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Location: Sydney
Registered: May 2002
Someone tell me what BMW engine this is ???
Mon, 06 January 2003 07:10
Hey all
My mate has the ultimate sleeper
its a 3181 ..... with what the previous owner says is an M3 engine
however he is not too sure about this
from memory he THINKS the engine code is "E40"
could someone pls tell me if this is an M3 engine ?
And if not what car this is out of ???
Thanx heaps

I supported Toymods
Location: Perth
Registered: May 2002

Location: Brisbane
Registered: May 2002
Re: Someone tell me what BMW engine this is ???
Mon, 06 January 2003 07:29

Note that the "M3" existed over several generations of the 3-series. The early M3's are actually 4 cylinder. And E40 is definitely a model code; I think it's a fairly old model, but I'm not a BMW expert.

Location: Sydney
Registered: May 2002
Re: Someone tell me what BMW engine this is ???
Mon, 06 January 2003 07:35

yeah its not that latest M3 engine thats for sure cause of the capacity
he told me the capacity of it but i forgot
thanx for the replys ppl
But can someone tell me for sure

Location: Cabramatta, NSW
Registered: May 2002
Re: Someone tell me what BMW engine this is ???
Mon, 06 January 2003 07:40

AFAIK E36 was the old BMW 3 series.
The current one is E46.
I think....

Location: Arthurs Creek, Victoria
Registered: May 2002
Re: Someone tell me what BMW engine this is ???
Mon, 06 January 2003 09:23

Nark is right.
THe e30 was the older one, (pre about 96) the e36 is the recent yet not current model shape and the e46 is the current model.
The current m3 is 330, which is a 3.2 litre 6. Most definately not a 318i 2 litre 4.
So, check under the bonnet and if as stated before, it has a six in there the full six throttle bodies and really goes like stink, then it could be a m3. However, I would suggest it is highly unlikly, given the engine bay sized used to house the 4 versus the engine bay size used to house the 6.

I supported Toymods
Location: Perth
Registered: May 2002
Re: Someone tell me what BMW engine this is ???
Mon, 06 January 2003 09:46

the bays are the same size for the whole 3-series range....if it has a 6 cylinder instead of the four then you know its better. if it has the 6 throttle bodies, its probably a m3 engine.

Location: Sydney
Registered: May 2002
Re: Someone tell me what BMW engine this is ???
Mon, 06 January 2003 09:50

Hang on im totally confused
PPL say if its a 6 its an M3 engine
but someone earlier said the previous model M3's were 4's ???
sorry im lost
E40 = what car ???

Location: The Rainy City
Registered: May 2002
Re: Someone tell me what BMW engine this is ???
Mon, 06 January 2003 10:21

afaik, the 3-series had 4cyls (318) and 6cyls(328, 330 etc). so seeing a six under the hood isnt a sure fire sign of an m3 engine. only the oldest m3 had a 4cyl i think... not too sure.
if it hammers hard, then id say its an m3... like someone said, hex throttles should be a big giveaway...

I supported Toymods
Location: Perth
Registered: May 2002
Re: Someone tell me what BMW engine this is ???
Mon, 06 January 2003 10:22

How old is ur mates Beemer?
The last few of series of M3 were inline sixes. They would have six throttle bodies also. I don't think the M3 ever came with a four. None of the ones I have seen or read about....

Location: Brisbane
Registered: May 2002
Re: Someone tell me what BMW engine this is ???
Mon, 06 January 2003 12:37

The M3 definitely came with a 4 cylinder engine, in the 80's. You guys are talking like there was only ever one M3, but in fact there have been several! The current one has a 3.2 litre inline six, but the older ones came with a 2 litre (I think) 4 banger.

I supported Toymods
Location: Perth
Registered: May 2002

I supported Toymods
Location: Perth
Registered: May 2002

Location: Southern Sydney
Registered: August 2002
Re: Someone tell me what BMW engine this is ???
Mon, 06 January 2003 13:21

Quote: | The current m3 is 330, which is a 3.2 litre 6. Most definately not a 318i 2 litre 4.
....hang on a second.
I thought the BMW model codes worked like this.
First digit indicates the series of the car.... ie 318i is a 3 Series.
Second two indicate Engine size.... 1.8L
and the i stood for injected.
So 318i is a 3 series with a 1.8L injected motor.
a 330i would be a 3 series with a 3L injected motor.
Am I wrong?

I supported Toymods
Location: Perth
Registered: May 2002
Re: Someone tell me what BMW engine this is ???
Mon, 06 January 2003 13:26

Yeah, thats the theory on how it works, but they changed the engine, and didn't want to change the name "318" as it was familiar to people.

Toymods Board Member
Location: Sydney
Registered: September 2002
Re: Someone tell me what BMW engine this is ???
Mon, 06 January 2003 22:11

Early M3's definatly had 4's. It was a a E30, had 4 round headlights at the front. It was a 2.5 four. You would know if it was a M3 motor. Pulls 0-100 in 6.5 secs...... you should know anyway.
M5 had the six cylinder motor. Early M5's had the standard 3.5 litre motor with a body kit.. Later M5's in the same body shape had the M-Power motor..

Location: Arthurs Creek, Victoria
Registered: May 2002
Re: Someone tell me what BMW engine this is ???
Tue, 07 January 2003 08:11

Yes you are right, they used to be 318 = 1.8 and so forth, however recently, IE model e46 they have changed it in the 3 series so that everything is .2 of a litre above what it is listed to be, IE 316 is a 1.8 and a 318 is a 2 and the 330 is a 3.2

I supported Toymods
Location: Perth
Registered: May 2002
Re: Someone tell me what BMW engine this is ???
Tue, 07 January 2003 08:30

Almost right. It would be straight forward if it was across the board like that...but its not
This is true for the 318i and 320i, but the 325 and 330 are both accurate, with 2.5l and 3.0l respectively.

Location: Western Sydney
Registered: May 2002
Re: Someone tell me what BMW engine this is ???
Tue, 07 January 2003 09:04

Is it possible to get a pic of this motor and the car it's currently in? I'd be interested in seeing what management it's using too.
I supported Toymods
Location: Perth WA
Registered: May 2002
Re: Someone tell me what BMW engine this is ???
Tue, 14 January 2003 13:38

Don't "M" engines have a big "M-Power" emblazoned over the cam covers?

Location: Brisbane
Registered: January 2003
Re: Someone tell me what BMW engine this is ???
Tue, 14 January 2003 23:01
jza70-mel is right, all M power plants come with such rocker covers.
(Unless the guy just put in a 6 and whacked a M power rocker cover on, wouldn't be the first time someone did this.) No M power rocker cover? then its not an M3,