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Location: sydney
Registered: August 2003
Starlet GT stolen... please read
Tue, 26 July 2005 10:48
hey guys, some SCUM have stolen one of my closest mates cars. I hope these theives rot in hell for what they have done.
Anyway... If anybody has any information please refer to the details below.
Car details:
- 94' toyota starlet GT- black
- plates "AHQ.28K"
- basically stock on outside beside 17" rims
- VR4 cooler, exhaust, and other stuff you, but you cannot see from the outside..
- stolen from Maquarie University between 2pm and 5.00pm
if anyone knows anything, or has seen anything, please call pete on 0421 491 371 or myself on 0433 316 412.
Any information would be great as he only had third party insurance.


Location: Brisbane
Registered: March 2005
Re: Starlet GT stolen... please read
Tue, 26 July 2005 13:18

dude that sucks. i had my last car stolen too. hope he gets it back, i didnt. one nice lookin car there. and yeh they deserve to rot in hell. let us know if he gets it back.

Location: Sydney
Registered: September 2004
Re: Starlet GT stolen... please read
Tue, 26 July 2005 13:26

Ohh shit dude that sux!
Will definitely keep an eye out.
Did your mate park it inside the uni or on that side street that leads up to the M2 entrance (forgot what it's called, I always park there)

Registered: June 2003
Re: Starlet GT stolen... please read
Tue, 26 July 2005 13:28

You know, that's about the third car I've heard of being stolen in the last 2 weeks or so, and all of the pictures for these cars were also hosted on boost cruising.

Location: Inside a giant turbo (syd...
Registered: June 2002
Re: Starlet GT stolen... please read
Tue, 26 July 2005 13:28

did it have an alarm?

Location: Victoria, Melbourne
Registered: April 2005
Re: Starlet GT stolen... please read
Tue, 26 July 2005 13:40

joorsh wrote on Tue, 26 July 2005 23:28 | You know, that's about the third car I've heard of being stolen in the last 2 weeks or so, and all of the pictures for these cars were also hosted on boost cruising.
coincidence perhaps? most likely not...
i feel ya bro, my friend had her car stolen too.
police found the car after it had been thrashed
the f*ck out of (not trying make u feel worse)

Location: sydney,nsw.oz.
Registered: July 2002
Re: Starlet GT stolen... please read
Tue, 26 July 2005 21:57

Spanktown wrote on Tue, 26 July 2005 23:28 | did it have an alarm?
Well if it did, it dint stop the feevs

Location: Toronto, Downtown
Registered: September 2004
Re: Starlet GT stolen... please read
Tue, 26 July 2005 22:01

yeah sad to hear its a nice looking car.....
i have third party insurance only too (my driving history is a little naughty) so as a result mine is allways garaged and i dont park it at shopping centres ect ect + i have a good alarm just something to think about....

I supported Toymods Banned User
Location: Brisbane
Registered: May 2002
Re: Starlet GT stolen... please read
Wed, 27 July 2005 00:17

The moral of this story is, if you have found that someone has tried stealing your car, you should take some precautions when parking the damm thing in the same spot!
Location: sydney
Registered: August 2003
Re: Starlet GT stolen... please read
Wed, 27 July 2005 03:25

hey the car was parked in the main carpark at the uni.
Supposedly there has been a string of thefts at the Uni lately.
It had an alarm but obviously it didnt work to well.
Im praying these guys get caught and hopefully some bad stuff will hapen to them when they do.

Location: Sydney
Registered: September 2003

I supported Toymods Banned User
Location: Brisbane
Registered: May 2002
Re: Starlet GT stolen... please read
Wed, 27 July 2005 03:46

kris wrote on Wed, 27 July 2005 13:25 | hey the car was parked in the main carpark at the uni.
Supposedly there has been a string of thefts at the Uni lately.
It had an alarm but obviously it didnt work to well.
Im praying these guys get caught and hopefully some bad stuff will hapen to them when they do.
Who cares about alarms! He should of had an immobilizer. Also after nearly having the car stolen in the past in the same place, you'd think he would of realized that maybe parking elsewhere or getting an immobilizer might be a good idea.

Location: Baulko Hillo
Registered: April 2004
Re: Starlet GT stolen... please read
Wed, 27 July 2005 04:30

Sucks teh dong, sorry to hear that - I'll keep an eye out.
And I just have to ask - what rims are they?

Location: Sydney
Registered: September 2004
Re: Starlet GT stolen... please read
Wed, 27 July 2005 09:43

finney wrote on Wed, 27 July 2005 13:37 | great to hear that the uni parking inspectors/security were doing a great job as always all i ever saw them doing was standing around in groups talking shit near the coffee cart or writing parking tickets... although there was a lot more coffee drinking than anything else
I was there at like midnight before exams and my friend parked her car next to mac library/macquarie theatre (lol we were exploring the uni and driving on grass n stuff) and we were sitting down eating noodles and we heard like 10 blokes laughing and acting like dumb cunts and shit n we were both thinking who the hell comes to UNI at the middle of the night to have fun.
They turned the corner and it turned out to be TWO security blokes

Location: Toronto, Downtown
Registered: September 2004
Re: Starlet GT stolen... please read
Wed, 27 July 2005 10:11

sometimes it can also be that the security guards are involved in some way its not exactly the most honest industry

Location: wollongong NSW
Registered: August 2003
Re: Starlet GT stolen... please read
Wed, 27 July 2005 10:55

posted onto hot4s, and carchat for you
Location: sydney
Registered: May 2004
Re: Starlet GT stolen... please read
Thu, 28 July 2005 04:49

hey people..
i actually own the car, and hopefully i can clear up a couple of things...
the car did have an immobiliser, but the guys got around it..
and it wasnt a matter of not parking it in the same spot.. that wouldnt have stopped anything..
a week earlier, it looked like someone tampered with my lock by jamming a screw driver down there...
honestly, i didnt think much of it.. i thought it was an act of vandelism or something..
the next week, the cars gone, so i deffinetly feel the car has been targeted, and whether i parker it in another spot or not, wouldnt have stopped them..
if they want something, its a matter of time..
anyway, thanks everyone for the kind words, and if u could just keep your eyes peeled, it will be heaps appriciated

I supported Toymods Banned User
Location: Brisbane
Registered: May 2002
Re: Starlet GT stolen... please read
Thu, 28 July 2005 05:05

It obviously want a decent immobilizer! Or it wasn't installed correctly!

Location: Toronto, Downtown
Registered: September 2004
Re: Starlet GT stolen... please read
Thu, 28 July 2005 07:52

or they used a tilt tray towe truck it happens

Location: Castle Hill
Registered: August 2004
Re: Starlet GT stolen... please read
Thu, 28 July 2005 13:15

Cool1 wrote on Thu, 28 July 2005 15:05 | It obviously want a decent immobilizer! Or it wasn't installed correctly!
Mate, if they are keen to get a car, they will get it.
There are always ways around it.
Sorry to hear about the theft, often around macquarie, so will keep an eye out for you.

I supported Toymods Banned User
Location: Brisbane
Registered: May 2002
Re: Starlet GT stolen... please read
Thu, 28 July 2005 21:42

ae80 wrote on Thu, 28 July 2005 23:15 |
Cool1 wrote on Thu, 28 July 2005 15:05 | It obviously want a decent immobilizer! Or it wasn't installed correctly!
Mate, if they are keen to get a car, they will get it.
There are always ways around it.
Sorry to hear about the theft, often around macquarie, so will keep an eye out for you.
If it was a decent immobilizer and it was installed correctly it would take them hours to get around it. So the only way to steal the car would be to drag it up on a tow truck.

Location: Parramatta
Registered: July 2002
Re: Starlet GT stolen... please read
Fri, 29 July 2005 00:33

I hate seeing these topics they make me cringe all of the time. I get so worried that mine may go one day, its always locked up imobilzers, tracking etc but its never enough i dont think, the tilt tray has passed my mind but where mine is i dont think they could get it with where is it but as said before if they want a car enough they can get it.
Good luck with the car i hope your mate gets it back no one deserves there pride and joy stolen from them. I hope these guys get what they deserve.

Location: Toronto, Downtown
Registered: September 2004
Re: Starlet GT stolen... please read
Fri, 29 July 2005 01:16

i dont park my car in public anywhere where i cant see it the whole time... Its a pain in the ass but ive been pouring alot of money (for me anyways) into it and i wont risk it ive basicially i had to decide what i want more to drive my car every day or to not have it stolen.

Location: sydney
Registered: July 2004
Re: Starlet GT stolen... please read
Fri, 29 July 2005 01:18

ive seen this car in the flesh and its a shame it go stolen.
will deff be looking out for it and if i see some punk driving it i will take the nearest pointy implement to hand and jam it into them repeatedly.

Location: Epping, Sydney
Registered: April 2003
Re: Starlet GT stolen... please read
Fri, 29 July 2005 01:19

and you would THINK given the zillions of parking cops at Maq Uni that this wouldn't happen.
I mean, you park for 5 minutes without paying and you get a ticket but someone can take your whole car without them noticing!

I Supported Toymods
Location: Sydney
Registered: December 2002
Re: Starlet GT stolen... please read
Fri, 29 July 2005 01:42
4agte wrote on Fri, 29 July 2005 11:16 | i dont park my car in public anywhere where i cant see it the whole time... Its a pain in the ass but ive been pouring alot of money (for me anyways) into it and i wont risk it ive basicially i had to decide what i want more to drive my car every day or to not have it stolen.
Yes I have this disorder too... I call it Cargoraphobia