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Registered: September 2005
Tucker Max
Tue, 11 October 2005 13:36
do some reading... this stuff is piss funny hahaha.
sorry if its a repost but i did search first

Location: Sydney
Registered: August 2004
Re: Tucker Max
Tue, 11 October 2005 15:23

If only he was offering apprenticeships....

Location: Sydney
Registered: September 2003
Re: Tucker Max
Tue, 11 October 2005 16:43

ahhh this guy is some kind of a living god...
i remember finding the site a while ago somewhere, god damn theres some good stories in there.

Location: Sydney
Registered: February 2003

Location: Perth
Registered: April 2003
Re: Tucker Max
Wed, 12 October 2005 01:25

What a cool guy!

Location: eastern suburbs, melbourne
Registered: March 2005

Location: Arthurs Creek, Victoria
Registered: May 2002
Re: Tucker Max
Wed, 12 October 2005 06:36

Cool guy? Tell that to the chicks listed on his website.

I supported Toymods
Location: Epping, Sydney
Registered: May 2002
Re: Tucker Max
Wed, 12 October 2005 06:42

he doesn't pretend to be anyone but who he is. seriously, you pick up at a bar or party, you can't honestly expect commitment. yes he's an arsehole, but *shrugs*... he just doesn't feel the pressure to conform to what society wants.
Wouldn't wanna be him, but very funny to read. (because I don't know anyone involved)
absinthe donuts rocks

Registered: May 2002
Re: Tucker Max
Wed, 12 October 2005 06:53

Just had a look at that site He be the kind of dude that gets his car keyed "randomly", windows of his house smashed "randomly" etc.
Quote: | you wouldnt b the italian guy who came up to me at a party 2 weeks ago and said "want to come over to my place? no sex, just a beer?"
still got a black eye?
You should go out on the town with heffaa off these forums, he is a homophobe too He doesn't mind clocking a gay dude in the noggin either.
It's ok to feel confused about your feeling towards men

Location: Sydney, Australia
Registered: December 2003

Location: Sydney, Shire
Registered: April 2004
Re: Tucker Max
Wed, 12 October 2005 07:47

ive been a fan of tucker max for a while now...
he is rich and is gettin richer because of his party habits...mtv followed him for a while and he has released a number of books...

Location: Potts Point, Sydney
Registered: October 2003
Re: Tucker Max
Wed, 12 October 2005 09:49

This guy is absolutely crazy! I read that bum sex one and cracked up...

I supported Toymods
Location: Epping, Sydney
Registered: May 2002
Re: Tucker Max
Wed, 12 October 2005 09:52

he certainly has a way with words.
the vomit on shit looking like a tapioca abortion.
the 3 people synchronised vomiting
Registered: September 2005
Re: Tucker Max
Wed, 12 October 2005 13:53

he has now written a book, the guy can write thats for sure!

Location: Perth, WA
Registered: December 2004
Re: Tucker Max
Wed, 12 October 2005 14:02

welcome to 1995!
the site is almost as old as Hippocrates.

Location: eastern suburbs, melbourne
Registered: March 2005

Registered: May 2002
Re: Tucker Max
Thu, 13 October 2005 00:27

Quote: | i recon he got what he deserved.
Let me ask you this:
If a fat ugly lady who smelt came up and tried to crack on to you would you or your mate punch her in the face?
Probably not.
If some gay dude tires to crack onto you just let him pay for your next drink an d then tell him you don't swing that way. Then point him toward one of your mates and tell the guy he is gay and loves it IDB

Location: eastern suburbs, melbourne
Registered: March 2005
Re: Tucker Max
Thu, 13 October 2005 00:35

i dont see what the problem is, he is still male, and there for not a woman. its natural for males to fight, its been like this for the whole hostory of time. its not like he kicked him while he was down.
plus didnt need to refer him onto a mate , he went through every guy there b4 he tried the guy 5 min from passing out in the corner.

Location: South Australia
Registered: July 2002
Re: Tucker Max
Thu, 13 October 2005 05:08

Tucker Max : tool
illuminatus acting tough : funny

Toymods Social Secretary
Location: Sydney
Registered: July 2002
Re: Tucker Max
Thu, 13 October 2005 22:06

TuckerMax cracks me up.... purely from his stories. I have wish to be this guy nor anything like him.
... although his Miss Vermont story is HILARIOUS! What a fkn dumb tart!!
Tuckermax | Run along now, man talk

Location: Sydney, Peakhurst
Registered: May 2004
Re: Tucker Max
Sun, 16 October 2005 10:19

hahaha this guys is one funny dude!!!
i don't care what anyone else thinks.... this is gold!

I supported Toymods
Location: Adelaide
Registered: July 2004
Re: Tucker Max
Mon, 17 October 2005 05:53

tripmcneily wrote on Sun, 16 October 2005 19:49 | hahaha this guys is one funny dude!!!
i don't care what anyone else thinks.... this is gold!
i cant beilive people dont fall off their chairs for some of his literacy...he is pure comic genious

Location: Brisbane
Registered: May 2002
Re: Tucker Max
Mon, 17 October 2005 06:43

I hope you fan-boys realise it's 100% fiction. Or at best, highly embellished semi-factual.
Amusing all the same though, in a 9th-grade sorta way.

Registered: May 2002
Re: Tucker Max
Mon, 17 October 2005 06:45

Quote: | I hope you fan-boys realise it's 100% fiction. Or at best, highly embellished semi-factual.
Huh? Tha intahnet is not all 100% asp yo fully real deal?
So that penis shirnker I ordered over the net may not actually decrease the length and girth of my manhood

Location: Sydney, Peakhurst
Registered: May 2004
Re: Tucker Max
Mon, 17 October 2005 10:32

Norbie wrote on Mon, 17 October 2005 16:43 | I hope you fan-boys realise it's 100% fiction. Or at best, highly embellished semi-factual.
Amusing all the same though, in a 9th-grade sorta way. 
meh, bloody Killjoys! c'mon man, as if you have never sat around down the pub with mates talking shite telling storys like this guy! I would be willing to bet a lot of dudes around here would have similar storys to tell, I know i do, as do a lot of my friends.

Location: Sydney, Shire
Registered: April 2004
Re: Tucker Max
Mon, 17 October 2005 11:03

i seriously doubt anyone could make some of that shit up.....
and with my experiences im pretty sure there are arseholes and drunk rich guys out there like that....
if u like it or not he is an arsehole...but thats why its so good...
(im not a fan of arseholes...i like girl bits )

Toymods Social Secretary
Location: Sydney
Registered: July 2002
Re: Tucker Max
Wed, 19 October 2005 07:46

read the Miss Vermont story, and the supporting evidence. There is NO WAY someone could go to that much effort to support their story.......
and as for the other stories... meh, who cares if its real, they're funny!

Location: Perth
Registered: April 2003
Re: Tucker Max
Thu, 20 October 2005 12:21
magicmitch wrote on Mon, 17 October 2005 19:03 |
(im not a fan of arseholes...i like girl bits )
Girls have arseholes too.