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Location: Melbourne
Registered: September 2005
4AGZE/4AGE 20v into a Corolla EE80
Wed, 14 September 2005 12:05
Thinking of buying a Corolla that has a EE80 engine sitting in it.
Is it a thoughtless act to buy it and intend it for a 20v or GZE conversion? Also it is automatic.
Has anyone ever done this before? Or has it alway been the 4AGE corolla's that get all the conversions?

Location: sydney, roselands
Registered: October 2004
Re: 4AGZE/4AGE 20v into a Corolla EE80
Wed, 14 September 2005 13:24

generaly autos are crap for anything but retirement.. having done the full auto to manual on my magna i can safely say its not a pleasant job.. neither will doing a engine swap.. all i can say is if the can is for free u may want to pick it up for spares or sumthen like that, then you can hunt for a hammered corolla already fitted with a 4age and manual. that way the shody old banged up car can have some new panels ready to go and come at a good price!
p.s. theres not much point going from a small port 4age to a 20v or a gze unless u intend to go turbo.. for the money the increase is not that drastic and feesable
best of luck

Location: Sydney, OZ
Registered: May 2002
Re: 4AGZE/4AGE 20v into a Corolla EE80
Thu, 15 September 2005 01:46

Quote: | p.s. theres not much point going from a small port 4age to a 20v or a gze unless u intend to go turbo.. for the money the increase is not that drastic and feesable
Huh?? To go from a S/P 4AGE to a GZE is a massive difference.... I think you need to see how big the GE to GZE jump is by lining the two up from a Standing start. Similar, A Standard 16V will lose out to a 20V S/T only because of it's extra rev's, I know it's not huge, but every stock standard 20V S/T vs stock standard 16V i've been in, the 20V comes out just that bit in front... GZE's always end out way infront.
Quote: | Has anyone ever done this before?
Yep, You'll need engine mounts and possible the X-member from and AE82 and if you want a Manual, Pick and Payless is the cheapest bet to get a pedal set and other small stuff needed.

Location: Melbourne
Registered: September 2005
Re: 4AGZE/4AGE 20v into a Corolla EE80
Thu, 15 September 2005 05:25

So it wont be a perfect fit? I was told that the engine bay is exactly the same as a 4AGE? Is that true or do i need to mod the bay?

Location: Sydney, OZ
Registered: May 2002
Re: 4AGZE/4AGE 20v into a Corolla EE80
Thu, 15 September 2005 10:49
Quote: | So it wont be a perfect fit?
The engine bay's are the same, what I'm saying is the engine mounts will be different ie the ones that bolt directly to the engine, not the ones that bolt to bay. the X-member that runs from the front to the rear of the car could also be different, please note could as I have had some that fit no problems and other that haven't even though both cars are AE82, so I suspect that the EE80 will be one that is slightly different, but can be made to fit.
Quote: | I was told that the engine bay is exactly the same as a 4AGE?
I will advise that people will say anything, but you'll never know til you do it yourself, this the only way I have found out if things work or don't. The advise above is based on AE82 and not EE80 as they were never popular and were fazed out very quickly in favor of the AE82 1.6l.