Looking at selling my HID kit which i bought about a year ago for about $800. The box says 8300k which i realised a bit later that they are a bit blue but i managed to swap them with a friend with BRAND NEW 6500k globes.
They are also the type that have a wiring protection harness which attachs to your battery so that your cars wiring does not power the kit but your cars battery powers the kit.
The extra harness draws the initial surge to power the ballasts from the battery directly, instead of through the stock wiring harness.
The cheaper kits don't have this luxury.
It's a straight plug and play and very simple to install yourself.
Looking to get about $350 for it as it's time to get my turbo's going again.
Comes with everything you need Ballasts, globes, wiring and instructions.
Here is a comparison pic i took of stock globes and the 8300k HID kit.