Hey guys iam in gr8 need of a 3tgte (complete with ecu and loom if possible). Iam lookin 4 a conversion for my ta22 and this engine looks like the way to go, i have the cash redy 4 any decent 3tgte so if u have one you would be interested in getting rid of let me know!!!
so your after a 3k-e ?
sorry ment 1uz-fe
or was that 18r....
man, serisouly
onyl need tos ay it once....and gl finding one
check out the tech sections for covnersin advise for ebtter engiens like 4ag(z/t)e 3sg(t)e 1gg(t/ze or even 1/2jzg(t)e
so your after a 3k-e ?
sorry ment 1uz-fe
or was that 18r....
man, serisouly
onyl need tos ay it once....and gl finding one
check out the tech sections for covnersin advise for ebtter engiens like 4ag(z/t)e 3sg(t)e 1gg(t/ze or even 1/2jzg(t)e
damit i was gonna say that.
You can find a 3t-gteu for sale like every month but depending on the amount of money you have decides on how quick you can find one.