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Location: Adelaide
Registered: October 2003
Warning light for tail light
Tue, 09 August 2005 11:55
Got a st165 GT4, the brake light warning light comes on as soon as you touch the brakes. The lights all work so i cant figure out what is going. Any help and experience would be appreciated

Location: Brisbane
Registered: May 2002
Re: Warning light for tail light
Tue, 09 August 2005 12:49

You are 110% sure that one of the brake lights isn't blown?
The parking lights should be fine (otherwise the light should be on all the time), the fact that it comes on when you brake really tends to suggest a blown brake light....

Location: new castle
Registered: July 2005
Location: Adelaide
Registered: October 2003
Re: Warning light for tail light
Wed, 10 August 2005 07:41

Definitely no blown brake light. I might check the rating of the globes though. Other than this i'm fresh out of ideas. Cheers for your help fellas

I supported Toymods
Location: Australia
Registered: November 2003
Re: Warning light for tail light
Wed, 10 August 2005 08:26

I thought it remained on whenever a light went out?
I know my MX73 does.
The light remains on until you turn the car off.
All it relies on is current draw.
If it draws the wrong current, something is blown.
Check all connections at bulbs for corrosion too.
Check the highlevel brakelight if you have one.
And make sure its not the low brake fluid warning light!

Location: Newcastle
Registered: July 2003
Re: Warning light for tail light
Wed, 10 August 2005 08:48

take the warning light bulb out

Location: Burnie, Tasmania
Registered: July 2005
Re: Warning light for tail light
Wed, 10 August 2005 12:00

I don't know this model at all but I believe the warning light is to tell you that you are in serious danger as your brakes are in danger of failing.
They don't go straight away but they probably will.

Location: Land of Oz
Registered: June 2004
Re: Warning light for tail light
Thu, 11 August 2005 05:03

If it's the BRAKE warning light that is in one of your instruments (ie the same light that comes on when you have the handbrake on) then as Enchanter said, it means there is something wrong with your brake system and you better get it checked 'cos it will fail. My old man, years ago, had his brake warning light come on in his Charger. He checked the system and it all seemed okay so he removed the bulb. Sure enough, some weeks went by and he had no brakes. He ended up doing a handbrake stop and spun the car 180 degrees and fileld his pants. He got the brakes fixed and put the bulb back. 
If it's a separate warning light (ie overhead OK monitor type system) then it's telling you that a brake light bulb is blown and no major safety issue.
Location: Adelaide
Registered: October 2003
Re: Warning light for tail light
Tue, 23 August 2005 07:42

I tried checking the globes at the back and cleaning the connections and it worked for two days. Now the light might come on one trip but the next time you drive it might not. I'll keep persevering with the globes and connections. Thanks guys, any more experiences would be appreciated.

I supported Toymods
Location: Perth
Registered: May 2002
Re: Warning light for tail light
Tue, 23 August 2005 07:47

Check your brake fluid level is high enough, make sure it's right up to the line. RAV-GT4 had a similar problem only a week or so ago.
Location: Adelaide
Registered: October 2003
Re: Warning light for tail light
Wed, 24 August 2005 06:52

Yeah its not that. Cheers anyway.
Any other input from experience would be appreciated.

I supported Toymods
Location: Perth
Registered: May 2002
Re: Warning light for tail light
Wed, 24 August 2005 06:58
No worries mate, just thought I'd throw that out there because not a lot of people realise that's what it's for and think it's only for the handbrake.
Good luck with it dude.