Location: north brisbane
Registered: September 2003
3tgte running ruff...help please!!
Thu, 07 July 2005 08:47
hey guys,i finally got my engine to start...soooo exciting!!! but i hav fun into some probs.....#1 wen the car starts.it runs ok and revs ok up to about 2000-3000 rpm..it jus wont rev higher...but when i disconect the tps...she rev's no worries????iz the tps stuffed?it also has a miss at idle andseems to clear with the revs...dirry/stuffed injectors??? any help apreciated:D thx
Location: Devonport Tasmania
Registered: June 2004
Re: 3tgte running ruff...help please!!
Thu, 07 July 2005 09:27
The factory TPS on a 3tgte is a switch type.
So it switches between 3 different values i think.
By the sound of it one of the contacts is poor so the computer is not changing your load points ( I think)
So when u disconnect it the computer will run in ultra rich mode ( OPEN LOOP ? ) and let it rev still.