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Location: sydney
Registered: October 2004
who here has a motorbike ???
Sun, 10 July 2005 07:51
im planing 2 get a motorbike be4 summer coz i always wanted one but then the thing stoping me is that im scared coz if u have a accident on a bike ur pretty much gone and one tym when i was at the hospital and this dude next 2 my friends father was invovled in accident and he like had metal thing in hs leg, it was so gross
should i or shouldnt i ???
Club Member
Location: Sydney, NSW
Registered: May 2002
Re: who here has a motorbike ???
Sun, 10 July 2005 08:33

My dad has had a few bikes and only one accident... Got cut off... Was thrown maybe 20ft, 3 broken ribs, sore shoulder and back...
But if it wasn't for the driver of the ute, he would've been fine...
Guess it depends on the way you ride...

I supported Toymods
Location: Perth, WA
Registered: May 2003
Re: who here has a motorbike ???
Sun, 10 July 2005 09:57

winter is the best time to buy
soo cheap

Location: Brisbane
Registered: May 2002
Re: who here has a motorbike ???
Sun, 10 July 2005 10:33

I agree with rolla boy, a lot of it comes down to riding style...
I've been riding since I got my license (I got my car and bike license in the same week), which is about 5yrs now, and I'm yet to lay my bike over. Fair enough it is a gutless DT175, but I've done a fair bit of riding on it, about 25000k's, with no highway work at all, just inner city stuff.
I think its about attitude, just expect the person in the car to pull out/swerve into your lane/do something stupid, and take steps to avoid getting hurt before it happens...unfortunately there are times when there is nothing that you can do, it's just a risk you'd have to be willing to take.
I say go for it, bikes are great fun...I guess it depends if you like to stay within your own limits tho 

Location: melb
Registered: May 2004
Re: who here has a motorbike ???
Sun, 10 July 2005 11:05

I have had count less dirt bikes noting to be scared of just take it easy wat bike are you looking at getting?

Location: sydney
Registered: October 2004
Re: who here has a motorbike ???
Sun, 10 July 2005 11:24

hey i know i would be safe and all
but there are heaps of crap driver out there and being a bike
it very hard 2 notice and that
thats all i scared of

Location: South Australia
Registered: July 2002
Re: who here has a motorbike ???
Mon, 11 July 2005 03:14

Yeah I have a ZZR-250, had it for only one week and I fell off Kinda hurts but I DEFINITELY don't play in heavy traffic. If I'm near an intersection, or a blind crest, or anywhere where I think a car could come into play, I back right off to mega-safe speed. It's just not worth trying to take on a big solid 1.5tonne object, or having to ditch the bike at 60+km/h, much safer to just back off to 40km/h and reduce the risk of serious injury etc.
Always expect that drivers will do something stupid because although most of the time they are okay, there is always that minority of drivers who have NFI whatsoever about the risks they take when driving and just blindy swap lanes, swerve, slam on brakes etc etc.
Oh and also, don't go flying along a road that is lined with trees and armco less than half a metre from the edge of the road. If you fall off, you are going to hit that stuff real hard! Like any form of driving, you just have to assess your risk, your own ability and go from there. If you are shit on a bike (like me) then you have to take it easy and ride with minimal risk (until you get better).
[Updated on: Mon, 11 July 2005 03:19]
Location: Brisbane / Gold Coast
Registered: May 2002
Re: who here has a motorbike ???
Mon, 11 July 2005 05:10

I'm getting an Aprilia RSV-1000R later in the year.
Can't wait!!

Location: Brisneyland
Registered: May 2004
Re: who here has a motorbike ???
Mon, 11 July 2005 05:18

I've had many bikes over the years.
It's unfortunate that if you ride it often, your chances of coming awry increase. The latest Wheels quote stats of 34 times more likely mortality rate than a car. Yeowch.
I was t-boned by a Commo driver doing an illegal u-turn once. I had nowhere to time to stop...and was thrown through the air, bounced off three cars, and broke bones.
Be careful. When a fuckwit decides to be reckless and you're in his/her way, you generally lose.

Location: South Australia
Registered: July 2002
Re: who here has a motorbike ???
Mon, 11 July 2005 14:12

Quote: | I'm getting an Aprilia RSV-1000R later in the year.
Can't wait!!
| haha you lucky nut! I can't imagine riding one of those, I get into enough trouble as it is with the 250.
Location: Sydney NSW
Registered: July 2004
Re: who here has a motorbike ???
Mon, 11 July 2005 23:11

You can be safe, but its a totally different mindset when your riding, compared to what most people do when their driving. When your learning, it can be a pretty stressfull experience, because not only do you have to do all the same stuff as in a car, you also have to think about all the other cars on the road so much more, and think for them, cos they will drive over you before you know it. Most car drivers dont turn their head to look, they just drive off their mirrors, and its so easy to not see a bike. You also have to think about the cars you cant see, the ones that may not even be there, cos these are the ones that will most likely kill you.
But you get used to it, you begin to read traffic a lot better, but still, its in your attitude. I owned my ZX2R for 5 years, never had an incident, and spent a bit of time and money on it to make what was quite a quick and good looking machine.
I sold it to a guy who seemed fairly responsible at the time, but as soon as i signed the paperwork, he was off riding like an idiot, then at midnight that night, i got a call from the police trying to identify the rider of my bike, who had put himself under a truck.

Location: Canberra
Registered: August 2003
Re: who here has a motorbike ???
Fri, 15 July 2005 06:07

RWDBoy do you like your zzr? that is the bike I am considering...
Location: Sydney NSW
Registered: July 2004
Re: who here has a motorbike ???
Fri, 15 July 2005 10:31

ZXR kills a ZZR any day.

Location: Central Coast, NSW
Registered: May 2002
Re: who here has a motorbike ???
Mon, 18 July 2005 05:04

Used to have a road bike - came off while doing about 20km/h over a wooden bridge... back wheel spun and flicked me off
I sold that quite a while ago and stick to my YZ250 now
Location: Sydney NSW
Registered: July 2004
Re: who here has a motorbike ???
Mon, 18 July 2005 05:58

^^^LOL, sounds like a cool trick
Of all the risks i've taken on my bike, the only crash i had was putting along at 45 and got taken out by one of those tyre biting yappy dogs. Caused $3500 bux damage to the bike and 6 months physio for my rooted shoulder.
And i missed the dog

Location: Melbourne
Registered: June 2004
Re: who here has a motorbike ???
Mon, 18 July 2005 06:21

The Kwaka ZZR-250 feels SOOOOO flat and lifeless - but it does rev to 12 or 13k-rpm, making it very friendly to the novice.
You have to be a foolly sik kunt widt teh masschifff ballz ov schteel to be riding a bike in the city. It doesn't matter how good you are, how careful you are - you're eventually gunna get thumped if you ride in traffic long enough - there's just too many half-asleep dickwads around to dodge 'em all ! ! ! !
If I owned my own bike (that wasn't in pieces in the shed) then I'd just do track days and country/mountain cruises.
Gots'ta keep teh niggaz alive!!

Location: Sydney
Registered: May 2002
Re: who here has a motorbike ???
Mon, 18 July 2005 14:52

cannonball was that truck near the spit bridge ?

Location: sydney,nsw.oz.
Registered: July 2002
Re: who here has a motorbike ???
Mon, 18 July 2005 21:52

Buy a Harley and everyone will get outta your way !
Location: Sydney NSW
Registered: July 2004
Re: who here has a motorbike ???
Mon, 18 July 2005 23:45

manipulate wrote on Tue, 19 July 2005 00:52 | cannonball was that truck near the spit bridge ?
I dont know, I think he lived somewhere in western Sydney, like Hursville or something, but the cops didnt want to tell me much about the accident, they just wanted to confirm who the rider was.
Location: Brisbane, QLD
Registered: February 2003
Re: who here has a motorbike ???
Tue, 19 July 2005 07:55

I got my first bike last November in that time i've clocked over 14000km's(with the bike off the road for nearly 3 months) and have had one accident so far(and many many many many many near misses).
Had to take a week off work as i did some damage to my shoulder and ankle.
You just have to remember that EVERYONE out there is trying to kill you and ride accordingly(read: defensivly)
Of course there are some dangers involved, i lost a friend only a few weeks ago. He'd been riding for 5 years or so and was a reasonably sensible rider. Things went pear shaped and the traffic light won the battle. Then again i know blokes who have gone for a decent fang pretty much every weekend for the past 30 years and have only come off once, worst damage done was a bruised ego.
Location: Brisbane, QLD
Registered: February 2003
Re: who here has a motorbike ???
Tue, 19 July 2005 08:01

cannonball wrote on Fri, 15 July 2005 20:31 | ZXR kills a ZZR any day.
I'd disagree.
Friend of mine, who's now got an R6, used to make guys on 600 and 1000cc sports bikes cry.
Rider ability has a shit load to do with it(he's a very good rider).
Shit even i can outpace guys on R1's who dont really know what they're doing even though i've not much experience and a clapped out FZR250

Location: Sydney
Registered: May 2004
Re: who here has a motorbike ???
Tue, 19 July 2005 09:47
get fat exhaust. if they can't see you at least they'll hear you!