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Location: South Eastern Subs
Registered: March 2004
Mon, 25 July 2005 15:32
Well here is my Soarer... I would have never modified it but i found this Forum...and well with the help of people's advice and finding out that there are parts for this car I decided to improve her a little bit.

Engine Mods:
Blitz BAG Turbos
FUll 3"inch Exaust
Hyper Boost Controller(14psi)
Type 1 BOV
Detailed Engine bay and wiring hidden.

Re-painted in 2 pack black(original color is Charcoal black)
Air Purification System added
17 CTW Falling star Rims.

Sound:15"inch Pioneer Subwofer and Clarion splits.

Stock apart fromt the Double din Unit, Boost gauge and the woodgrain i put in...Maybe i'll change it soon to Carbon Fiber...The woodgrain looks a little to 80's.

Future Plan:
Either a stand alone ECU or i might just leave the thing i am more then happy with it at the moment.

I Supported Toymods
Location: Lwr Templestowe, Melbourne
Registered: August 2004
Mon, 25 July 2005 15:39

Looks good mate 
When are we gunna see it in the flesh eh?

Location: Perth Western Australia
Registered: April 2004
Mon, 25 July 2005 15:45

oh baby thats a beaut !
love the 3rd pic .. Whoa ... if i had a soarer thats the type id have - none of this 1990's crap
Good luck with it

Location: South Eastern Subs
Registered: March 2004
Mon, 25 July 2005 15:45

As soon as the next cruze is in melbourne.I'll be there...

Location: sydney
Registered: May 2005
Mon, 25 July 2005 22:01

you've got that done right to my taste, nice stuff bro. Which HKS FMIC are you running in it? Where's you get you engine bay chroming etc done, how much was that oart of the completed project?

Location: Sydney
Registered: September 2003
Mon, 25 July 2005 22:43

Damn thats Hot , the best oldskool soarer in Aus .
Did you get it resprayed or the previous owner?.

Location: South Eastern Subs
Registered: March 2004
Tue, 26 July 2005 04:18

I did the engine my self...When I blew the head gasket I took off all the alloy, sanded it back and polished it ( The inlet manifold took me 4 days) It was the shitiest thing to try and get smooth enough to buff...the chroming of shock tower cover and little bits like brackets and screws were done locally...
The HKS cooler is of the Import Blitz Sight..its a bolt on one..I didn't change nothing it even bolted to the stock mounts...
The rest was just good ol elboy grese.. Thanks guys

Location: south east - melbourne
Registered: March 2004
Tue, 26 July 2005 06:59

farking hottttttttttttt matey
good work boyan looking sexyyy
have to see the damn thing in flesh now
btw what did the exhaust cost you , iil be doing mine soon

Location: South Eastern Subs
Registered: March 2004
Tue, 26 July 2005 08:18

The exaust costed 500-600...cant rember..from the turbo including the 3"inch cat...just give us a ring steve...

Location: South Eastern Subs
Registered: March 2004
Tue, 26 July 2005 08:46

Ohh and yeah i got it re-sprayed last year....the old paing was getting crows feet...

Location: south east - melbourne
Registered: March 2004
Tue, 26 July 2005 22:50

shite man , that a very good price i got quoted over a grand to do it , but that including the dump pipes and all but they do some good work though , its on warrigal road near all the car yards -- cant remeber the name now

Location: Central Coast, NSW
Registered: February 2005
Wed, 27 July 2005 03:16

indian wrote on Wed, 27 July 2005 08:50 | shite man , that a very good price i got quoted over a grand to do it , but that including the dump pipes and all but they do some good work though , its on warrigal road near all the car yards -- cant remeber the name now
he did say from the turbo back, $500 - $600
not too shabby

Location: Sydney
Registered: September 2003
Wed, 27 July 2005 04:04

thats one hot GZ20, nice work and that engine bay is absolutely awesome

Location: sydney
Registered: May 2005
Wed, 27 July 2005 09:28

I have a 3" system from turbo back with high flow cat and stainless steel muffler on my old soarer i'm parting out i'd let go for around $500, you'd be looking at at least double that for a full system form an exhaust shop.

Location: QLD
Registered: October 2004
Thu, 28 July 2005 10:22

dat hawt
itz so shinny

Location: Geelong.Vic.Au
Registered: August 2002
Wed, 17 August 2005 02:33

wow that looks insane, can you get some larger pictures please

I Supported Toymods
Location: Lwr Templestowe, Melbourne
Registered: August 2004
Wed, 17 August 2005 03:12
Hopefully I will see this in flesh next week, and will have my camera with me Drool-worthy car it is...