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Registered: July 2005
cutting springs
Fri, 02 September 2005 07:54
hey guys im thinkin of chopping the springs on my corona st 141 i was jsut wondering if it was a good idea? should i do it is there anything i should look out for and will i get a better ride by that i mean stiffer and anything else i should know that ive missed
cheers dino

Location: South-West Sydney
Registered: February 2004

Location: Tassie
Registered: October 2003
Re: cutting springs
Fri, 02 September 2005 08:15

no don't do it.
you're a fool if u do

I supported Toymods
Location: Epping, Sydney
Registered: May 2002
Re: cutting springs
Fri, 02 September 2005 08:21

a smart person might have searched this topic, looked at the flaming the last idiot to suggest this got, and either paid the $200 it costs for a set of springs, or run off to a dodgy mechanic, got him to cut your springs, then come back crying to us about your:
a) crappy ride comfort
b) shitty handling
c) constant scraping/tyre rubbing
d) defect
e) crash as a result of shitty suspension.

I supported Toymods
Location: Epping, Sydney
Registered: May 2002
Re: cutting springs
Fri, 02 September 2005 08:23

and no, for a stiffer ride you either give your boyfriend viagra in his decaf latte, or actually put in higher rate springs. shorter springs with the same rate will be the same ride, except you'll hit the bump stops more often.

Location: NSW
Registered: July 2005
Re: cutting springs
Fri, 02 September 2005 09:15

If you cut the springs, invest in a kidney belt, and a good dentist, because it'll ride that hard and stiff, you'll need them.
Take a mug's advise, don't even entertain the idea. You will spend the rest of your time, putting in new ball joints and tie rod ends etc.
Spend some $$$ and buy the real deal.

Location: Melb, Victoria
Registered: April 2004
Re: cutting springs
Fri, 02 September 2005 09:18

Who cares though,seriously its just a corona!!

Location: Castle Hill, Sydney
Registered: February 2004
Re: cutting springs
Fri, 02 September 2005 09:34

draven wrote on Fri, 02 September 2005 18:23 | and no, for a stiffer ride you either give your boyfriend viagra in his decaf latte, or actually put in higher rate springs. shorter springs with the same rate will be the same ride, except you'll hit the bump stops more often.
shorter springs- less coils, less travel...stiffer springs?
everyone is over reacting a bit the only real danger is the spring popping out of its seat because they are definately not going to be captive or seat correctly.
and a defect of course, but if i had a corona ide do it

Location: Campbelltown
Registered: November 2003
Re: cutting springs
Fri, 02 September 2005 09:45

don't do it i don't see why ppl cut springs out of any mod for a car they have to be one of the cheapest, i got dobinson sprinhs HD standard ride height all round on my rona for 320 bucks these could be had at 2inch lowered etc for the same price. Is 320 bucks really worth your life, not too mention you'll be up for more then first time mr plod pulls you over.

Location: Melbourne
Registered: June 2002
Re: cutting springs
Fri, 02 September 2005 10:10

jeez a new set king springs is like $160 then whack them in yourself

Location: Potts Point, Sydney
Registered: October 2003
Re: cutting springs
Fri, 02 September 2005 10:15

I'd agree with the other, a VERY stupid idea. The car will feel like a trampoline going over speed bumps, and constantly scrape the road.
Also, unless you go to a dodgy mechanic, you wont get your pink just save up enough $$$ for proper springs and shocks. One of the best handling improvements you can do
Location: Kilsyth, Melbourne
Registered: September 2004
Re: cutting springs
Fri, 02 September 2005 10:54

know of many springs who have had cut springs for years. with the spring popping out what is the difference between a cut one and a lower than standard one from a shop? however the spring will sag after a while.
it is not really as bad as everyone makes it out to be

I supported Toymods
Location: Sutho/Hills NSW
Registered: September 2002
Re: cutting springs
Fri, 02 September 2005 11:04


Registered: May 2002
Re: cutting springs
Fri, 02 September 2005 11:12

VK and VL Commodores come standard with cut springs and locked diffs
Please take a pic of your corona before and after you chop the springs Preferably with you standing beside your ride

I supported Toymods
Location: Sutho/Hills NSW
Registered: September 2002
Re: cutting springs
Fri, 02 September 2005 11:13

ke382TG wrote on Fri, 02 September 2005 21:12 | VK and VL Commodores come standard with cut springs and locked diffs
Please take a pic of your corona before and after you chop the springs Preferably with you standing beside your ride
and from the hospital bed

Location: Lost in the K hole
Registered: May 2002
Re: cutting springs
Fri, 02 September 2005 12:36

jesseT18 wrote on Fri, 02 September 2005 19:34 |
shorter springs- less coils, less travel...stiffer springs?
everyone is over reacting a bit the only real danger is the spring popping out of its seat because they are definately not going to be captive or seat correctly.
and a defect of course, but if i had a corona ide do it
hokey wrote on Fri, 02 September 2005 20:54 | know of many springs who have had cut springs for years. with the spring popping out what is the difference between a cut one and a lower than standard one from a shop? however the spring will sag after a while.
it is not really as bad as everyone makes it out to be

Location: Adelaide
Registered: January 2005

Location: Lost in the K hole
Registered: May 2002
Re: cutting springs
Fri, 02 September 2005 13:18

please can we ban dangerous wankers from these forums

I Supported Toymods
Location: Lwr Templestowe, Melbourne
Registered: August 2004
Re: cutting springs
Fri, 02 September 2005 13:22

ed_ma61 wrote on Fri, 02 September 2005 23:18 | please can we ban dangerous wankers from these forums 
You're the one with the power to...

Location: Lost in the K hole
Registered: May 2002
Re: cutting springs
Fri, 02 September 2005 13:23

not in this section

Location: Adelaide
Registered: January 2005
Re: cutting springs
Fri, 02 September 2005 13:27

how is it dangerous its a 650 kg car that is used purely as a daily driver form work n back.
its not a hills car, its no speed demon, no road warrior.
its a pimpin daily for style not speed. y spend money ona car thats used for exaclty the opposite? to save money.
we all have our project cars that we go crazy on and half of them never see the road. yet they are supposed to be the "SAFER" cars because everything is done properly.
but each to there own.
cheers scott

Location: Potts Point, Sydney
Registered: October 2003
Re: cutting springs
Fri, 02 September 2005 13:44

Dude, just because it's a daily shitter, doesnt mean it can or should be a hazard to other road users or yourself...

Location: Lost in the K hole
Registered: May 2002
Re: cutting springs
Fri, 02 September 2005 13:46

PMP020 wrote on Fri, 02 September 2005 23:27 |
how is it dangerous its a 650 kg car that is used purely as a daily driver form work n back.
ahhh so youre on the road at a time when 80% of the driving population is likely to also be in transit... goooood.... 

Location: Melbourne
Registered: November 2003
Re: cutting springs
Fri, 02 September 2005 15:16

Seriously PMP020, you have to have something wrong with you. Same to the rest of you who think cut springs "aren't that bad".
Your day driver still needs to be able to stop, turn, and respond to throttle properly. Cutting your springs makes your car horribly dangerous. If you need to swerve to miss a pedestrian or something, the car is likely to react unpredictably and spin out/under steer, possibly killing the pedestrian and yourself (although you probably deserve it - the pedestrians, other motorists and owners of various inanimate objects you might hit, don't).
jesseT18 what you are saying is wrong, potentially dangerously so.
The height of your springs has nothing to do with how strong the spring rate is. PEOPLE DO NOT LOWER THEIR CARS TO HAVE STIFFER SUSPENION. They lower their car to bring the center of gravity down. This helps reduce lift around corners. However, if your springs are soggy it's not gonna help at all. (except to break your OTHER suspension components making your car even LESS safe).
As a side note, lowering your springs to far in any way without putting shorter stroke shocks in is also dangerous. Lowering your car makes the shock absorbers work ALL THE TIME. The more you lower, the worse this effect is. This constant pressure wears them out quickly, causing them to work incorrectly adding more danger to your situation. Lowering your car to far can also cause the maximum camber angle to be incorrect. This means no matter who you take it to, they wont be able to align your suspension properly. This will cause your tyres to not work properly on the road, and also wear them out unevenly.
Cut springs is like rice, taken to it's ultimate, bone chilling, deadly conclusion. I knew there was a reason I hated 'all show, no go' machines.
Registered: July 2005
Re: cutting springs
Fri, 02 September 2005 15:45

umm ok thanks for everyones input i think we might have taken it a little to far a simple "no dont cut them" would ahve worked but thank you anyways i think ill leqave it how it is cos its only a rona and its sure not worth it
cheers dino

Location: Adelaide, SA
Registered: November 2004
Re: cutting springs
Fri, 02 September 2005 16:02

i own a ke20 that has been lowered by PMP020 and have never had any trouble stopping accelerating ir cornering. works fine for me and looks damn pimp. but hey its your car do waht u want.
cheers harley
Registered: July 2005
Re: cutting springs
Fri, 02 September 2005 16:59

its no more dangerous to cut your springs then it is to get them compressed -- youre ending up with a shorter length spring either way. i used to have cut king spring super lows in the lancer for about 4 years with no problems at all, just make sure they sit in the strut properly, and drill a hole and wire them so they dont fall out (if you have long stroking strut/shocks)

I supported Toymods
Location: Epping, Sydney
Registered: May 2002
Re: cutting springs
Sat, 03 September 2005 00:31

terra wrote on Sat, 03 September 2005 02:59 | i used to have cut king spring super lows in the lancer
that tells me all I need to know
Location: NSW Engadine
Registered: June 2003
Re: cutting springs
Sat, 03 September 2005 01:37

It's all on your attitude... To me I can't imagine PMP020 trying to get loose on the road while theres kids and people about... Its more than possible to have what is considered a "dangerous" modification but drive carefully and not cause problems... Its about attitude, to me personally the only way to make a corona look half good is slam it on its boxy ass so whether you fork out money or not it shouldnt matter the car should be on bump stops anyway...
In another point, A bloke up the road has a blown 454 tray top with a locker, it has had a locker for years, the guy has never had anytrouble with the police or any crashes, its all relative to how you fucking drive...

Location: Tassie
Registered: October 2003
Re: cutting springs
Sat, 03 September 2005 03:16

i like how pmp020 has posted a pic of his car on the net with is number plate clearly in view and is talking about having a defectable "mod". that is just the kind of thing to expect from somebody who does this sort of stuff.
Oh and Draven that was a great call about the lancer !

I supported Toymods
Location: Epping, Sydney
Registered: May 2002
Re: cutting springs
Sat, 03 September 2005 04:13

and change your avatar. it's not cool to be thinking these thoughts about someone else's gf

Location: Melbourne
Registered: March 2004
Re: cutting springs
Sat, 03 September 2005 06:11

The guy who asked the original question is obviously not a car-savvy person. To those not in-the-know, cutting the springs seems like the logical way to lower a car. But still - he asked here before doing anything because he was unsure. Instead of helping, everyone has just ranted on about how stupid it is and made the poor kid feel like an idiot for asking an honest question. Noob members never search... cut him some slack.
Everybody didn't know everything in the beginning, I'm sure everyone has asked a dumb question at some point in their lives.

Location: new castle
Registered: July 2005
Re: cutting springs
Sat, 03 September 2005 06:15

my friend chopped the springd in his bogan vk commodore.... after many a person told him not to. i'm just waiting for karma to bite him in the arse

I supported Toymods
Location: Epping, Sydney
Registered: May 2002
Re: cutting springs
Sat, 03 September 2005 07:04

I suppose I should apologise to the poor guy who started this thread. I was in a pissed off mood, and cut loose a little

Location: Bundaberg, Qld.
Registered: May 2002
Re: cutting springs
Sat, 03 September 2005 07:27

smashed_wombat wrote on Sat, 03 September 2005 16:11 | The guy who asked the original question is obviously not a car-savvy person. To those not in-the-know, cutting the springs seems like the logical way to lower a car. But still - he asked here before doing anything because he was unsure. Instead of helping, everyone has just ranted on about how stupid it is and made the poor kid feel like an idiot for asking an honest question. Noob members never search... cut him some slack.
Everybody didn't know everything in the beginning, I'm sure everyone has asked a dumb question at some point in their lives.
yes, and i'm sure some of the people on here have done it themselves at some stage or another.. i know i have with no side effects.
(all depends on your age and what you've ownded in the past too i spose, years ago it was the done thing.)

Location: Melbourne
Registered: June 2004
Re: cutting springs
Sat, 03 September 2005 07:41

As most of ya probly already know:
Cutting springs leaves less spring force to stop bottoming. You WILL hit the bump-stops more often.
When a cut-spring goes into full "droop" it won't have hit the captive length of the shocker yet. This lets the spring fall out.
For standard shocks, get aftermarket lowering springs with a progressive rate - so that the soft end of the spring will expand to the O.E.M. spring length at full droop, staying captive. This type of spring also gives a V.Good ride as a bonus.
Most O.E.M. springs are their stiffest at one or sometimes both ends. Think about cutting the stiffest part of your springs off for a second . . . .
Even if your springs are soft-ended, you'd be cutting off the bit that keeps the spring captive at full-droop, and barely changing the ride height!
You can get most King-springs at $120->$170 per pair, depending on who you know. Just do it right (or wait for the factory springs to sag!!).
Registered: July 2005
Re: cutting springs
Sat, 03 September 2005 07:51

i put up this thread to do research i appreciate everyones help i do think im a lil car savvy not as much as eveyerone else here but i'm picking things up............hopefully
cheers dino

Location: Melbourne
Registered: June 2004
Re: cutting springs
Sat, 03 September 2005 08:18

corona crew wrote on Sat, 03 September 2005 17:51 | i put up this thread to do research i appreciate everyones help i do think im a lil car savvy not as much as eveyerone else here but i'm picking things up............hopefully
cheers dino
Hope I helped a tiny little bit bro - search the forums for awhile, you should find that pretty much everything has been covered 2 or 3 hundred times . . . not having a go, just saying things tend to self-repeat a bit on here . .
Maybe have a bit of a google, Look at 2nd generation Monroe GT-Gas shocks, with the multi-speed valving. Also, KYB do the cheapest adjustable shocks I've seen, but their range is limited. Food for thought abounds - maybe the internet ISN'T just for porn afterall !

Location: Sydney
Registered: January 2004
Re: cutting springs
Sat, 03 September 2005 08:36

[quote title=st184 sillycar wrote on Sat, 03 September 2005 18:18]corona crew wrote on Sat, 03 September 2005 17:51 | maybe the internet ISN'T just for porn afterall !
*In a sketchy Keanu Reaves voice*
no way
Registered: July 2005
Re: cutting springs
Sat, 03 September 2005 09:55

eh i think i just wont bother the car isnt worth spendin money on
cheers dino

Toymods Social Secretary
Location: Sydney
Registered: July 2002
Re: cutting springs
Sat, 03 September 2005 12:24
this thread needs go no further....