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Location: Newcastle, Australia
Registered: August 2005
Increasing Flow. 1G-GTE Head.
Mon, 17 October 2005 04:21
Hey all.
Just had my Blitz K26 turn up from Japan today and after bolting it on to the build motor to see how it all fits, I'm thinkin that puppy is going to flow alot more gas than I originally thought.
Now it all seems common knowledge that the 1G head is limited in its flow capabilities, around 150cfm seems to be the accepted figure. (Many thanks 680OST)
So here is the question, how much port work is involved to get the cool stuff in and the hot stuff out a little better, hand porting, CNC, extrusion? I'm open to any suggestions, preferably backed up with a little experience.

I supported Toymods
Location: Australia
Registered: November 2003
Re: Increasing Flow. 1G-GTE Head.
Mon, 17 October 2005 08:51

What intake manifold are you using?
I can't remember if the manifold outflows the head, or the head outflows the manifold.

Location: Newcastle, Australia
Registered: August 2005

I supported Toymods
Location: Australia
Registered: November 2003
Re: Increasing Flow. 1G-GTE Head.
Mon, 17 October 2005 09:15

Yeah, its just been confirmed to me that the manifold greatly outflows the head.
Easiest would be a set of high lift cams.
Not cheapest though.

I supported Toymods
Location: I renounced punctuation
Registered: May 2002

Location: Tamworth
Registered: August 2004
Re: Increasing Flow. 1G-GTE Head.
Mon, 17 October 2005 10:12

If u want CNC porting u need to find someone with a 5 axis machine. Alot rarer than the usually CNC. I have heard of a guy offering CNC porting for the 1jz or 2jz i think.
Hand porting is the cheapest and most common form.
A generall cast mark removal and cleanup around the seat area will give improvements.
3 angle valve face and valve seat is also on the cards if u want more.
For turboing i think u want around %80 flow on the exhaust compared to inlet which basically means whoever does the porting needs a flow bench.

On Probation
Location: nsw
Registered: March 2004
Re: Increasing Flow. 1G-GTE Head.
Tue, 18 October 2005 06:59

Im getting mine done atm

Location: Melbourne
Registered: May 2002
Re: Increasing Flow. 1G-GTE Head.
Wed, 19 October 2005 03:35

The stock head flows something like 160cfm and yes the inlet way outflows it. I think this was tested at like 27 inches of water or mercury (cant remember). My stock plenum tested the same way flowed something like 220-245 cfm, there is a bit of variation between the runners 1 and 6 flowing the most and i think number three was up there also. After some extrude honing of the plenum and runners thanks to Andrew at Specialised power porting the inlet now flows something like 290cfm per runner with an variation of 3-5 cfm between the runners. So yes the stock plenum outflows the head, but something to consider is the difference in flow, and also take into account that the TVIS will give you a more of a lean out on number 1 and 6 due to the fact that there is no butterflies on the end runners. As far as head goes apparently stock valve spring size is best, but the head does benifit greatly from some extrude honing flowing it up to like 190cfm and even more so benefit from doing a 5 angle valve seat job the angles it greatly benifits from i cant remember off hand but if you give Andrew Sanders @ specialised power porting a call im sure he can help you out

Location: Canberra
Registered: January 2004
Re: Increasing Flow. 1G-GTE Head.
Wed, 19 October 2005 04:03

i just recently had my head flowed and the valve seats stepped. wont be able to find how much difference it will make for a few months yet but it should prove interesting.
i was gonna go with a cam regrind as well but it's not the most desirable option. I wish aftermarket cams for a 1g weren't so bloody hard to find

Location: Newcastle, Australia
Registered: August 2005
Re: Increasing Flow. 1G-GTE Head.
Sun, 23 October 2005 08:01
I've seen a heap of before and after shots of extrude honing and it surely looks like the gear, just the cost is scaring me off a bit, and the fact that I can't find anyone local to me that can do it.
Cam Re-grinds worry me, but I know where ya coming from with avaliability of cams sanchez. It took me nine months just to get this turbo and manifold and I'm still missing so many parts. I think oil will run out by the time I finish this engine.