I'm not a big speedway fan although it's ok to go see when not doing much on a Saturday night but I have always thought it would be really cool to see a turbo car in a race, or a turbo car class. I would love to hear the sound of a blow off valve or 10 and I can just imagine some insane amounts of boost and the like. Would be very interesting to see the following and the different types of cars in the races.
I guess frountmount intercoolers would be a no go with the mud!
Oh and another question in reguards to Speedway, how would a WRC rally car go on a speedway track? I would love to see it happen once. I know they wouldn't be as fast as some speedway cars but they would still be damn quick!
I think maybe the litre sprintcars are allowed turbos' I have seen them, I'm just not sure the name of the class. the best of these was powered by a turbo capuchino engine (suzuki) which is 650 cc with the turbo multiplier it became 1 L or so.
We only get Commodores and Falcons racing here mainly. There was once a mini that rocketed but i'd be keen to see those ones with the Suzuki motor. have you seen Denzo's Capachino. It was a little rocket ship