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Forums Junkie

Sydney, Australia
December 2003
Bali Bombing Round 2. Sat, 01 October 2005 17:13 Go to next message
Another terrorist attack. Confused

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Forums Junkie

Perth, WA
December 2004
Re: Bali Bombing Round 2. Sat, 01 October 2005 17:26 Go to previous messageGo to next message
someones on the ball :/

damn simon, you watch too much news or something...

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Forums Junkie

January 2005
Re: Bali Bombing Round 2. Sun, 02 October 2005 01:33 Go to previous messageGo to next message
this shit sux balls

i had a holiday to bali planned for november now i cant go coz some fucking towel head muther fuckers want to blow some shit up.

fukit ill settle for hong kong n dat new disneyland place they got.

fuking bomb chucking arab looking fuk stix.
ok im beter now.

cheers scott
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Forums Junkie

June 2002
Re: Bali Bombing Round 2. Sun, 02 October 2005 06:32 Go to previous messageGo to next message
FFS these terrorists are fucked up
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July 2005
Re: Bali Bombing Round 2. Sun, 02 October 2005 06:58 Go to previous messageGo to next message
meh. That's a onw eyed view. You don't live under the opression of the west, so you can't effectively make a judgement on there set of values. How do you think they feel being used by capitalism? or bombed by us...

By the way, I in no way sympathise with the groups responsible, I just see our culture being fed too much propaganda.

Oh, and Bali sucks. There's way more to Indonesia than that shithole.

BTW, isn't this inappropriate material? I thought political discussion was not permitted?
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Forums Junkie

June 2002
Re: Bali Bombing Round 2. Sun, 02 October 2005 07:14 Go to previous messageGo to next message
tricky wrote on Sun, 02 October 2005 16:58

Oh, and Bali sucks. There's way more to Indonesia than that shithole.

Mate, you are an asshole, shut the fuck up.
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Forums Junkie

November 2003
Re: Bali Bombing Round 2. Sun, 02 October 2005 07:16 Go to previous messageGo to next message
old_mr2 wrote on Sun, 02 October 2005 17:14

tricky wrote on Sun, 02 October 2005 16:58

Oh, and Bali sucks. There's way more to Indonesia than that shithole.

Mate, you are an asshole, shut the fuck up.

He is? How's that?
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May 2004
Re: Bali Bombing Round 2. Sun, 02 October 2005 07:18 Go to previous messageGo to next message
pfft wat drugs are you on ?
'You don't live under the opression of the west'

pffft what type of people blow them selfs and there own people to prove a point ? i'll tell you dumb cu*ts

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Forums Junkie

Potts Point, Sydney
October 2003
Re: Bali Bombing Round 2. Sun, 02 October 2005 09:22 Go to previous messageGo to next message
toyotacorona wrote on Sun, 02 October 2005 17:18

pfft wat drugs are you on ?
'You don't live under the opression of the west'

pffft what type of people blow them selfs and there own people to prove a point ? i'll tell you dumb cu*ts

Couldnt have said it better myself... Very Happy

Oppression of the west?? its not all bad, we send them aid and millions/billions of dollars and get this bullshit in return from some raghead wannabe.

I reckon we should stop giving as much aid so they feel the pain wihtout the 'west' helping out (sucks but i'd do it Razz ). It'll hurt innocent people, yes, but at least they'll get it through their fuken heads that they can't survive wihtout our help. Maybe then people would report the crazy mofos to authorities Evil or Very Mad
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Forums Junkie

November 2003
Re: Bali Bombing Round 2. Sun, 02 October 2005 11:06 Go to previous messageGo to next message
dimmy77_03 wrote on Sun, 02 October 2005 19:22

toyotacorona wrote on Sun, 02 October 2005 17:18

pfft wat drugs are you on ?
'You don't live under the opression of the west'

pffft what type of people blow them selfs and there own people to prove a point ? i'll tell you dumb cu*ts

Couldnt have said it better myself... Very Happy

Oppression of the west?? its not all bad, we send them aid and millions/billions of dollars and get this bullshit in return from some raghead wannabe.

I reckon we should stop giving as much aid so they feel the pain wihtout the 'west' helping out (sucks but i'd do it Razz ). It'll hurt innocent people, yes, but at least they'll get it through their fuken heads that they can't survive wihtout our help. Maybe then people would report the crazy mofos to authorities Evil or Very Mad

Oh yes, we're so great. We helped a few people out once, so we should feel good about ourselves. If we stop the aid, how about we stop the trade imbargos and invasions of their countries too? And exploiting their workers so we can have cheap cloths/shoes/electronics/whatever? Our country, and America, would be stuffed if it all of a sudden couldn't rip poorer countries off.

Those that blow themselves and other people up are violent arseholes who should be punished harshly (although the origonal Bali Bombers wheren't). But then what they do is not so different from America invading Afganistan and Iraq.
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Sydney, Peakhurst
May 2004
Re: Bali Bombing Round 2. Sun, 02 October 2005 11:29 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Shraka people like you make me feel violently ill, and angry and i want to tear you a new asshole...

do u think they give a flying f*ck about you?

Just shut your filthy leftist bleeding heart mouth and let the reasonable people here vent their hate of the animals that perpatrated this act against US!!!!

you sir, are an imbocile!
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Forums Junkie

Potts Point, Sydney
October 2003
Re: Bali Bombing Round 2. Sun, 02 October 2005 11:53 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Yes we HELPED them, i dont see them doing much for us except bitch about the 'west'. Fair enough they work their arse off for peanuts and i don't agree with that, but that's life so get used to it...

Although their getting exploited (not cool) they're still making some sort of money, it's up to them to either stay in the job or get a better paying job etc.
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May 2004
Re: Bali Bombing Round 2. Sun, 02 October 2005 11:57 Go to previous messageGo to next message
mate are you all this new gear i hear about your tripping over cliffs

"Those that blow themselves and other people up are violent arseholes who should be punished harshly (although the origonal Bali Bombers wheren't)"

what were they then siants of god come down to build more casinos
lets set a side boxing day to prise the bomers pfffft there dumb fark stix's who should be all killed period full stop
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November 2003
Re: Bali Bombing Round 2. Sun, 02 October 2005 12:03 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Hmm ok lets stop buying the cheap cloths/shoes/electronics and everything else that indonesia exports so that everyone there that makes them is out of a job. And has no income. And ends up starving. And fucking hates us even more and makes them want to blow the fuck out of us even more.

Good Plan.

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July 2005
Re: Bali Bombing Round 2. Sun, 02 October 2005 12:07 Go to previous messageGo to next message
old_mr2 wrote on Sun, 02 October 2005 17:14

Mate, you are an asshole, shut the fuck up.

Oh, your creative flair makes me weak at the knees. What is the point of going on a holiday if you are simply visiting a bastion of our own society? There is very little culture, you won't see anything that you wouldn't see at home, so why bother going. And such tourist traps are the target of bombings anyway.


pfft wat drugs are you on ?
'You don't live under the opression of the west'

pffft what type of people blow them selfs and there own people to prove a point ? i'll tell you dumb cu*ts

Waddaya mean pfft? My drugs are pure reason, and a global perspective. The kind of people that blow themselves up are from a different background to you, so you cannot reasonably pass judgement. Yes, they blow themselves up and they blow up their peers. They also truly beleive that this will make them a martyr. Again it is a war based on religion.

They beleive there is no choice beyond what we tag 'terrorism', and in truth, there isn't. I state again that I do not condone the activities of these groups, but consider it from their perspective. Do you see any Muslim nation with political power and an ability to create a global readjustment in power and wealth? nup. How do we lucky people live the decadent lifestyle to which we have become accustomed? Capitalism, my friends.

The methods of capitalism are unfair trade. Goods are imported for a very small cost and then sold at our inflated cost. An item in a third world country may cost $2 to make. They then sell it for $2.50, and it is sold in another country for $50. How is that 'fair and equal' to the seller, and as a follow on effect, their country? If no goods were imported, we would be unable to maintain profits.

So this places poor nations in a position in which trade is not a tremendous source of profit, and as such, wealth and power cannot be accrued. We just so happen to be living in a time where a religion has justified to some sick minorities that the slaughter of rich people is a feasible method of gaining power/immunity/wealth, whichever it may be in a given circumstance.

Our society, on its moral high horse fails to recognise capitalism as opression, so violence is the primary response. As shraka said, if we make trade fair, we lose out (but we won't have to pay aid), but third world countries become self sufficient, and cultural differences would no longer cause such violence.

tripmcneily, grow up. Since when has this thread been dedicated to venting hate? Sounds unreasonable to me that you should pigeon hole your opinion as being correct.

What's wrong with harbouring discussion on a discussion board anyway? it's blatantly apparent that some people just wish to be heard criticising an entire demographic due to the actions of a minority, rather than proposing reasons for such hatred.
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July 2005
Re: Bali Bombing Round 2. Sun, 02 October 2005 12:10 Go to previous messageGo to next message
toyotacorona wrote on Sun, 02 October 2005 21:57

mate are you all this new gear i hear about your tripping over cliffs

"Those that blow themselves and other people up are violent arseholes who should be punished harshly (although the origonal Bali Bombers wheren't)"

what were they then siants of god come down to build more casinos
lets set a side boxing day to prise the bomers pfffft there dumb fark stix's who should be all killed period full stop

what he implied was

Those that blow themselves and other people up are violent arseholes who should be punished harshly (although the original Bali Bombers weren't (punished harshly)

which is entirely correct.

dimmy, it isn't up to them to change jobs. High paying jobs in a third world country are sparse, ad almost always related to a western entrepeneur/enterprise. The amount of money that people get in these countries is USD$20 per month.

[Updated on: Sun, 02 October 2005 12:14]

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Forums Junkie

Perth Western Australia
April 2004
Re: Bali Bombing Round 2. Sun, 02 October 2005 12:17 Go to previous messageGo to next message
i think toyotacorona needs to stop typing out posts that sound like that are coming from a dislexyic 5 year old.

now about the bombings , yes its bad news, but what was their reason ?
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May 2004
Re: Bali Bombing Round 2. Sun, 02 October 2005 12:37 Go to previous messageGo to next message
oh was that wat he was impling my bad sorry Embarassed

maybe if they thought about bettering them selfs and not blowning them selfs up they would get some were thats my 2 cents
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Sydney, Peakhurst
May 2004
Re: Bali Bombing Round 2. Sun, 02 October 2005 12:51 Go to previous messageGo to next message
you really make me sick tricky.
your get on here and make us westerners all out to be assholes. You have the gall to whinge about the moral high horse western society rides on, what have you ever done to help these people? outside of getting on this forum and whining about the way the world is.
Besides all the crap you spewed onto this thread, you have missed the point. Some pricks deided to Blow up innocent people based SOLELY on the fact that the were not "believers"
of Islam (Bali locals are predominantly Hindu I should point out), infedels, No other reason. I think of people here are a little bit angry about that, I sure as hell am.

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July 2005
Re: Bali Bombing Round 2. Sun, 02 October 2005 13:41 Go to previous messageGo to next message
How does it make you sick that I'm expressing facts, and my personal views? Everything I have said is pacifistic and causes no harm to anyone. Everything stated could seed discussion, and indeed if a reasonable argument was put forward, my views could change.

I'm not making westerners out to be arseholes. I'm stating the western administration is severely flawed.

What worries me is there seems to be a sweeping generalisation in this thread that implies that all muslims are terrorists.

What have I done? I have contributed to altering views on the topic, protested on various things and I have supported the economy of third world countries from the inside. That's about all anyone who isn't a leader can do.

If I wanted to do more to help, I could become a greenie, but do you see Bob Brown in power? Nup. WE WANT PROFIT, not equality. If I wanted to do more than that... I could blow myself up and kill people, but I've heard that such acts frowned upon in western society.

As far as killing people solely because they don't follow the Q'uran, that's just crap. That is a symptom of the plight to gain power. It just so happens that to form a revolutionary army, it is more effective to prey on a religious group than to announce a general call to arms.

And I'm not stating that I'm not upset by people getting killed. It burns me up to, but to immediately label an entire demographic as evil due to the acts of extremists isn't entirely fair. Afterall, to them we are tagged as american because we have white skin, and it isn't entirely pleasant.
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Forums Junkie

Perth, WA
December 2004
Re: Bali Bombing Round 2. Sun, 02 October 2005 14:18 Go to previous messageGo to next message
tricky wrote on Sun, 02 October 2005 21:41

How does it make you sick that I'm expressing facts, and my personal views? Everything I have said is pacifistic and causes no harm to anyone. Everything stated could seed discussion, and indeed if a reasonable argument was put forward, my views could change.

I'm not making westerners out to be arseholes. I'm stating the western administration is severely flawed.

What worries me is there seems to be a sweeping generalisation in this thread that implies that all muslims are terrorists.

What have I done? I have contributed to altering views on the topic, protested on various things and I have supported the economy of third world countries from the inside. That's about all anyone who isn't a leader can do.

If I wanted to do more to help, I could become a greenie, but do you see Bob Brown in power? Nup. WE WANT PROFIT, not equality. If I wanted to do more than that... I could blow myself up and kill people, but I've heard that such acts frowned upon in western society.

As far as killing people solely because they don't follow the Q'uran, that's just crap. That is a symptom of the plight to gain power. It just so happens that to form a revolutionary army, it is more effective to prey on a religious group than to announce a general call to arms.

And I'm not stating that I'm not upset by people getting killed. It burns me up to, but to immediately label an entire demographic as evil due to the acts of extremists isn't entirely fair. Afterall, to them we are tagged as american because we have white skin, and it isn't entirely pleasant.

it says Kur-an on my version, but meh i think its the same thing?

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July 2005
Re: Bali Bombing Round 2. Sun, 02 October 2005 15:00 Go to previous messageGo to next message
sorry. I've seen it written a few ways, but none of them on an actual copy... Smile
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Forums Junkie

November 2003
Re: Bali Bombing Round 2. Sun, 02 October 2005 15:03 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Firstly, let me make this clear.

[quote title=tripmcneily wrote on Sun, 02 October 2005 22:51]you really make me sick tricky.
your get on here and make us westerners all out to be assholes. You have the gall to whinge about the moral high horse western society rides on, what have you ever done to help these people? outside of getting on this forum and whining about the way the world is.

We ARE arseholes. Get off your fucking horse. America has bombed more random countries than anyone else. They incite murder and PUT THESE REGEIMES THAT SURPRESS THE PEOPLE INTO POWER! Australian corporations extort small countries and the low payed workers in them. This takes jobs offshore, and means less jobs for Australia, and less wealth kept on our shores. We shouldn't be going overseas to get things we can get here.

I DO NOT condone these acts of terrorism. I DO NOT condone America invading other countries either economicaly or militarily either. America and it's enemies create this environment of hate and we're cought up in it. Not that long ago you could go overseas as an australian, and EVERYONE loved you. "Oh Australian? WE LOVE Australians!" But now, for various reasons, we're seen as the bad guy in a lot of socioties.

Anyway, the Taliban, as well as Saddam Hussain where both heavily funded by the Americans for their own selfish reasons with a total disregard for what this would do to the people of those countries. Then it turned around and bit them in the arse. This was the start of the downward spiral as I see it. There are ofcourse other factors, but this is one (or two) of them. Those of you who just go off and say this is evil, well you're right. But don't go completely off the handle. We're Australian, not American. We shouldn't just say "They hurt us! KILL THEM ALL! TORTURE THE WHOLE COUNTRY!" Don't go saying we have god on our side, and we have been slanted so we must hurt them back... 'cuz that sounds a lot like Bush, who sounds a lot like the terrorists themselves if you ask me.

tripmcneily wrote on Sun, 02 October 2005 22:51

Besides all the crap you spewed onto this thread, you have missed the point. Some pricks deided to Blow up innocent people based SOLELY on the fact that the were not "believers"
of Islam (Bali locals are predominantly Hindu I should point out), infedels, No other reason. I think of people here are a little bit angry about that, I sure as hell am.

I'm not as angry as I am sad. Anger and revenge doesn't honour the lives of those who died. Finding out who did it and for what reason, then stopping them from being able to do it again does.
Also, can you be SURE it's for no other reason that they are followers of Islam? And if it is, we as a global community should be looking at why they thing us infadels should die. Find out whats behind it, and change it. 'Rather than putting bandaids on the gunshot wounds, stop the arsehole who keeps shooting you' as it where.

ricky was right, what I meant was that the people involved in the Bali bombing 1 needed to be dealt with more harshly. They weren't. They should have been locked away for the rest of their natural or un-natural lives! Also, the terrorist unit responsible for the Bali Bombings 1 WAS NOT OUTLAWED as a result of the bombings. These are things that should have been done.
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Perth WA
November 2004
Re: Bali Bombing Round 2. Sun, 02 October 2005 15:29 Go to previous messageGo to next message
I skimmed over a great deal of the last half of the page cos it felt like the focus was too much on the people who planned this terrible act and their possible reasons why.

It makes me sick that this has happened and i feel sorry for the loss of life and how many families are now mourning, however as i type this there are still people who say they will still go back in the wake of this....... i would not go there but then again i am not ready to die call me a wimp if u want

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Forums Junkie

November 2003
Re: Bali Bombing Round 2. Sun, 02 October 2005 16:04 Go to previous messageGo to next message
rxbenny wrote on Mon, 03 October 2005 01:29

I skimmed over a great deal of the last half of the page cos it felt like the focus was too much on the people who planned this terrible act and their possible reasons why.

It makes me sick that this has happened and i feel sorry for the loss of life and how many families are now mourning, however as i type this there are still people who say they will still go back in the wake of this....... i would not go there but then again i am not ready to die call me a wimp if u want


Yeah, I wouldn't wanna go. Not only for fear for my life (which, don't get me wrong, is a big reason) but also 'cuz of the govornments general reaction to the last incident. They don't seem to want me there so I'll go somewhere else.

Oh and P.S. yes, I'm all about understanding the reasons for these actions. That way we (As a country and people) can try to change that in any way we can, rather than assuming we play no part in their aggression towards us.

[Updated on: Mon, 03 October 2005 00:29]

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Forums Junkie

I supported Toymods

July 2004
Re: Bali Bombing Round 2. Mon, 03 October 2005 02:55 Go to previous messageGo to next message
tripmcneily wrote on Sun, 02 October 2005 20:51

you really make me sick tricky.
your get on here and make us westerners all out to be assholes. You have the gall to whinge about the moral high horse western society rides on, what have you ever done to help these people? outside of getting on this forum and whining about the way the world is.
Besides all the crap you spewed onto this thread, you have missed the point. Some pricks deided to Blow up innocent people based SOLELY on the fact that the were not "believers"
of Islam (Bali locals are predominantly Hindu I should point out), infedels, No other reason. I think of people here are a little bit angry about that, I sure as hell am.

and you know this because you were there or because Fox/NewsCorp told you so..

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Forums Junkie

I supported Toymods

August 2002
Re: Bali Bombing Round 2. Mon, 03 October 2005 03:14 Go to previous messageGo to next message
its kinda stupid...

we are all humans
same blood and bones and hair and skin

i cant see the big deal they have with us?

oh wait yes i can.. the idealism of centralised religion and its sheep-like followers...
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Forums Junkie

eastern suburbs, melbourne
March 2005
Re: Bali Bombing Round 2. Mon, 03 October 2005 03:29 Go to previous messageGo to next message
hamgatan wrote on Mon, 03 October 2005 12:55

tripmcneily wrote on Sun, 02 October 2005 20:51

you really make me sick tricky.
your get on here and make us westerners all out to be assholes. You have the gall to whinge about the moral high horse western society rides on, what have you ever done to help these people? outside of getting on this forum and whining about the way the world is.
Besides all the crap you spewed onto this thread, you have missed the point. Some pricks deided to Blow up innocent people based SOLELY on the fact that the were not "believers"
of Islam (Bali locals are predominantly Hindu I should point out), infedels, No other reason. I think of people here are a little bit angry about that, I sure as hell am.

and you know this because you were there or because Fox/NewsCorp told you so..

totally agree, cant trust the media.
related material: do a search some the "real iran" post. its got pics from the media and then pics of what it really looks like.

on another not, im suprised this topic isnt closed yet...
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Forums Junkie

November 2003
Re: Bali Bombing Round 2. Mon, 03 October 2005 04:23 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Yeah I'm surprsied that it hasn't been locked too (but thankfull).

I live with an Iranian guy at the moment. He's only been here about 5 months or so. He sais Iran isn't how you hear it on the news. Most of the people living there aren't particularly religious, and definatly not fenatics. The guy who's living at my place doesn't believe in organised religion at all. The fanatics in Iran are mostly in the government according to this guy.

I don't see us as being totaly without blame for being attacked. Don't take that to mean I think we deserve it. I just think there are things our country could do to help settle world oppinion of us, rather then stir it up.
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Forums Junkie

Potts Point, Sydney
October 2003
Re: Bali Bombing Round 2. Mon, 03 October 2005 09:50 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Eldaro, last time i saw, the spelling was Q'uran but there are a few different ways.

i was told my a muslim mate, that it says during the 'jihad' innocent civilians can't be involved in the killings, along with women and chidren... Then again, these drop kicks decide to only believe the parts which they choose to believe and not the bigger picture.
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puzzle man
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Official Cruise Dude

March 2004
Re: Bali Bombing Round 2. Mon, 03 October 2005 10:25 Go to previous message
This topic will now be locked and this why.........
Political, Religious, Racist or Sexist comments or threads are not permitted.
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