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Location: Brisbane
Registered: January 2005
Causal loops
Fri, 09 September 2005 01:05
Just thought i would ask you lot a question of interest. You guys seem to like discussing frustrating issues that have no answers 
Imagine some dude pops out of a gate through time. He puts a glass that he has in his hand on your desk, tells you he's from the future and runs off. You dont touch the glass and it remains untouched until suddenly you see the guy run up and grab the glass. He tells you hes about to travel back in time to 10 minutes ago then he disappears.
Where did the glass come from?

Location: c'town, NSW
Registered: May 2002
Re: Causal loops
Fri, 09 September 2005 01:10

probably made in china.

Location: Brisbane
Registered: February 2004
Re: Causal loops
Fri, 09 September 2005 01:45

Dr_Love wrote on Fri, 09 September 2005 11:05 |
Where did the glass come from?
The shop

Location: Canberra
Registered: August 2003
Re: Causal loops
Fri, 09 September 2005 01:50

It is all relative.

Registered: May 2002
Location: Sydney NSW
Registered: July 2004
Re: Causal loops
Fri, 09 September 2005 01:54

Up my arse

Registered: May 2002
Re: Causal loops
Fri, 09 September 2005 01:57

I'm surprised it fitted with all the "sausage" in the passage
Location: Sydney NSW
Registered: July 2004
Re: Causal loops
Fri, 09 September 2005 01:59

Its actually a saying some Poms made up.
Whenever someone asks a "where is" question, the answer, in an angry shout is always "UP MY ARSE!!"
English Humour.....

Location: Central Coast, NSW
Registered: February 2005
Re: Causal loops
Fri, 09 September 2005 01:59

ke382TG wrote on Fri, 09 September 2005 11:53 |
I just travelled through time recently. I was sitting at my desk thinking "fk I'm hungry" but I couldn't go to the shop because I had things to do. So when I finished doing that work I went to the shop, purchased some food, travelled back in time to when I started to get hungry and gave the food to myself. It seemed like a good idea at the time but the time travelling me seeing the other me caused a catastrophic failure in the time space continuum.
yeah, its a paradox
because if you travelled back in time to feed yourself, then you would cease to have been hungry in the past, therefore you would have no compulsion to travel back in time to feed yourself, therefore you would still be hungry, and then would go back in time, and then wouldnt be hungry, then wouldnt go back in time
makes your brain implode.
it's like this one.
I travel back in time and my time machine lands and crushes my dad, before I was born.
I am therefore never born, so I cannot travel back in time. Because I dont travel back in time, I don't kill my dad. Therefore I am born. Therefore I then do travel back in time.

I supported Toymods
Location: Adelaide
Registered: July 2004
Re: Causal loops
Fri, 09 September 2005 02:02

dont forget your flux capacit0rz
essential part of time travel

Location: Central Coast, NSW
Registered: February 2005
Re: Causal loops
Fri, 09 September 2005 02:04

they should have put a 1JZ in the DeLorean
then it wouldve hammered
drifting time travel?

Registered: May 2002
Re: Causal loops
Fri, 09 September 2005 02:05

Quote: | I travel back in time and my time machine lands and crushes my dad, before I was born.
I am therefore never born, so I cannot travel back in time. Because I dont travel back in time, I don't kill my dad. Therefore I am born. Therefore I then do travel back in time.
You think about this a lot don't you

Location: Central Coast, NSW
Registered: February 2005
Re: Causal loops
Fri, 09 September 2005 02:23

ke382TG wrote on Fri, 09 September 2005 12:05 |
Quote: | I travel back in time and my time machine lands and crushes my dad, before I was born.
I am therefore never born, so I cannot travel back in time. Because I dont travel back in time, I don't kill my dad. Therefore I am born. Therefore I then do travel back in time.
You think about this a lot don't you
Think about what?
Travelling back in time and crushing my dad with a time machine.
Oh yeah. All the cool kids think of that... didn't you know?
You're cool, right?

Location: Melbourne
Registered: June 2004
Re: Causal loops
Fri, 09 September 2005 02:25

Theory goes, that the universe has an inbuilt "time cop" that ISN'T A BAD JOHN-CLOD VAN-DAMN FILM ! ! ! !
No matter what we come up with, discover, invent etc, there'll always be some physical constraint preventing travelling back in time.
No such theory that I know of about going FORWARDS through time . . .

Registered: May 2002
Re: Causal loops
Fri, 09 September 2005 02:29

Quote: | You're cool, right?
Better believe it! Ice cold.
Quote: | No such theory that I know of about going FORWARDS through time . . .
Yeah I travelled forward in time last week and met up with myself, damn I do well for myself over the next 20 years

Location: Central Coast, NSW
Registered: February 2005
Re: Causal loops
Fri, 09 September 2005 02:30

either way it works anyway its bad cause if you go forward or back in time, you're going to appear wherever you were just at a different time
so if im sitting at my desk now and i wanna go 3 months into the future, ill go pop into the future, but then ill be in fuckin space and then die
sucks to be me

Location: Campbelltown
Registered: November 2003
Re: Causal loops
Fri, 09 September 2005 02:31

i thought you couldn't meet yourself otherwsie it causes some weird shit to happen, at least thats what Back to the Future told me.

Registered: May 2002
Re: Causal loops
Fri, 09 September 2005 02:32

Quote: | ill go pop into the future, but then ill be in fuckin space and then die
Please explain??? Unless your desk is situated in a satellite orbitting the earth I don't understand.

Location: c'town, NSW
Registered: May 2002
Re: Causal loops
Fri, 09 September 2005 02:36

u can go forward in time by using einsteins theroy of relativity.
find a RT142 and travel at or close to the speed of light in space for a while. Time will effectively be moving slower in the corona and faster on earth.
pull up the RT142 at the local maccas to find your in the maccas of teh future.

Location: Melbourne
Registered: June 2004
Re: Causal loops
Fri, 09 September 2005 02:43

ke382TG wrote on Fri, 09 September 2005 12:32 |
Quote: | ill go pop into the future, but then ill be in fuckin space and then die
Please explain??? Unless your desk is situated in a satellite orbitting the earth I don't understand.
He's talking about the earth, solar system etc moving constantly... Any time-shift would change your physical location if you think about it like ke382TG is . . . .
However EVERYONE ELSE knows that time & space are relevant.... there are NO ABSOLUTE POSITIONS IN SPACE OR TIME ! ! !
Location: Sydney NSW
Registered: July 2004
Re: Causal loops
Fri, 09 September 2005 03:09

st184 sillycar wrote on Fri, 09 September 2005 12:43 | However EVERYONE ELSE knows that time & space are relevant....
I think you mean relative

Location: Melbourne
Registered: June 2004
Re: Causal loops
Fri, 09 September 2005 03:22

cannonball wrote on Fri, 09 September 2005 13:09 |
st184 sillycar wrote on Fri, 09 September 2005 12:43 | However EVERYONE ELSE knows that time & space are relevant....
I think you mean relative
No, I meant RELEVANT !
Like, If you have to get to the bank before 4:00pm, than both the Time AND the Space are RELEVANT ! ! !
Is that a sufficient save ?
Location: Adelaide
Registered: September 2003
Re: Causal loops
Fri, 09 September 2005 03:42

ironically i think bill and ted were closer to being correct than back to the future.
If for instance i choose to go back in time to stop the JFK assasination some time in the future (say i choose to go back in time in 2010 for arguments sake), when that future time happens i go back to to 1963 or whenever it was.
so time line of my life up till this moment is...
me existing from 1979 up to 2010...then no more
but i now exist in 1963....for the time being.
I gallantly try to stop Lee Harvey Oswald from making that fateful shot, tis a tight struggle but i obvioussly loose the struggle cose the past has already been written (cos we already know about what happens in 1963 even if that is the present day for the people in 1963). Thhus JFK is still shot, I failed...but i was always going to fail no matter how hard i try, cos that part of lifehas happened and is fact (shoulda remembered the guy behind the grassy knoll, either way i was still going to fail though).
So I am defeated in my effort, so i decide to travel BACK TO THE FUTURE except i choose to go to 2009 cos it was a good year for cheap petrol at $27 a litre.
so if we look at the top time line i already exist in 2009 (1979-2010) so there are now 2 of me in 2009.
I obviously don't meet up with myself otherwise i would have met myself earlier and then continue on my very way in life for the rest of my time. the other me in 2009 (whom i never see otherwise that would have been in my other time line of me meeting me but it isn't) continues to 2010 and then goes back to 1963...
does that make sense???
it does in my head.

Location: Sydney
Registered: February 2005
Re: Causal loops
Fri, 09 September 2005 03:55

When you look at some stars your looking into the past.

Location: The Shire
Registered: May 2005
Re: Causal loops
Fri, 09 September 2005 04:04

Does anyone still know what they're talking about?
ke382TG wrote on Fri, 09 September 2005 11:53 | it is much better to focus your effort on becoming an invisible pervert.
For some strange reason, this seems far more likely than time travel.

Location: Kellyville, Sydney
Registered: June 2004
Re: Causal loops
Fri, 09 September 2005 04:14

there was one version of the multiple universe theory that suggested that all times cooexist as well as all possible universes. essentially travelling through time/space , including the travel we do just by existing, is no different whether you go forward, backwards, or to another parrallel universe at the same time.
in this model you could go back in time and kill your dad without it effecting you, because you would not actually be travelling to the universe in which you were born, but rather to one where your dad was killed by some dickhead time traveller.
now before you say "multiple universes! go watch some star trek nerd boy!" the overlapping of multiple universes has been supported by physical evidence.

there have been experiments where a metal plate is produced with two tiny holes in it that are right next to each other. a single photon of light is then fired at the junction of the holes. the photon can only go through one hole or the other. BUT on the reverse side of the plate, the photon emerges from BOTH holes!!!???WTF. as we all know matter/energy cannot be created or destroyed, so where does the extra photon come from?
what happens is that because the two parrallel universes, one where the photon goes throught the left hole and one where it goes through the right, are so similar they actually coexist (or so the theory goes). so if it is possible to bridge the gap between universes then time travel may be possible.

Location: Melbourne
Registered: November 2003
Re: Causal loops
Fri, 09 September 2005 04:24

mynameisrodney wrote on Fri, 09 September 2005 14:14 | there was one version of the multiple universe theory that suggested that all times cooexist as well as all possible universes. essentially travelling through time/space , including the travel we do just by existing, is no different whether you go forward, backwards, or to another parrallel universe at the same time.
in this model you could go back in time and kill your dad without it effecting you, because you would not actually be travelling to the universe in which you were born, but rather to one where your dad was killed by some dickhead time traveller.
now before you say "multiple universes! go watch some star trek nerd boy!" the overlapping of multiple universes has been supported by physical evidence.

there have been experiments where a metal plate is produced with two tiny holes in it that are right next to each other. a single photon of light is then fired at the junction of the holes. the photon can only go through one hole or the other. BUT on the reverse side of the plate, the photon emerges from BOTH holes!!!???WTF. as we all know matter/energy cannot be created or destroyed, so where does the extra photon come from?
what happens is that because the two parrallel universes, one where the photon goes throught the left hole and one where it goes through the right, are so similar they actually coexist (or so the theory goes). so if it is possible to bridge the gap between universes then time travel may be possible.
Doesn't that kinda support the idea of predetermination too?
If you can go back in time and kill your own great grandparents, and still be alive, isn't it already pre-determined in that co-universe that you are to kill your parents? This makes your future in any universe determined by fate.
My prefered way of thinking of it is that you can't actualy travel through time, just universes. So when you travel 'back in time' and kill your great grandparents, what you've actualy done is gone across universes to one where everything happened 100 years later or so, and killed them. In essence, you haven't traveled through time at all, it just appears that way.

Location: Kellyville, Sydney
Registered: June 2004
Re: Causal loops
Fri, 09 September 2005 04:32

yeah sorry i fucked up the forwards bit .

Location: Melbourne
Registered: November 2003
Re: Causal loops
Fri, 09 September 2005 04:37

barned01, that theory supports pre-determination aswell.
Everything that happens was allways going to happen, and we can't actualy think for ourselves, it's just an illusion. You had no choice but to go back in time an attempt to kill Lee Harvey Oswald, just as you where destined to fail, just as you where destined to do everything you do.
I hate that idea, even if it is true.
My actualy favorite version of time travel is that you can't do it. Time isn't a dimension that you can travers like X,Y and Z coordinates are. Time is just a measurement of decay. Onces something has decayed, it's no more. So you CAN'T go back in time. Time is not stored anywhere, so how could you go back through it?
You can however go fowards in time. We all do it every day. Traveling at the speed of light just means you travel through time slower, and thusly will still be alive 1000 years from now to see what happens. But you can't go BACK again.
You could simulate going back in time if you could invent a machine that could transform energy and matter. You could just take a snapshot of what earth was like in 2006, then in 2016, destroy the earth and create a new one that was as it was in 2006. However, the rest of the universe would still be in 2016. You couldn't transform the whole universe, as to store a universe worth of information, you'd need a universe worth of storeage space + the capacity to read it all.
[Updated on: Fri, 09 September 2005 04:47]

Location: Lost in the K hole
Registered: May 2002
Re: Causal loops
Fri, 09 September 2005 04:43

that photon pic isnt quite right, and theres a LOT more explaination to go with it.
but it sure does NOT produced 2 photons on the otherside as you suggest

Location: Central Coast, NSW
Registered: February 2005
Re: Causal loops
Fri, 09 September 2005 04:54

st184 sillycar wrote on Fri, 09 September 2005 12:43 |
However EVERYONE ELSE knows that time & space are relevant.... there are NO ABSOLUTE POSITIONS IN SPACE OR TIME ! ! !
All the more reason to say i wont appear in the future in exactly the same spot...
now where's my delorean
Location: Dubbo
Registered: April 2005
Re: Causal loops
Fri, 09 September 2005 05:19

Shraka wrote on Fri, 09 September 2005 14:37 |
My actualy favorite version of time travel is that you can't do it. Time isn't a dimension that you can travers like X,Y and Z coordinates are. Time is just a measurement of decay. Onces something has decayed, it's no more. So you CAN'T go back in time. Time is not stored anywhere, so how could you go back through it?
Actually if u look at the formulas regarding increase of mass and slwing of time as u approach the speed of light it could be theoretically possible if u could SURPASS the speed of light to go backwards in time, tho going faster then the speed of light would put u into the i dimension, as in complex numbers i
the forumula i believe is
sqrt [C(sqd) - speed(sqd)]
so travel over the speed of light u get a negative root which can only be solved using i, hence the i dimension

Location: Sydney
Registered: February 2005
Re: Causal loops
Fri, 09 September 2005 05:28

energy = mass times the speed of light squared...e=mc^2.....................I don't know how that helps.

Location: Central Coast, NSW
Registered: February 2005
Re: Causal loops
Fri, 09 September 2005 05:34

barned brings up a good point
say you go back in time to kill someone who would make you cease to exist, you obviously fail in your attempt as they still survive to mean that you exist...
but because you've gone in the past you've changed what is the "future" for them forever, thereforeyeah what was said about pre-determination is correct
i love talking about this shit, its really interesting. I try and get as good a grasp on it as I can, but yeah, there are smarter people out there than me and its interesting to watch people yarn about such things

I supported Toymods
Location: Australia
Registered: November 2003
Re: Causal loops
Fri, 09 September 2005 06:08

I travelled forward in time once. 20 years or so.
Strangely enough when I found my future self, I'd had an operation and become female.
So I fucked 'her' then and there on the spot.
Now when someone tells me to go fuck myself I tell them they'll have to wait 20 years.

Location: Central Coast, NSW
Registered: February 2005
Re: Causal loops
Fri, 09 September 2005 06:15

CrUZsida wrote on Fri, 09 September 2005 16:08 | I travelled forward in time once. 20 years or so.
Strangely enough when I found my future self, I'd had an operation and become female.
So I fucked 'her' then and there on the spot.
Now when someone tells me to go fuck myself I tell them they'll have to wait 20 years.
At one point i thought you were an automaton car encyclopedia engineer man who did nothing but build tough V8 cressidas and pose in front of them in g-strings ( reference)
now i see you've got a sense of humour you just moved up a few points in my book!

Location: Campbelltown
Registered: November 2003
Re: Causal loops
Fri, 09 September 2005 06:28

I've travelled back in time and forward in time many times, when i went to adelaide and every time day light savings starts and finishes.

Location: Melbourne - NthSubs
Registered: January 2004
Re: Causal loops
Fri, 09 September 2005 06:28

For large values of 2

Location: Land of Oz
Registered: June 2004
Re: Causal loops
Fri, 09 September 2005 07:08

You can stop time also.
I've been in 1973 for the past 22 years!

Location: Melbourne
Registered: November 2003
Re: Causal loops
Fri, 09 September 2005 07:23

Roundy wrote on Fri, 09 September 2005 15:19 |
Shraka wrote on Fri, 09 September 2005 14:37 |
My actualy favorite version of time travel is that you can't do it. Time isn't a dimension that you can travers like X,Y and Z coordinates are. Time is just a measurement of decay. Onces something has decayed, it's no more. So you CAN'T go back in time. Time is not stored anywhere, so how could you go back through it?
Actually if u look at the formulas regarding increase of mass and slwing of time as u approach the speed of light it could be theoretically possible if u could SURPASS the speed of light to go backwards in time, tho going faster then the speed of light would put u into the i dimension, as in complex numbers i
the forumula i believe is
sqrt [C(sqd) - speed(sqd)]
so travel over the speed of light u get a negative root which can only be solved using i, hence the i dimension 
I can't say that I'm an expert, or really know what I'm on about... but you can't go slower than stopped. You just can't. Try it in your car. Reverse is still moving, just in the other direction.
The way I understand the speed of light thing, is that if you where to travel at the speed of light, you would instantly be at the end of the universe and time itself (if such a thing exists) and would cease to exist. Think about it. The closer you get to the speed of light, the slower time goes for you. Once you are ALMOST at the speed of light, time would have slowed for you so much, that 0.0001 second for you would be the lifetime of the whole universe. There are many theories as to what happens then? most of them are 'stuff all goes away now'. You, being stuff, would, in that 0.0001 second, be gone away. No FTL for you. No you for you. Just gone.
So to say that 'if you could travel faster than light' is really saying 'what happens at the end of the universe?', 'cuz you'd find out pretty quick at the speed of light. If you can survive the end of the universe, then perhaps you could get up to the speed of light, but as soon as you did, you would be everywhere in the timeline at once. If there was no end, then you would continue infinitely stopped, no longer capable of effecting time or space around you. No longer capable of going any faster (or slower for that matter). Like I said, try making your car go slower than stopped. No matter how much you pump that break, it won't work. Stopped is stopped.
How can decay reverse itself anyway? Is there some kind of universal memory of what's happened? Or does everything, every moment, exist all at once, and we simply travel along a line of pre-determent stuff that happens?
[Updated on: Fri, 09 September 2005 07:25]

Location: Melbourne
Registered: June 2003
Re: Causal loops
Fri, 09 September 2005 13:30

Shraka wrote on Fri, 09 September 2005 14:37 | barned01, that theory supports pre-determination aswell.
Everything that happens was allways going to happen, and we can't actualy think for ourselves, it's just an illusion. You had no choice but to go back in time an attempt to kill Lee Harvey Oswald, just as you where destined to fail, just as you where destined to do everything you do.
I hate that idea, even if it is true.
My actualy favorite version of time travel is that you can't do it. Time isn't a dimension that you can travers like X,Y and Z coordinates are. Time is just a measurement of decay. Onces something has decayed, it's no more. So you CAN'T go back in time. Time is not stored anywhere, so how could you go back through it?
You can however go fowards in time. We all do it every day. Traveling at the speed of light just means you travel through time slower, and thusly will still be alive 1000 years from now to see what happens. But you can't go BACK again.
You could simulate going back in time if you could invent a machine that could transform energy and matter. You could just take a snapshot of what earth was like in 2006, then in 2016, destroy the earth and create a new one that was as it was in 2006. However, the rest of the universe would still be in 2016. You couldn't transform the whole universe, as to store a universe worth of information, you'd need a universe worth of storeage space + the capacity to read it all.
we gonna need one powerful mega ENIAC to let that happen..

Location: Sydney
Registered: April 2004

Location: Perth, WA
Registered: December 2004
Re: Causal loops
Fri, 09 September 2005 14:53

i have a large wang.

Location: Pine Rivers QLD
Registered: April 2005
Re: Causal loops
Sat, 10 September 2005 03:04

Merudo wrote on Fri, 09 September 2005 16:15 |
At one point i thought you were an automaton car encyclopedia engineer man who did nothing but build tough V8 cressidas and pose in front of them in g-strings ( reference)
You thought he looked good in then you should see him in 20 years, the G-string suits a bit better
Also if i launch myself at two holes will i find two of me on the other side?

Location: sydney
Registered: May 2002
Re: Causal loops
Sat, 10 September 2005 08:20

I get together with "the boys" about once a year and we get talking, hit the piss and get stupid and for those few hours we travel back to 1991 some of the older folk here will understand.
I feel the need to have another get together

Location: Canberra
Registered: May 2002
Re: Causal loops
Sat, 10 September 2005 09:56

bathurst-91 wrote on Sat, 10 September 2005 00:49 | Heres a thought I had awhile ago.. probably not original;
Basically the governments of all nations combined could prove time travel is possible anytime they want.
Simply write a letter and place it in a vault with the following instructions;
'open vault immediately after time travel is invented' *matter of national security x1000*
then the letter would read 'we as the human race need to prove to ourselves that time machines are a reality therefore you the future inventors of the time machine must travel back to this exact date/time (our time now...) and appear before us as proof or we'll blowup the earth killing all humanity...
and as soon as they lock the vault.. the time machine appears 
Unless the future gov' realise that todays gov' would probably fight over it and know that we arne't going to blow the world up cos they would have records of the whole plan and just not give it to us.
Location: Sydney
Registered: August 2004
Re: Causal loops
Sat, 10 September 2005 10:25

Anyone here watched Donnie Darko before?

I supported Toymods
Location: Adelaide
Registered: July 2004
Re: Causal loops
Sat, 10 September 2005 10:43

db__ wrote on Sat, 10 September 2005 19:55 | Anyone here watched Donnie Darko before?
freaked me out
thats becuase i was fairly drunk
Location: Brisbane / Gold Coast
Registered: May 2002
Re: Causal loops
Sat, 10 September 2005 12:30

TIme travel - like in the movies - is impossible, it's just a plot device to make the otherwise dull movies interesting.
You can travel forwards in time though, but travelling at a substantial fraction of the speed of light. Up around 0.999 C or so. By doing that, you can make the observed universe around you appear to be in 'fast-forward'. When you slow down after, say, a year at such a high speed, something a hundred years or so 'outside' will have passed.
Travelling backwards in time is, and forever will be, impossible.

Location: Land of Oz
Registered: June 2004
Re: Causal loops
Sat, 10 September 2005 12:35

Bill Sherwood wrote on Sat, 10 September 2005 22:30 | Travelling backwards in time is, and forever will be, impossible.
You haven't been to Oberon, have you?

Location: Adelaide
Registered: June 2003
Re: Causal loops
Sat, 10 September 2005 19:19

my understanding of time is:
Time cannot be reversed (cant go back in time)
Time can be sped up, or slowed down, but the speeding up or slowing down is relative to something else. Time will always seem the one speed to you. if you get in a spaceship and burn along at a millionx the speed of light, and you have a clock on the wall, it will still tick at the same speed you see today, however back on earth time has not passed so fast and when you return you will effectivley be further along in "earth" time than you would have been otherwise.
all of you who are debating this/interseted in it should take a look at this, i found it really interesting
Location: NSW Engadine
Registered: June 2003
Re: Causal loops
Sat, 10 September 2005 23:12

Ate a shit...

Location: Bankstown
Registered: August 2005
Re: Causal loops
Sun, 11 September 2005 06:16

There was a science program a while back on SBS about mathematicians profing theory's.
There was an episode that talked about loop holes, but they found out that they where too small for any human let alone a mouse.
There are better things that havent been discovered, like why do we start to produce less and less cells and loss resistance from age, eventually leading to death.

Location: Land of Oz
Registered: June 2004
Re: Causal loops
Sun, 11 September 2005 06:36

Dorio86 wrote on Sun, 11 September 2005 16:16 | There are better things that havent been discovered, like why do we start to produce less and less cells and loss resistance from age, eventually leading to death.
Who wants to live forever? You'd never learn anything or achieve anything. The only reason there is progress is the fact that you have a limited time to do something before you perish. If you live forever than all you'd do is bludge around all day and do nothing. Besides, you'd never be able to retire 'cos no one can afford to give pensions to people who love forever.

Location: Bankstown
Registered: August 2005
Re: Causal loops
Sun, 11 September 2005 06:45

river wrote on Sun, 11 September 2005 16:36 | Hi,
Dorio86 wrote on Sun, 11 September 2005 16:16 | There are better things that havent been discovered, like why do we start to produce less and less cells and loss resistance from age, eventually leading to death.
Who wants to live forever? You'd never learn anything or achieve anything. The only reason there is progress is the fact that you have a limited time to do something before you perish. If you live forever than all you'd do is bludge around all day and do nothing. Besides, you'd never be able to retire 'cos no one can afford to give pensions to people who love forever.
I'm sure that a lot of people that are dying from disease and people that missed there loved ones would disagree.

Location: Land of Oz
Registered: June 2004
Re: Causal loops
Sun, 11 September 2005 07:12

True, but it would still be a boring existence to live forever. And, it makes the talk about time rather frivolous, if you had an eternal life.

Location: Bankstown
Registered: August 2005
Re: Causal loops
Sun, 11 September 2005 07:39

river wrote on Sun, 11 September 2005 17:12 | Hi,
True, but it would still be a boring existence to live forever. And, it makes the talk about time rather frivolous, if you had an eternal life.
Life is boring? Never!!!
Well, im packed ready to head back to Adelaid.

Location: Kellyville, Sydney
Registered: June 2004
Re: Causal loops
Sun, 11 September 2005 07:51

humans are destroying this planet quick enough as it is. if we didn't age and die, i doubt we would last another century before overpopulation ate up every last available resource.

Location: Canberra
Registered: August 2003
Re: Causal loops
Mon, 12 September 2005 06:04

Time travel backwards is possible, a few months ago I boarded a flight from sydney to adelaide. I got on the plane in sydney at 5:30 pm, got off in adelaide in 1985.

Location: Central Coast, NSW
Registered: February 2005
Re: Causal loops
Mon, 12 September 2005 06:25

petrol prices must seem pretty steep in 1985 adelaide then!!
however can you afford to drive your car?