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Location: Brisbane, Queensland
Registered: June 2005
Toyota Hybrids
Sun, 04 September 2005 03:09
hey guys, im really bored and was just looking at random pics of cars an i pic of a sil80 got me thinking...has anyone ever done like a celica or camry hybrid or anything? i know it would be odd looking but it would be interesting to see if its been done

Location: Tasmania
Registered: May 2002
Re: Toyota Hybrids
Sun, 04 September 2005 04:17

The closest thing to Sil80 type things Toyota has, is useing the Sprinter Trueno front on a Corolla Levin of the same model.
I don't thnk anyone wants to touch Camrys. The parts would be wider than a Celica anyway. The Celica is more similar to the Carina/Corona depending on the year.
There maybe similar cars in Japan that could be mixed and matched, like the Cresta/Cressida family of cars.

Location: Adelaide
Registered: May 2003

Location: Brisbane, Queensland
Registered: June 2005
Re: Toyota Hybrids
Sun, 04 September 2005 04:34

hehe sweet, but yeah not as good looking as what the supra looks stock

Location: Adelaide
Registered: May 2003
Re: Toyota Hybrids
Sun, 04 September 2005 04:37

I reckon it looks better than what a supra does stock

Location: brisbane
Registered: December 2004
Re: Toyota Hybrids
Sun, 04 September 2005 05:46

i rekon too.. soarer front end suits it quiet nicely

Location: Newcastle, Australia
Registered: August 2005
Re: Toyota Hybrids
Sun, 04 September 2005 06:12

A 1994 Camry Coupe (US Market Only), would definately be a good starting point for such a conversion. Would probably turn some heads in standard form.

Location: Brisbane, Queensland
Registered: June 2005
Re: Toyota Hybrids
Sun, 04 September 2005 06:33

well when i was bored a few weeks ago i was thinking that if the engine basis is the same maybe the front chassis is simlar so if you were really bored and sick minded and had a front ended celica, it would be interseting to see if a camry front would go on, it would be funny to see

Location: Victoria
Registered: May 2002
Re: Toyota Hybrids
Sun, 04 September 2005 08:32


Location: Brisbane, Queensland
Registered: June 2005
Re: Toyota Hybrids
Sun, 04 September 2005 10:39

lol now thats the shit im talking about im not a fan of the T-18's shape but that looks aswome!

Location: Victoria
Registered: May 2002
Re: Toyota Hybrids
Sun, 04 September 2005 10:55

i vote 1 for the soarer front supra rear though
they look so horneh

Location: Brisbane, Queensland
Registered: June 2005
Re: Toyota Hybrids
Sun, 04 September 2005 10:57

the nose looks a little long to me but it does grow on me the more i look at it, looks like a cefiro but good as its toyota muscle

On Probation
Location: launceston tas
Registered: March 2005
Re: Toyota Hybrids
Sun, 04 September 2005 11:07

gearb0x wrote on Sun, 04 September 2005 18:32 |

that is weired... but kinda cool oh well. this is kinda awsome aswell


Location: Perth
Registered: January 2004

Location: Brisbane, Queensland
Registered: June 2005
Re: Toyota Hybrids
Sun, 04 September 2005 13:29

what van? post a link if you can 

Location: Central Coast, NSW
Registered: February 2005
Re: Toyota Hybrids
Mon, 05 September 2005 00:54

gearb0x wrote on Sun, 04 September 2005 18:32 |


Registered: July 2003