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April 2005
icon3.gif  Overtaking Habits Fri, 14 October 2005 05:36 Go to next message

Overtaking Habits[ 80 vote(s) ]
1.All the time, can't stand anyone in front of me 11 / 14%
2.Only if they are slower 59 / 74%
3.Just wait patiently behind them 6 / 8%
4.My corona can't overtake! 3 / 4%
5.Check my schedule first then overtake 1 / 1%

Hey guys, just a random thought.

I almost always overtake, far as i am concerned i would be safer in front without some possible idjit in front of me if something goes wrong.

What do youse do?


[Updated on: Fri, 14 October 2005 05:36]

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January 2004
Re: Overtaking Habits Fri, 14 October 2005 05:42 Go to previous messageGo to next message
i'm a person who generally will only overtake if the person is slower.
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Forums Junkie

May 2002
Re: Overtaking Habits Fri, 14 October 2005 05:46 Go to previous messageGo to next message
I'm like Sanchez, I only overtake if they are too slow or I deem them to be a risk due to a display of poor driving habits e.g. they are tailgating, wandering randomly in their lane, talking on phone etc.

You need to add to your Poll:

I overtake anything that resembles a performance car because I feel the need to prove my superiority as a driver and show the grunt of my shitbox rice mobile car.

I hate those faggots the worst Rolling Eyes

EDIT: the above overtaking would only take place where appropriate to do so. Canberra is the home of overtaking.

[Updated on: Fri, 14 October 2005 05:51]

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Kita-Ku, Sapporo, Japan
January 2003
Re: Overtaking Habits Fri, 14 October 2005 05:49 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Roundy wrote on Fri, 14 October 2005 15:36

I almost always overtake, far as i am concerned i would be safer in front without some possible idjit in front of me if something goes wrong.

so you prefer having an inattentive idjit behind you when something goes wrong... and they smack into your arse....

I prefer to sit back and watch cars run into each other, rather than being between them....

if someone is going well below the speed limit, and there are facilities to overtake safely, then i would, but in city traffic you might get to watch an extra 2 minutes of news.. whoopdedoo Razz

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April 2005
Re: Overtaking Habits Fri, 14 October 2005 05:51 Go to previous messageGo to next message
lol i was trying to think of something along those lines.

i should clarify, i only overtake people i catch up too, so technically they are slower than me, but i can't stand been behind them, even if they are only doing a couple of kays slower than what i would do

and i don't drive in the city at all, i am always on country roads, and the worry of people hitting me up the back also worries me (damn small celica's) so i just try to stay clear of everyone Very Happy Wink

[Updated on: Fri, 14 October 2005 05:52]

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Sydney NSW
July 2004
Re: Overtaking Habits Fri, 14 October 2005 05:52 Go to previous messageGo to next message
When Im riding my Motorbike, I use the happy power to weight ratio to get free and clear where there is less chance of twats changing lanes onto me. But, after that, if some diik fangio decides he wants to be in front then thats where i want him so i can keep an eye on his spastic manouvers.

In the car, meh, i couldnt care less, after all i only drive a shit 80's jap hatch Rolling Eyes Wink

[Updated on: Fri, 14 October 2005 05:54]

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Newcastle, Australia
March 2005
Re: Overtaking Habits Fri, 14 October 2005 06:06 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Only if they are slower than me. And then I laugh aas they feebly try and speed up as I pass them Wink
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Forums Junkie

May 2002
Re: Overtaking Habits Fri, 14 October 2005 06:09 Go to previous messageGo to next message

And then I laugh aas they feebly try and speed up as I pass them

They would probably only be speeding up to try and get a second glimpse of you to see if it really is the guy off Hot or Not who got 9.9 out of 10 Rolling Eyes Laughing
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Kita-Ku, Sapporo, Japan
January 2003
Re: Overtaking Habits Fri, 14 October 2005 06:50 Go to previous messageGo to next message
oh mah god oh mah god oh mah gaaawwwwwwwd... Look SHazza, it's that HOT or Not guy Razz
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Forums Junkie

May 2002
Re: Overtaking Habits Fri, 14 October 2005 06:58 Go to previous messageGo to next message
On long trips on the highway I like to keep the overtaking entertaining by checking out what people are up as you pass them.

I have spotted two blokes getting head jobs (not at the same time) from chicks and a couple of people reading pornos, lots of families fighting, drivers nodding off etc etc....

Recently on a trip with a few mates we overtook what looked like the aftermath of a Hens night in a Tarago and my mate was indicating to them that they should lift their tops. They looked somewhat unimpressed so my buddy dropped his pants and gave them a pressed fruit bowl.

2 hours later when we lined up at Maccas for food those same chicks lined up behinds us Confused it was quite awkward for my mate but I thought it was funny as hell.
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Forums Junkie

November 2003
Re: Overtaking Habits Fri, 14 October 2005 07:03 Go to previous messageGo to next message
ke382TG wrote on Fri, 14 October 2005 15:46

You need to add to your Poll:

I overtake anything that resembles a performance car because I feel the need to prove my superiority as a driver and show the grunt of my shitbox rice mobile car.

Yeah, add that so I can tick it. Smile

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Occasional Poster

April 2004
Re: Overtaking Habits Fri, 14 October 2005 08:40 Go to previous messageGo to next message
I generally only overtake if the person in front is going too slow. I will always pass P- Platers, just to show them that i too can speed. I love sitting next to them at lights, they look over at the car- see a chick in a big sedan & think they have it all over me... Until i take off that is. Then the look on their face is priceless. I love giving people a false sense of security. Its even better now that u can't hear the Turbo's. Cool
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Kita-Ku, Sapporo, Japan
January 2003
Re: Overtaking Habits Fri, 14 October 2005 08:50 Go to previous messageGo to next message
secagirl wrote on Fri, 14 October 2005 18:40

I generally only overtake if the person in front is going too slow. I will always pass P- Platers, just to show them that i too can speed. I love sitting next to them at lights, they look over at the car- see a chick in a big sedan & think they have it all over me... Until i take off that is. Then the look on their face is priceless. I love giving people a false sense of security. Its even better now that u can't hear the Turbo's. Cool

what is it with campbelltown chicks?? Razz

every time i drive out there, i get ovetaken at stupid speeds by some girl with P-plates...

i reckon C'town must have some of the worst female drivers (aggressiveness) in Aus Cool downright dangerous...

(not implying that SecaGrrrl drives as such. Wink )
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Occasional Poster

April 2004
Re: Overtaking Habits Fri, 14 October 2005 08:56 Go to previous messageGo to next message

(not implying that SecaGrrrl drives as such. Wink )[/quote]

Why thankyou. No i'm not usually one of the regular maniacs. I only resort to this when it is called for.

But yes, i agree that the females out here in Scumbletown can be pretty stupid when they want.

Hence my need to overtake 'em! If i end up next to one of the above mentioned P- Platers, i casually ask them if their Dad knows how they drive his car.
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Kita-Ku, Sapporo, Japan
January 2003
Re: Overtaking Habits Fri, 14 October 2005 09:13 Go to previous messageGo to next message
secagirl wrote on Fri, 14 October 2005 18:56

Hence my need to overtake 'em! If i end up next to one of the above mentioned P- Platers, i casually ask them if their Dad knows how they drive his car.

Laughing Laughing ahhh, thats all class Very Happy
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Occasional Poster

April 2004
Re: Overtaking Habits Fri, 14 October 2005 09:16 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Well, i always wonder how school kids can afford new model Holdens & Fords. Another reason to overtake- they are Inferior!!
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Corona RT142
Forums Junkie

November 2003
Re: Overtaking Habits Sun, 16 October 2005 23:58 Go to previous messageGo to next message
I generally only overtake if the person in front is going slow or if there vehicle annoys me (ie blowing smoke or spitting fuel out the exhuast). If they can't keep in there lane ie pissed i'd rather be behind than in front of them as I know i'll probably be able to react where i wouldn't trust them to do an emergency stop.

The ppl i hate most are tailgaters that even when given the chance don't overtake argh. As for p-platers in cambo i'd have to agree most of the females are agressive/stupid behind the wheel. Whilst guys may speed some of the girls are just plain stupid ie some of the ones from my school would go the wrong way round roundabout deliberately, tailgate and just drive like morons.

I'm not saying that the male p-platers are angels I know some shockers, but i haven't witnessed as stupid acts as I have from female p-platers.

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I supported Toymods

May 2002
Re: Overtaking Habits Mon, 17 October 2005 00:11 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Generally I just overtake if they're going slower than the speed limit, or I'm sitting just above the speed limit to keep the drive interesting (I do a lot of freeway driving).

I too like Ribfeast are enjoying watching people pityfully trying to speed up as you go to overtake them.
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Corona RT142
Forums Junkie

November 2003
Re: Overtaking Habits Mon, 17 October 2005 00:20 Go to previous messageGo to next message
justcallmefrank wrote on Mon, 17 October 2005 10:11

I too like Ribfeast are enjoying watching people pityfully trying to speed up as you go to overtake them.

Gotta love ppl's mentality, that or they'll drive slow as buggering until you get to an overtaking lane then their off, this happened at the easter event for toymods, going up macquarie pass, me and another 3-4 cars stuck behind a camry (not a toymodder) that was struggling and going really slow, then hit the overtaking lane first he jumps into the right hand lane, then he floors it, we got past but it was annoying.
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st184 sillycar
Forums Junkie

June 2004
Re: Overtaking Habits Mon, 17 October 2005 01:31 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Not many problems on the Overtake now that I'm Packin' 180kw at the treadz, but the two blood boilers remain as:

1. Single lane country hwy opens into overtaking lane, and Billy McSpeedlimit jumps into the O/T lane and eases gently up to 98.9km/h - ensuring that only one other person can pass the enormous lumbering Caravan/truck/Avalon doing 75km/h on a 100km/h road. Grrrrrr..... Mad Mad

2. Brenda McFreakout slows to 80km/h every time there's a corner or oncoming traffic - but speeds up to 105km/h on straights, and 110mk/h when there's an overtaking lane ! ! ! ! ! Not a problem in the skyline, but MAN does it kill when towing a trailer, or in a weak-motored veehickle. AAAAaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrgggggghhhhhhhhhhfffffffffFUCK !! ! ! Mad

My remedy is sweet-sweet turbo powah, involving CRAPLOADS of dropping it back to 3rd @ 90km/h and GUNNING IT to XXXkm/h (7250RPM Rev Limit in 3rd) . . . . Smile Aaaaahhhh . . . Wink

umm - if there's any pigs (and by that I mean T.O.G/Highway patrol) reading this, I meant gunning it to 99.9km/h . . . Rolling Eyes

[Updated on: Mon, 17 October 2005 02:32]

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Corona RT142
Forums Junkie

November 2003
Re: Overtaking Habits Mon, 17 October 2005 01:41 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Lol the worst i've seen is when going on holidays up a long hill truck (semi with trailer) pulls into overtaking lane to overtake a caravan and another truck, alas by the top of the hill and end of the lane, both trucks were still sitting line ball side by side doing about 60 in a 100kmph zone.

He did this for about 5 overtaking lanes in a row to various trucks before we managed to pass him arghh.
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Melbourne - NthSubs
January 2004
wtf is a jabber? a punch line?
Re: Overtaking Habits Mon, 17 October 2005 01:56 Go to previous messageGo to next message
i need new tyres Confused
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Corona RT142
Forums Junkie

November 2003
Re: Overtaking Habits Mon, 17 October 2005 02:04 Go to previous messageGo to next message
rthy wrote on Mon, 17 October 2005 11:56

i need new tyres Confused

and that has to do with overtaking because (unless you have crappy retreads which theoretically limit your top speed)
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I Supported Toymods

January 2005
Re: Overtaking Habits Mon, 17 October 2005 02:06 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Unless they are traveling a lot slower then the speed limit I have all the time in the world to get to where I'm going.
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Forums Junkie

November 2003
Re: Overtaking Habits Mon, 17 October 2005 02:19 Go to previous messageGo to next message
st184 sillycar wrote on Mon, 17 October 2005 11:31

umm - if there's any pigs reading this, I meant gunning it to 99.9km/h . . . Rolling Eyes

Do you WANT this thread locked? Stop talking about doing illegal stuff.
Also, they're Police, not pigs... 'cept the Highway patrol, who are barely human.
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Corona RT142
Forums Junkie

November 2003
Re: Overtaking Habits Mon, 17 October 2005 02:24 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Hey i know a highway patrolman and he ain't that bad. They do regular sweeps of our street when my neighbours are away (there friends) to make sure everything is ok.
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I supported Toymods

Epping, Sydney
May 2002
Re: Overtaking Habits Mon, 17 October 2005 02:26 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Hi-Ace wrote on Mon, 17 October 2005 12:06

Unless they are traveling a lot slower then the speed limit I have all the time in the world to get to where I'm going.

funne how it takes us 40+ years to develop that life-preserving mentality Smile
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st184 sillycar
Forums Junkie

June 2004
Re: Overtaking Habits Mon, 17 October 2005 02:35 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Shraka wrote on Mon, 17 October 2005 12:19

st184 sillycar wrote on Mon, 17 October 2005 11:31

umm - if there's any pigs reading this, I meant gunning it to 99.9km/h . . . Rolling Eyes

Do you WANT this thread locked? Stop talking about doing illegal stuff.
Also, they're Police, not pigs... 'cept the Highway patrol, who are barely human.



My remedy is sweet-sweet turbo powah, involving CRAPLOADS of dropping it back to 3rd @ 90km/h and GUNNING IT to XXXkm/h (7250RPM Rev Limit in 3rd) . . . . Aaaaahhhh . . .

umm - if there's any pigs (and by that I mean T.O.G/Highway patrol) reading this, I meant gunning it to 99.9km/h . . .

[Updated on: Mon, 17 October 2005 12:32]
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Corona RT142
Forums Junkie

November 2003
Re: Overtaking Habits Mon, 17 October 2005 02:36 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Life preserving????? Confused um considering the roads i use the only time I overtake is on dual carriage way or two lanes my way. On a single lane each way road in my area and the roads i drive on they are generally to busy to overtake someone by entering into the oncoming lane.

I could probably count on one hand the amount of times I have overtaken someone by doing this and when I Have the road has been in very clear view and deserted. Mind you most of my driving is done round town.
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I Supported Toymods

January 2005
Re: Overtaking Habits Mon, 17 October 2005 02:38 Go to previous messageGo to next message
draven wrote on Mon, 17 October 2005 12:26

Hi-Ace wrote on Mon, 17 October 2005 12:06

Unless they are traveling a lot slower then the speed limit I have all the time in the world to get to where I'm going.

funne how it takes us 40+ years to develop that life-preserving mentality Smile

LOL, I'm already on the road to meet my destination, I can't see any real reason to overtake someone just for the privilege of being there sooner. Wink
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st184 sillycar
Forums Junkie

June 2004
Re: Overtaking Habits Mon, 17 October 2005 02:48 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Hi-Ace wrote on Mon, 17 October 2005 12:38

draven wrote on Mon, 17 October 2005 12:26

Hi-Ace wrote on Mon, 17 October 2005 12:06

Unless they are traveling a lot slower then the speed limit I have all the time in the world to get to where I'm going.

funne how it takes us 40+ years to develop that life-preserving mentality Smile

LOL, I'm already on the road to meet my destination, I can't see any real reason to overtake someone just for the privilege of being there sooner. Wink


. . . the difference between a 750km trip taking 8.5 hours and 10 hours ? Rolling Eyes Very Happy

Very pointless when you're 5mins from your destinationo tho.
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Forster NSW
September 2004
Re: Overtaking Habits Mon, 17 October 2005 02:51 Go to previous messageGo to next message
st184 sillycar wrote on Mon, 17 October 2005 11:31

1. Single lane country hwy opens into overtaking lane, and Billy McSpeedlimit jumps into the O/T lane and eases gently up to 98.9km/h - ensuring that only one other person can pass the enormous lumbering Caravan/truck/Avalon doing 75km/h on a 100km/h road. Grrrrrr..... Mad Mad

2. Brenda McFreakout slows to 80km/h every time there's a corner or oncoming traffic - but speeds up to 105km/h on straights, and 110mk/h when there's an overtaking lane ! ! ! ! ! Not a problem in the skyline, but MAN does it kill when towing a trailer, or in a weak-motored veehickle. AAAAaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrgggggghhhhhhhhhhfffffffffFUCK !! ! ! Mad

So true.. so true.

The Brenda's are funny, they speed like maniacs on bad (see dangerous) bits of highway with traffic going both ways, yet you get into dual carriageway and easily cruise past them while comfortably on the speed limit. Also one drop of rain sees them being incredibly over cautious.

People have the whole competitive instinct thing going on about driving, it seems really childish considering they're piloting lethal hunks of metal.
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Forums Junkie

Melbourne - NthSubs
January 2004
wtf is a jabber? a punch line?
Re: Overtaking Habits Mon, 17 October 2005 02:52 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Corona RT142 wrote on Mon, 17 October 2005 12:04

rthy wrote on Mon, 17 October 2005 11:56

i need new tyres Confused

and that has to do with overtaking because (unless you have crappy retreads which theoretically limit your top speed)

wheel spin when power is given... but i guess i need bigger tyres anyways...

i only over take if they are really slow, ie. 40 in a 60 zone Confused

edit: double lines of course, i dont go into on coming traffic lanes, i dont do that kind of thing, only hektic vk's do that

[Updated on: Mon, 17 October 2005 02:54]

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Forums Junkie

November 2003
Re: Overtaking Habits Mon, 17 October 2005 02:57 Go to previous messageGo to next message
st184 sillycar wrote on Mon, 17 October 2005 12:35

Shraka wrote on Mon, 17 October 2005 12:19

st184 sillycar wrote on Mon, 17 October 2005 11:31

umm - if there's any pigs reading this, I meant gunning it to 99.9km/h . . . Rolling Eyes

Do you WANT this thread locked? Stop talking about doing illegal stuff.
Also, they're Police, not pigs... 'cept the Highway patrol, who are barely human.



My remedy is sweet-sweet turbo powah, involving CRAPLOADS of dropping it back to 3rd @ 90km/h and GUNNING IT to XXXkm/h (7250RPM Rev Limit in 3rd) . . . . Aaaaahhhh . . .

umm - if there's any pigs (and by that I mean T.O.G/Highway patrol) reading this, I meant gunning it to 99.9km/h . . .

[Updated on: Mon, 17 October 2005 12:32]

Much better.
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Forums Junkie

Melbourne - NthSubs
January 2004
wtf is a jabber? a punch line?
Re: Overtaking Habits Mon, 17 October 2005 03:02 Go to previous messageGo to next message
transit cops are cool (no, not the plastic connex cops)
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Kita-Ku, Sapporo, Japan
January 2003
Re: Overtaking Habits Mon, 17 October 2005 03:03 Go to previous messageGo to next message
st184 sillycar wrote on Mon, 17 October 2005 12:48

. . . the difference between a 750km trip taking 8.5 hours and 10 hours ? Rolling Eyes Very Happy

Very pointless when you're 5mins from your destinationo tho.

meh, one day you'll learn to sit back and relax driving.. 1.5hrs?? what.. so you get to sit around not driving for 1.5hrs more? better to get there safe than not at all Wink
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Corona RT142
Forums Junkie

November 2003
Re: Overtaking Habits Mon, 17 October 2005 03:05 Go to previous messageGo to next message
oldcorollas wrote on Mon, 17 October 2005 13:03

st184 sillycar wrote on Mon, 17 October 2005 12:48

. . . the difference between a 750km trip taking 8.5 hours and 10 hours ? Rolling Eyes Very Happy

Very pointless when you're 5mins from your destinationo tho.

meh, one day you'll learn to sit back and relax driving.. 1.5hrs?? what.. so you get to sit around not driving for 1.5hrs more? better to get there safe than not at all Wink

Or you'll just leave home at 4am in the morning and say what traffic no one to overtake here. Very Happy
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st184 sillycar
Forums Junkie

June 2004
Re: Overtaking Habits Mon, 17 October 2005 03:11 Go to previous messageGo to next message
oldcorollas wrote on Mon, 17 October 2005 13:03

st184 sillycar wrote on Mon, 17 October 2005 12:48

. . . the difference between a 750km trip taking 8.5 hours and 10 hours ? Rolling Eyes Very Happy

Very pointless when you're 5mins from your destinationo tho.

meh, one day you'll learn to sit back and relax driving.. 1.5hrs?? what.. so you get to sit around not driving for 1.5hrs more? better to get there safe than not at all Wink

No sitting around - in that 1.5hrs we . . .

Get the beer underneath ice, Setup camp, drink a beer, sort kindling for the fire, drink another beer, laugh at the people just arriving who don't have a beer in their hand, get warm by the fire, drink another beer while laughing at the same people who are now pitching tents etc. as the sun goes down.

That is what I did with the 1.5 hours ! Very Happy

I totally hear what you're saying though - however I didn't really pull a single dodgey overtake all trip, owing in part to the availability of dual lane/overtaking lanes.
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Forums Junkie

October 2003
Re: Overtaking Habits Mon, 17 October 2005 03:23 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Coming back from town i passed a soccer mum in her cruiser.
she sat in the right hand lane the whole time !
I under took her 3 times without going over the speed limit and every time she passed me after i passed her she would be going 120+.

I'll over take ppl if following them makes me go slower than i feel like going but most of the time i'll overtake somebody who has done something stupid to show them how they are meant to drive.

I swear the next time sombody pulls out to overtake but doesn't indicate i will either run off the road or break their indicators !
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Kita-Ku, Sapporo, Japan
January 2003
Re: Overtaking Habits Mon, 17 October 2005 03:40 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Mookie wrote on Mon, 17 October 2005 13:23

I'll over take ppl if following them makes me go slower than i feel like going but most of the time i'll overtake somebody who has done something stupid to show them how they are meant to drive.

what.. speeding Razz

jk Wink

i still prefer to have reckless people in front of me so i can avoid them, rather than waiting and hoping that they can avoid me... which based on observation, usually doesn't happen...
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Newcastle, Australia
March 2005
Re: Overtaking Habits Mon, 17 October 2005 06:22 Go to previous messageGo to next message
st184 sillycar wrote on Mon, 17 October 2005 11:31

Not many problems on the Overtake now that I'm Packin' 180kw at the treadz, but the two blood boilers remain as:

1. Single lane country hwy opens into overtaking lane, and Billy McSpeedlimit jumps into the O/T lane and eases gently up to 98.9km/h - ensuring that only one other person can pass the enormous lumbering Caravan/truck/Avalon doing 75km/h on a 100km/h road. Grrrrrr..... Mad Mad

2. Brenda McFreakout slows to 80km/h every time there's a corner or oncoming traffic - but speeds up to 105km/h on straights, and 110mk/h when there's an overtaking lane ! ! ! ! ! Not a problem in the skyline, but MAN does it kill when towing a trailer, or in a weak-motored veehickle. AAAAaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrgggggghhhhhhhhhhfffffffffFUCK !! ! ! Mad

Well said!! I used to drive 500km per weekend when I was seeing my ex last year, used to see this sort of stupidity on the road all the time! Those two things were my biggest annoyances. I only had the MX6 back then which was gutless over 100kph so it made overtaking a pain unless you had a long long stretch.
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Adelaide, SA
November 2004
Re: Overtaking Habits Mon, 17 October 2005 15:58 Go to previous messageGo to next message
I usualy only over take people who are going less than the speed limit and where i can see far enough to make sure its safe. But when i over take some one then get caught at the next set of lights i always feel like a McDick when they pull up behind me.

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Forums Junkie

October 2003
Re: Overtaking Habits Tue, 18 October 2005 11:10 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Has anybody been overtake by somebody who only JUST gets back into their lane ?
i saw it today if we hadn't hit the skids he would have bounced off the oncoming car and into ours
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Perth, WA
December 2004
Re: Overtaking Habits Tue, 18 October 2005 13:38 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Dale_ta22 wrote on Mon, 17 October 2005 10:51

People have the whole competitive instinct thing going on about driving, it seems really childish considering they're piloting lethal hunks of metal.

These newfangled crotch rockets are metal?

ive never seen so much tacky plastic in my life!

i overtake if the driver is being dumb or irritating me for some reason. the reason i dont do it is because teh van lacks powah!

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Forums Junkie

June 2002
Re: Overtaking Habits Tue, 18 October 2005 14:50 Go to previous messageGo to next message
I overtake if they are slower than me. But not aggressively.
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October 2005
Re: Overtaking Habits Thu, 20 October 2005 07:01 Go to previous message
Aggressive overtaking in traffic is futile.
I learned this one day when I was 19, late to work and I must have passed the same volvo towing a trailer 3 times.
I floored it past, then my lane slowed down. So I changed and floored it past. Rinse, repeat - it was like some deity was fucking with me.
After the 3rd time I admitted defeat and cracked up laughing at myself.

Since then, I've learned to flow into gaps rather than boot it.
I end up overtaking more people without breaking the limit, without stressing, and without causing anyone else to stress.

Aside from that, when it's not peak hour, the only real time someone REALLY REALLY shits me is when I sit, at a respectable distance -but close enough that it should be evident that I wish to be past- on a road that has overtaking lanes and they dont use them!
Nothing makes me more irrational. I've done some very dodgy overtake because of that.
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