specific comp ratio.
They have told me that they will do a group buy to hopefully make the cost alot less.
I need some numbers so that they can give me an aproximate price. So anyone that is interested in Forged 18rg pistons for a price less then $730 please PM or Post so that i can get some numbers and forward the figure onto them so they can give us a price.
have u investigated import fees and stamp duties?
cos i think once u get above a certain value of goods, the amount u pay for bringing these in will go through the roof... unless u get them all sent from US individually, to different addresses.
Sorry to poop the party but i think this issue has come up before when group-buying from countries outside of Australia/NZ..
Its jsut that 5 sets of pistons will be valued at over $3000 so the taxes ul pay will be lets just say 'large'.
Dont quoute me on any of this, as im no expert, just thought id mention it if u hadnt thought of this yet.
could even try asking importers for advice, or AusTrade website, i think they give advice for import/exports..
if you got a few people together i could get you forged pistons for less than $850.let me know when you have a group to buy!i wont make money at all.just i dont mind if there is a group to do it!go toymods!
If you can source a set of forgies for a good price I would be interested. I think what I was looking for was 92mm 10.5:1 for 18RG Either cyberspace Auto or Toysports in America has them for about $500-$550 + postage I think.