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Location: Adelaide, South Australia
Registered: February 2005
Location: Adelaide
Registered: June 2003
Re: 18RG parts left for sale
Fri, 17 June 2005 15:05
Hey Michael,
Have you still got those 3 earlier model con rods?
If so, what are the numbers cast into them?
I may buy depending on whether that would complete a set of mine.
Those cams you're selling, are those the ones that were in the head when we pulled it out?
If so, they are nt original lobes, they are a rather well done regrind. I would estimate the duration somewhere around 280 degrees or just over.
Location: Adelaide, South Australia
Registered: February 2005
Re: 18RG parts left for sale
Mon, 20 June 2005 03:46
Dude those cams have been sold, and they were actually 294 degree cams, and they weren't regrinds. They were original Waggot Cams. I had them checked out by a mechanic. Why do you think you know everything about 18RG motors?
Now about those rods, i will look at the numbers tonight.
If you want them, you can have them for $20 each like the others.
Location: Adelaide
Registered: June 2003
Re: 18RG parts left for sale
Mon, 20 June 2005 06:48
Oops, it seems I've stepped on some toes here.
Sorry Michael, I was just trying to help you out with selling them.
Just for the record, to save any confusion, Waggot builds up (welds) the lobes on the original Toyota cam, then grinds them back into their own Waggot original profile.
The 88251 part number that was on them is an 18RGU generation number.
Once again, sorry if I stepped on your toes and I look forward to finding out the part numbers of those rods and then buying them.
-Steve M
Location: Adelaide, South Australia
Registered: February 2005
Re: 18RG parts left for sale
Mon, 20 June 2005 07:00
That's cool. All i know is they were bought from Waggot in Sydney, with no cams supplied to them. Basically an off the shelf item from them. Maybe they bought the cams from Toyota and reground them from there. I sold them for $150, so i was happy. I wonder how much they are new.
Get back to you soon about the conrods.
Location: Adelaide
Registered: June 2003
Re: 18RG parts left for sale
Mon, 20 June 2005 07:26
Yeah, I reckon Waggot must have had a set on their shelf.
They do a very good job, it is hard to tell that the work isn't original.
New they'd cost a resonable amount over $350 each to make up.
I heared $600 each somewhere but I'm not too sure about that figure.
Location: Adelaide, South Australia
Registered: February 2005
Re: 18RG parts left for sale
Mon, 20 June 2005 10:45
Just found 1 of the other 3 18RG conrods and it doesn't have a square on it either. Sorry about that. I'll try and find the other 2. This one has 52GU on it from memory. I left it in the shed. It's freezing out.
Location: Adelaide
Registered: June 2003
Re: 18RG parts left for sale
Mon, 20 June 2005 14:56
Thanks Michael,
The guy who's buying your engine gear wants to get a manifold off of me too.
If I can get that arranged before you deliver the stuff he wants to know if I can put the manifold in with the rest.
Is that OK?
If it is, then I'll come and take a look at the rods while I'm dropping off the manifold.
Location: Adelaide, South Australia
Registered: February 2005
Re: 18RG parts left for sale
Tue, 21 June 2005 02:06
I don't know if i'll be able to drive there anymore.
Will have to find a cheap delivery company.
Location: Adelaide
Registered: June 2003
Re: 18RG parts left for sale
Wed, 22 June 2005 13:50
Hey Michael.
The guy who's buying your stuff has just paid me for a carby manifold and want me to stick it in with the stuff you're sending over.
I'd like to do it tomorrow (Thursday June, 22nd)
Could you PM me and let me know either what is a convenient time to drop it off, when is a convenient time to ring you, or where is a good place to leave the part for you to collect.
Location: Tamworth
Registered: August 2004
Re: 18RG parts left for sale
Thu, 23 June 2005 08:24
the 88253 head. Please give a price?