Location: central coast NSW
Registered: January 2005
18RGEU pollution gear
Tue, 20 September 2005 11:57
my hilux is comming along pretty well and i want to make it alot more street legal, the guy that put the 18rgeu in neglated to put in polution gear - i think.
so what pollution gear does this engine have, where do the hoses all go?
i tried searching but didnt find anything, some pics would be great
Some of this has been brought u in a previous thread.
It had something to do with the plenum vacuum points.
Have a search and see what you come up with.
Location: central coast NSW
Registered: January 2005
Re: 18RGEU pollution gear
Sat, 24 September 2005 01:46
yeah thanks.
i know the two above the throttle body are for a cold starter to put hot air from the heater in the throttle body so it doesnt freeze when the airs below 0.
but im not worried about that i dont live anywhere near snow.
hmm ill guess ill try to find some more engine documentation.
thanks for the reply