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Location: Sydney
Registered: July 2002
new engine in a corona
Tue, 10 December 2002 03:39
Ok, not being stupid here. My GF (Kylie) needs a new engine in her corona. I don't know what year it is, but I know its got a 2.4L injected engine and 5spd manual box.
Does anyone know what engine this is? What would be the EASYEST and CHEAPEST engine to put in (including the same engine again). I've heard somewhere that that particular standard engine is renouned to kill timing chains?
Any help is appreciated.

Location: Cabramatta, NSW
Registered: May 2002
Re: new engine in a corona
Tue, 10 December 2002 03:43

22R-E. Timing chains are a bit iffy, but not something that you should worry about. These engines go on forever...
Cheapest would always be the same engine... No need to stuff around with anything, just bolt it in and get a blue slip.

Toymods Social Secretary
Location: Sydney
Registered: July 2002
Re: new engine in a corona
Tue, 10 December 2002 04:02

if you want to be dodgy pete... 18rgeu....
but they are older than the car i believe, and hence not legal to put in.
another 22R-E would be easiest dude. that or a 3K

Location: Brisbane
Registered: May 2002
Re: new engine in a corona
Tue, 10 December 2002 04:05

The timing chain issue happens when the chain isn't replaced at recommended intervals, and it stretches enough that it starts to rub on the timing cover. After a while it wears through and you end up with coolant in the sump... not good. None of this is a problem on a properly maintained engine though, and as Nark said the 22R is renowned for its bulletproof reliability... look after it and it will go forever.

Location: Sydney
Registered: July 2002
Re: new engine in a corona
Tue, 10 December 2002 04:07

She's blown the HG 3 times in a year too.
... anyone know where I can get a cheap, but reliable 22R-E?

Location: Sydney
Registered: May 2002
Re: new engine in a corona
Tue, 10 December 2002 06:23
i thnk techie mark was selling one wiht a w58 out of a celica