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Location: Pine Rivers QLD
Registered: April 2005
Help Check engine light!
Tue, 23 August 2005 22:04
Hello, i have a 1G-GTE and drove it to uni this morning (its first big drive, about an hour) Anyway towards the end of the trip i was cruising at 100 and my check engine light turned on, i crapped myself and backed off and within about 10 - 20 secs it turned off. so i started driving again and further down the road it turned on again, and like before it turned off not long after (i think i backed off again). i got off the highway and drove through uni and it was all fine, i then was driving up a hill not driving hard and it turned on again then off not long after.
My oil pressure light and temp gauges were doing what they should so it all looked fine, what could be the cause? and is it safe to drive?
My guess is that possibly when it was tune it was leaned out too much (as the said the leaned it out) and the ratios are good when you hammering it but when your cruising at high revs it goes too lean, would this cause the light to come on? this is a guess and i would like to hear others or opinions on this. more so if it it safe to drive.

I supported Toymods
Location: Perth
Registered: May 2002
Re: Help Check engine light!
Wed, 24 August 2005 00:09

If the light came on, it would've done so for a reason. Open the little diagnostic box in the engine bay, stick a paperclip or a bit of wire between the T and E1 pins. Go back to the key and flick the ignition on. The check engine light should flash with whatever code caused it to come on.
They leaned it out, but it should be okay on cruise because the O2 sensor should compensate for anything minor (which is all you'd hope they'd done).

I supported Toymods
Location: Perth
Registered: May 2002
Re: Help Check engine light!
Wed, 24 August 2005 00:10

Oh, and the diagnostic codes are in the tech docs on the actual Toymods website:

Location: Pine Rivers QLD
Registered: April 2005
Re: Help Check engine light!
Wed, 24 August 2005 06:37

yeah i should do that, but just an update for people's ideas (as i am still interested)
The light was turning off after 10 secs or so that why i was concerned about how bad it would really be. Anyway i drove it back home. again as soon as i hit the highway and cruised at 100 it came on. so i drove the rest of the way down the highway (a decent drive) slowly accel to 100 then rolling back to 90 the accel to 100 then back to 90. and i never saw the light again. also if i floor it and rip my foot off at 100 then i get the psshh. so i believe its has something to do with putting little fuel in (foot barley depressed on pedal) and sitting on boost.
but yeah i will try diag

I supported Toymods
Location: Perth
Registered: May 2002
Re: Help Check engine light!
Wed, 24 August 2005 06:47

I'm going to take a stab and say that it's a speed sensor code. #42 "Engine has been running for over 5 seconds over 3000rpm with the ECU speed reading under 2kph." That would also explain why it only happens when you get on the freeway, I'd imagine you sit over 3000rpm at 100kph?

Location: Pine Rivers QLD
Registered: April 2005
Re: Help Check engine light!
Wed, 24 August 2005 06:53

ok i was always scared of doing diagnostics because i new there would be a huge list and it will cost me heaps. i know thats not very good as problems are cheaper if you fix them as they happen.
Ok the results.
i got 3 so was pissed off, however they were:
42 - Vehicle speed sensor signal
43 - Starter signal (+B)
51 - Switch signal
So it isn't that bad, i never wired up the speed sensor signal as it was sort of a half half chance it wouldmatter and once the car seemed to start and run i wasn't fussed.
43 states "No vehicle speed and no STA signal to ECU when engine is running over 800rpm" so there is the speed sensor thing again, however, i have a feeling i thought the STA signal was the starter signal and should only be at 12 V's when the starter is spinning, is this true? or have i wired it wrong.
And finally 51, it was an auto motor that i threw all the manual running gear on, i actually am using the stock z10 loom to start the car so i didn't have to wire any neutral safety switch. would this be the cause of this problem?

I supported Toymods
Location: Perth
Registered: May 2002
Re: Help Check engine light!
Wed, 24 August 2005 07:04

w00t! Go me.
The ECU won't really care that it doesn't get the speed sensor, 'cept for the fact it will always have that code. Won't have a 180kph speed limit though 
The starter signal should only be 12V when the starter is spinning, that's odd. That's how mine is wired, and I don't have that code. I just spliced it into the correct pin on the 1GGTE dash plug.
The NSW sounds like the likely cause for the last code, just mimic the signal it's looking for.
At least you don't have a code 12 like I do! Power gets raped above 4000rpm

Location: Pine Rivers QLD
Registered: April 2005
Re: Help Check engine light!
Wed, 24 August 2005 07:54

i didn't even notice you squeezed that msg between mine. you must have cheated lol. is that the definition of code 12?
12 - "power gets raped above 4000rpm"
so i got nothing to worry about, i will fix it on the weekend. as check engine lights are bad mmkay
also finally found out which wire is the tacho, it was the one i thought it was floating in the bay, i got all excited and wired it up.... Nothing. stupid different voltage crap!

I supported Toymods
Location: Australia
Registered: November 2003
Re: Help Check engine light!
Wed, 24 August 2005 07:57

Reset the ECU, drive the car for a week, then recheck.
Some of those codes could be from when you were first trying to get it running.
Wiring up the speed sensor is easy, just gotta find the right wires.

I supported Toymods
Location: Perth
Registered: May 2002
Re: Help Check engine light!
Wed, 24 August 2005 08:06

ndgcpr wrote on Wed, 24 August 2005 15:54 | i didn't even notice you squeezed that msg between mine. you must have cheated lol. is that the definition of code 12?
12 - "power gets raped above 4000rpm"
Didn't need to cheat, the symptoms just fit 
Nope, code 12 is "RPM Signal" so there is either a problem with my wiring, or more likely a problem with my dizzy and/or its connection. Should hopefully go away after a bit of fiddling.

Location: Pine Rivers QLD
Registered: April 2005
Re: Help Check engine light!
Wed, 24 August 2005 08:20
CrUZsida wrote on Wed, 24 August 2005 17:57 | Reset the ECU, drive the car for a week, then recheck.
Some of those codes could be from when you were first trying to get it running.
Wiring up the speed sensor is easy, just gotta find the right wires.
I know exactly which wires are which, i just didn't bother