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June 2005
Noob in need of help Tue, 14 June 2005 12:08 Go to next message
hey everyone... im preety new to the whole engine modifying scene and basically no nothing...

but newho... im here to learn some stuff...

k this is the situation.... i currently own an 82 corona and am doing some research to help me decide if i should get a new car or go for something a bit more unique and mod the corona...

Now with the cosmetics im all good.... i know exactly wat i want and the price n shites... BUT... i need some help with an engine...

I have bout 7-8 g'z for engine, suspension and exhust....

So the q is i need something with some umff for the corona... for around 5gz.... max 7.... nething suggestions under would b aight... lol...
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May 2005
Re: Noob in need of help Tue, 14 June 2005 12:29 Go to previous messageGo to next message
what is the current engine that is in the corona???
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June 2005
Re: Noob in need of help Tue, 14 June 2005 12:45 Go to previous messageGo to next message
its the stock... 1.9 (i think...not sure) 4cyc...
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Forums Junkie

Membership Secretary

June 2002
Re: Noob in need of help Tue, 14 June 2005 13:59 Go to previous messageGo to next message
1GGTE's fit thats bang for buck
3SGTE or 4AGTE if you wanted to spend some more $$$$
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May 2005
Re: Noob in need of help Wed, 15 June 2005 04:08 Go to previous messageGo to next message
what you want to do, is to think of a few things. like do want to do an engine conversion or just leave the current engine and work on that. once you have decide that, think about what you want out of your choice, eg. excess power, or less power and for it to be more useable (daily driver). once these have been adresed, then move on to the next part of the problem and decide what you want to put into it, eg. if you choose an engine conversion, think about what engine you want to put in (it is easier to put an engine of the same type into a car, as they have the same engine mounts eg a 3s-fe and a 3s-gte have same engine mounts, but are compleatly different. to determine which "family" the engine is from it is the first two or 3 leters and numbers on the engine code or the ones before the dash. so for the examle above, 3s-fe means the "3s" family narrow head (the f part) electronically injected engine (the e part). the 3s-gte means the "3s" family wide head (g part, more sporty than the narrow head, less economical but) turbocharged (t part) injected (e part).

Thatsounds like a lot of rabble but it is a good start to what you want to do, either, fix up ur current engine, or replace the engine, if you decide to replace the engine, think of what is easiest and best for your expectations of the car, so either stay with the same family of engines or go with an engine that reqquires alot of work to put in the bay, like the movement of mounts etc.

Hope this help a little bit.
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Forums Junkie

S.E suberbs, Vic
December 2003
Re: Noob in need of help Wed, 15 June 2005 07:00 Go to previous messageGo to next message
heres a good tip for you, read some of the technical threads here, then go back on page and read some more and keep on going, theres an awesome wealth of info on here.
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June 2005
Re: Noob in need of help Wed, 15 June 2005 08:49 Go to previous messageGo to next message
well if i do go for the engine conversion i would want to keep it simple as it can get with the a conversion... so i guess a straight swap across would be best... so how would i find out wat class engine my car has?

Im not to sure bout the engine... shes done near 300,000km and basically i got her serviced last month and she was purring well... start up first go but now shes gone to the crapper on me... takes a few goes to start... so im thinking its nearing time to go to the big car yard in the sky....

Thnxz for the tip samQ... i ahve been lookin around... still trying to get my head round these codes thing.... think illl get it soon enough
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Forums Junkie

August 2003
Re: Noob in need of help Wed, 15 June 2005 10:15 Go to previous messageGo to next message
if you have 7-8k don't waste it on a corona get a good car Razz
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May 2005
Re: Noob in need of help Wed, 15 June 2005 13:30 Go to previous message
sory too say this, its his choice how he spends his money if he loves corona's and wants to spend that much on it then that what he will do, any way just tellin ya Duke do what you wnat with ya monee. ppl will help ya round here (no matter what car ya drive) they just prefer a toyota!

GL man
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