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Forums Junkie

May 2002
My First Speeding Ticket Sun, 29 December 2002 07:54 Go to next message
Well it was bound to happen and it finally did after a year and a few months of driving I got my first Ticket.

I was running late for work and got done 98 in an 80 zone straight after a 90 zone,

I wasn't rude or anything to the cop and I had my security uniform on and he was really nice he reduced it from $180 fine and 6 points (double demerits) to $110 fine and 2 points but his partner got me for no P plates so its $180 fine all up anyway but I'm not complaining as I was in the wrong and I know it plus he saved my license by reducing the point fine.

Just goes to show If your nice and not Rude or Complain then they will be nice...... ( Probably helps if you have a security uniform too Rolling Eyes
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Forums Junkie

September 2002
icon4.gif  Re: My First Speeding Ticket Sun, 29 December 2002 09:41 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Unlucky Sad Sad being double points and all!!!
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Forums Junkie

May 2002
Re: My First Speeding Ticket Sun, 29 December 2002 10:48 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Old School wrote on Sun, 29 December 2002 18:54

( Probably helps if you have a security uniform too Rolling Eyes

And a pair of firm lushous breasts

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Forums Junkie

I supported Toymods

Epping, Sydney
May 2002
Re: My First Speeding Ticket Mon, 30 December 2002 05:03 Go to previous messageGo to next message
tell me about it!
the number of good looking girls I know who've had fines reduced, or been let off, just bercause they smile prettily or show some wonderful cleavage is annoying!
all the more so because the one time I've coppe d aticket the cop was sour and I coudln't talk my way around it, plus I wasn't doing the speed he wrote on the ticket [/rant]

and no offence, but if you get caught on double demerits... well, you really were asking for it Smile

plus if I showed leg or cleavage, tyhey'd probably put me in a cell with bubba.
doesn't help that the only cleavage I've got to offer is brickie's cleavage
also doesn't help that I dont look like reece witherspoon
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Forums Junkie

May 2002
Re: My First Speeding Ticket Mon, 30 December 2002 11:42 Go to previous messageGo to next message
He reduced it to 1 point so 2 points with double demerit.

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Forums Junkie

May 2002
Re: My First Speeding Ticket Mon, 30 December 2002 11:53 Go to previous messageGo to next message
So how tight was that seco unifrom ??? Razz

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Forums Junkie

May 2002
Re: My First Speeding Ticket Mon, 30 December 2002 11:53 Go to previous messageGo to next message
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Forums Junkie

May 2002
Re: My First Speeding Ticket Mon, 30 December 2002 11:54 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Not tight enough as he didn't let me off......
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Forums Junkie

May 2002
Re: My First Speeding Ticket Mon, 30 December 2002 11:57 Go to previous messageGo to next message
haha omg
10:42 then 10:43 then 10:43 again then 10:34

well done boys

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Forums Junkie

I supported Toymods

Epping, Sydney
May 2002
Re: My First Speeding Ticket Mon, 30 December 2002 11:58 Go to previous messageGo to next message
shows how much of a life some of us have Razz

and to prove that point, I'm going to bed in 10 mins Razz
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Forums Junkie

September 2002
Re: My First Speeding Ticket Mon, 30 December 2002 12:11 Go to previous messageGo to next message
draven: i thought that you said you were goin to bed
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Forums Junkie

I supported Toymods

Epping, Sydney
May 2002
Re: My First Speeding Ticket Mon, 30 December 2002 12:20 Go to previous messageGo to next message
funny how the best intentions often come to naught.
got distracted making a post or 2, and downloading lotr extended edition ... you know how it is Smile

ah well, 6 hours sleep should be stacks
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Forums Junkie

May 2002
Re: My First Speeding Ticket Mon, 30 December 2002 12:34 Go to previous messageGo to next message
more than enough
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Forums Junkie

September 2002
Re: My First Speeding Ticket Mon, 30 December 2002 12:42 Go to previous messageGo to next message
I got the extended version of the fellowship of the ring for my Birthday Smile Smile some of the behind the scenes stuff is funny Laughing
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Forums Junkie

Cabramatta, NSW
May 2002
icon5.gif  Re: My First Speeding Ticket Wed, 01 January 2003 23:30 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Old School wrote on Sun, 29 December 2002 18:54

I was running late for work and got done 98 in an 80 zone straight after a 90 zone

Was it within 200m of the speed limit change? If it is, then that ticket is void...

Just a thought.
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Forums Junkie

I supported Toymods

Epping, Sydney
May 2002
Re: My First Speeding Ticket Thu, 02 January 2003 00:13 Go to previous messageGo to next message
is that concrete max, or just car-modder heresay?
I've heard a lot aboutit, but always "this guy i know knows someone whose brother works for the blah blah"
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Forums Junkie

I supported Toymods

south of the big smoke
May 2002
Re: My First Speeding Ticket Thu, 02 January 2003 00:17 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Nark im pretty sure they altered this rule when they introduced the "school zones" as some of them are smaller than 200m

however i may be wrong
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Forums Junkie

I supported Toymods

Epping, Sydney
May 2002
Re: My First Speeding Ticket Thu, 02 January 2003 00:20 Go to previous messageGo to next message
that's what I was thinking... a lot of school zones would be less than 200m long, which would make the law intersting.

equally though, getting done for a speed that was legal 50m ago is silly

[Updated on: Thu, 02 January 2003 00:26]

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Forums Junkie

Cabramatta, NSW
May 2002
icon1.gif  Re: My First Speeding Ticket Thu, 02 January 2003 01:23 Go to previous messageGo to next message
It was something that I was told.

I checked the RTA website, but couldn't find any references to it so I fired off an email. We'll see what they say.
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Forums Junkie

June 2002
Re: My First Speeding Ticket Sat, 04 January 2003 01:39 Go to previous messageGo to next message
so what did the rta say?? nark
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Forums Junkie

Cabramatta, NSW
May 2002
icon13.gif  Re: My First Speeding Ticket Sun, 05 January 2003 22:52 Go to previous messageGo to next message
No reply yet. Sad
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May 2002
Re: My First Speeding Ticket Mon, 06 January 2003 04:05 Go to previous messageGo to next message
I should start planning for my first speeding ticket - its bound to happen sooner or latter.
After 2 years of speeding I have yet to be caught. People are starting to joke that I have police immunity.
(bet I'll get caught speeding home after work tonight since I boasted this here).

What should be included in a speed pack?, for a start Im thinking:
#A box of iced dounuts - win their hearts through their stomach Wink
#A pair of detachable breasts and blonde wig - I know its a long shot being a bloke and all.
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Gold Coast
January 2003
Re: My First Speeding Ticket Thu, 16 January 2003 15:52 Go to previous messageGo to next message
hahaha. Laughing

I'm still on my l's and i'm lucky that i still have them, haven't been seen yet with that heavy foot, but i'm sus about nerly every car on the side of the road with someone in it, mainly if they are late model commodores and AU falcons.

Nezza Cool
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Forums Junkie

I supported Toymods

Central Coast
May 2002
Re: My First Speeding Ticket Sat, 18 January 2003 20:38 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Yes, I had got away with it for about 3-4 years wihtout a fine. One of my mates used to get so pissed cause he had lost his a few times and been pulled over for looking at them wrong or something.

It finally happened last year, the night before my Birthday Razz

Done for doing a 'burnout'. Just spun the wheels out of a street. It did smoke though.

Anyways, better than getting a speeding fine for my first !! Laughing
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Barossa valley SA
January 2003
Re: My First Speeding Ticket Mon, 20 January 2003 11:31 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Your lucky rvrolla my mate got done the other day doing a burnout in his LT leeka and the cops arrested him and locked him up for nearly an hour, he now has to go to court.

admittadly he was doing a stand still on a fairly main road (for the country anyway) with one of my other mates sitting on the bonnet Very Happy
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Forums Junkie

I supported Toymods

Epping, Sydney
May 2002
Re: My First Speeding Ticket Mon, 20 January 2003 23:32 Go to previous messageGo to next message
well, he probably deserved it Smile

You've gotta make sure that if you do a burn-out you can use the defence "I didn't mean to" ... and it's a bit hard when you've got a friend on the bonnet and you're sitting dead still.

I got pulled over once, I think because the cops had to drive through a cloud of my tire smoke. Embarassed I made up the legitimate (and mostly true) excuse that I'd been doing a 3 point turn, and saw a car coming up fast behind me, so I tried to take off too fast and broke traction.

then because they couldn't get me on that one, they checked to see if I'd baldened my tires (fortunately checked my fronts, on a rwd car) ... then also gave my car a quick search .. and finished up with an "official warning"
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Forums Junkie

Cabramatta, NSW
May 2002
icon13.gif  Re: My First Speeding Ticket Tue, 21 January 2003 00:30 Go to previous messageGo to next message
This was the official response from the RTA... I think they tried their hardest not to answer my question.....

Geoff Edwards ( wrote

A number of relevant sections from the Speed Zoning - Traffic Engineering Manual to assist in responding to the enquiry:

There should be a harmonious relationship between speed zoning and warning signs, particularly curve signs and advisory speed signs.

The use of buffer zones ( a gradual reduction in speed limits eg an 80 km/h speed limit between a 100 km/h rural limit and a 60 km/h urban limit is not recommended. An intermediate speed limit should be used only where adjacent roadside development supports such actions.

Advanced warning of changes in speed limits should be provided in the following locations by an additional speed restriction sign with an AHEAD supplementary plate: insufficient sight distance, a downhill approach, where there is a speed reduction of 30 km/h or more.

Speed limit reduction: 10 km/h (no use of advanced warning sign with AHEAD plate), 20 km/h (no unless extreme situation), 30 km/h (at the discretion of the practioner), 40 km/h+ (yes, except with special zones).

In terms of first repeater speed limit signs and placement, 40 km/h (generally not needed), 60 km/h (300m), 70 km/h (300m), 80 km/h (300m), 90 km/h (400m), 100 or 110 km/h (500m), 100 or 110 km/h in far west of State (1000m).

In terms of subsequent repeater signs, 40 km/h (generally not needed), 60 km/h (generally not needed), 70 km/h (say 1000m), 80 km/h (1000m), 90 km/h (3000m), 100 - 110 km/h (5000 - 10000m), 100 - 110 km/h far west (10000 - 20000m).

In terms of desirable minimum length of speed zones, 40 km/h (200m), 60 km/h (500m), 70 or 80 km/h (800m), 90 -100 km/h (2000m, except winding road 3000m), 110 km/h (4000m divided, 10000m undivided).

-----Original Message-----


I'm enquiring about when a speed limit changes. Is there a certain distance that you're given to speed up/slow down to that speed or do you have to immediately speed up/slow down to match the new speed?

Thanks for your time.

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Forums Junkie

I supported Toymods

Epping, Sydney
May 2002
Re: My First Speeding Ticket Tue, 21 January 2003 01:07 Go to previous messageGo to next message
you're right.. they totally didn't answer your question. If he couldn't find anything relating to slow down distances, I'd be assuming you dont get any slow down distance
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Forums Junkie

Cabramatta, NSW
May 2002
icon13.gif  Re: My First Speeding Ticket Tue, 21 January 2003 01:37 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Either that or they really didn't want to answer the question... Yes, call me a cynic...
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Forums Junkie

I supported Toymods

Epping, Sydney
May 2002
Re: My First Speeding Ticket Tue, 21 January 2003 01:40 Go to previous messageGo to next message
hrm, when I e-mailed them about how to get away with doing burnouts (tho not in those words) they were quite helpful
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January 2003
Re: My First Speeding Ticket Wed, 29 January 2003 14:48 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Ronin wrote on Mon, 06 January 2003 14:35

I should start planning for my first speeding ticket - its bound to happen sooner or latter.
After 2 years of speeding I have yet to be caught. People are starting to joke that I have police immunity.
(bet I'll get caught speeding home after work tonight since I boasted this here).

What should be included in a speed pack?, for a start Im thinking:
#A box of iced dounuts - win their hearts through their stomach Wink
#A pair of detachable breasts and blonde wig - I know its a long shot being a bloke and all.

You right, it will happen! I went 9 years of driving with no fine, speeding everywhere, got pulled over a shitload, defected, but lucky i guess. But late last year i got fucked over real bad . Now im waiting my summons.
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Forums Junkie

October 2002
Re: My First Speeding Ticket Wed, 05 February 2003 01:57 Go to previous messageGo to next message
I've been pulled over 14 times in the last 3 years. But i've only been booked 4 times and including the 1 with a speed van, but thats canberra police. because i drove a LOUD, low, sleek TA22, they would see me and take the opportunity to book me, or try to anyway. I got booked for having my elbow resting on the window edge. ARSEHOLES!!,

So i bought a GZ tt soarer, and they have no idea, since owning it I have not had a problem. (well not exactly, but.....) Rolling Eyes
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Insane Sx

August 2002
Re: My First Speeding Ticket Wed, 05 February 2003 23:02 Go to previous messageGo to next message
First time i ever got pulled over i was arrested! i take full responsiblity cuase i hadnt had my licence long and was being a dick! Handbrake turn, Humehighway Casula, 1am, Raining, Double Demrits!, Spun the car on the wrong side of the highway and then recovered, got pulled over, arrested in hand cuffs in front of my mates and girl friend! my gf was left on the side of the road with my keys in my car and doors opeN! i had no say in the safty of my gf!
Lucky a few of my mates were at a nearby macca's and came over otherwise she would have been alone with my car on the side of the highway with no where to go, no mobile and no money, with a pack of strange blokes from the servo!

I had to goto court on neg and dangerous driving, got a section 10, which means im let off with a 12mnth good behavour bond!

2nd time i was pulled over i came out of servo on a steep hill and car is lowered so it dropped of a big ditch and lost traction going up hill! cops saw and pulled me over, were the bigggest pricks and didnt belive me that it was an accident! (it trully was this time) were gonna defect my car, impound my car for 3mnths, send me to court again (this owuld have fucked my good behavour bond), and book me for driving a manual car on auto pz! luckly he ended up know my brother (long story, worked on my bros murder case) and knew my father through victoms something or other! i was really offended when he brought my brother up and went off tyelling at him, almost in teirs!, cuase he had no right to, but he appoligised for everything and let me go with a unoffical warning!

3rd time was a meer RBT, no problems cept p plate in wrong spot, he let me off and told me to move it!

4th time RBT, np

5th time driving down to this years summernats, near goulbourn pulled over and asked to goto rec bay to get car inspected by RTA, was again told off for having p plates, but i was very nice and polite and he gave me 4 new p'z and even moved my p plate to a better spot! then i was defected for too low, front tire, air filter

6th time RBT bottom of mount ously on australia day at the gong, tried to defect me again but i had my papers from b4 and they let me off after argument with him about an oil leak (rta guy at goulburn said it was fine, that it wasnt bad enough to defect me for) but this cop insisted that it was a dangerous leak (its not)!

thats it so far, i hope never again but a doubt it

Just a though guys, dont do burnouts, dont do handbrakes and dont speed like dickheads, cuase ull get caught and ull pay for it, if not in fines, in court fee's, susspension of licence and a RUINED driving record!

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November 2002
Re: My First Speeding Ticket Wed, 12 February 2003 22:44 Go to previous messageGo to next message
My first was only 3 months after getting my P's and it was cause at 17, there was only one bottle shop that would give us booze, and they were shutting in ten minutes... after getting the ticket, we followed the cop car who drove past the shop, and pulled straight in, they didn't even notice...
(this reply does not condone underage drinking it was for yes...)
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Forums Junkie

Brisbane, QLD
February 2003
Re: My First Speeding Ticket Sun, 23 February 2003 14:03 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Had my p's Since July 02 and been pulled over only twice.
I speed too much and my day will come but here we go
1) had my p's for less than 24 hours, got an official warning for failure to indicate properly, and i forget the legal term but i pretty much cut across 4 lanes to get my exit(i also cut off the unmarked pig mobile that pulled me over). They were nice because i was visibly shitting myself Razz 1 day with my p's i really didnt want to go back to sitting on the bus for 75 minutes to get to TAFE.

2) I got let off for slamming my brakes on in a major way to avoid getting caught by a manned multi nova...i said that the guy in front of me slowed down dangerously fast and i reacted as best i could...smooth. He just looked at me as if to say "its your word against my better judgement but i cant be fucked booking you"

And every RBT set up i get waved through...must be excel powah Very Happy
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Forums Junkie

I supported Toymods

Epping, Sydney
May 2002
Re: My First Speeding Ticket Sun, 23 February 2003 18:23 Go to previous messageGo to next message
this may be my sydney ignorance, but what's a manned multi-nova?
I'm guessing speed camera of some type?
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Forums Junkie

Brisbane, QLD
February 2003
Re: My First Speeding Ticket Mon, 24 February 2003 06:38 Go to previous message
mulit nova just another name for speed camera
manned(spelling?)...somone being there for some reason
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