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Occasional Poster

August 2004
re: post by Kravit Tue, 18 October 2005 11:48 Go to next message
hey, this is in response to the post by kravit regarding the ae86 half cut he bought. i dont understand how u guys can lock the thread when it has not been cleared up yet. the guy's name has been tarnished by this screwed up loser and no one knows that. most people dont know the truth when they just call him names and stuff without knowing a single thing

Kravit - you are just telling everybody what a loser you are. in the first place, if you dont like the price dont buy it. its as easy as that. he does not need a customer like you, he does not need to sell the halfcut to you. you said you did not have the money. so the guy did you a favour by agreeing to remove some stuff from the halfcut just so that u can afford it. he had to take his own time to remove stuff just to give you a good price for it. and THEY WERE WITNESSES in the shop when the mechanic MARKED all the parts that he was going to remove. you AGREED to the price after he showed you which parts he was gonna remove. and he only removed all those parts that he had already MARKED earlier. then you came back and asked for a few extra stuff like the brake cylinder and speedo. he kindly agreed to give you the stuff just as a kind gesture. BUT u left without paying him the balance of the cash agreed. what kind of a loser would do such a thing. your a dickhead dude. if you cant afford to buy a 4age then dont buy it. or work like other people till u afford it. what a tosser! now, you are trying to ruin an honest man's business. A LOT and i mean a lot of people go to this guy for parts and you are the first to complain. you should probably just go and drown yourself in the swan river dude. save the world from dealing with a f--khead like yourself.
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July 2004
re: post by Kravit Tue, 18 October 2005 12:10 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Dear Kravit,
while I am a bystander in this issue, I believe you were referring to my mechanic, who i have known for almost 3 years now... i have never had any one - and I mean not a single person complain about him. You cannot find anyone more honest than him. Personally, if you have an issue with anything in life, you don't just run off and hide in the first bush you see. Rolling Eyes As RESPONSIBLE adults and I can't stress this enough, to go thrash things out. Be a MAN, not a wuss. For those who think Kravit has been duped, I don't think so. None of his customers have had any issues with him and a few of them have stood up for him. For those from the east coast.. you seriously don't know the full story so i think its not fair for u guys to injure my mechanic - i seriously doubt kravit is telling anything truthful.

So don't go spreading tales and lies about an honest, hardworking man who is merely trying to make ends meet. On a personal note, i have never had any issues and neither does my friends who are patrons of his work. But if you don't share my point of view feel free to thrash things out here. I can guarantee I won't run to the nearest bush.

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Forums Junkie

November 2003
re: post by Kravit Tue, 18 October 2005 13:55 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Firstly, that post was locked, and you're just begging for this one to be locked also. But before it is...

The price quoted was rather high in Victorian standards. I, and various other "smart" people (see non-trolls) told him to simply return the front cut. That's the solution to all this. I see this packages as to expensive. If this guy is a good guy, he should be happy to take it back.
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Forums Junkie

Melbourne, Australia
March 2005
re: post by Kravit Tue, 18 October 2005 14:10 Go to previous messageGo to next message
I dunno about that. If Kravit agreed to buy a specific cache of parts for a specific price, then he should be bound to the agreement.

If he walks in on the day asking about this part and the other part and a warranty etc. after the agreement (verbal contract of sale) has been formed... well, that is illustrative of how under-prepared he is to be doing things like buying half-cuts on this own.

It's just my subjective interpretation of the situation, but it sounds like Kravit is a bit green, agreed too quickly in his ignorant excitement to buy the holy 4A-GE for his Sprinter at a given price, then later had second-thoughts when someone else told him it was priced above the market price. Tough luck, if you don't like the price, don't buy. If you're not sure, don't commit to anything. If you make a committment, that's a legally binding contract which should always be followed through. If you're not empowered to make the decision (adequately informed, etc) then don't, read up, take a mate etc.

If Kravit is the kind of person to pester with irrelevant and uninformed questions for weeks before going to see an item for sale and tossing in a low-ball offer because 'it's all the money I have, I can get you more next week maybe' then I have no sympathy.


I see this packages as to expensive. If this guy is a good guy, he should be happy to take it back.

The poor bastard who jumped through the kid's hoops and sold him a half cut isn't to blame for the kid's ignorance or change of heart. Unless he's actually misrepresented the parts for sale, he's got no reason to take the half-cut back. If he actually had any interest in owning the half-cut he wouldn't have sold it in the first place. If the kid doesn't want it any more, tough luck.

And Kravit... (sarcasm) I have a sneaking suspicion that winging about it on Toymods isn't gonna fix it, dude. (/sarcasm)

[Updated on: Tue, 18 October 2005 14:13]

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Occasional Poster

August 2004
re: post by Kravit Tue, 18 October 2005 14:13 Go to previous messageGo to next message
yeah well, the price might be high but this guy did agree to it in the first place. you cant just agree to something and change your mind after. im sure most people have bought stuff only to find that someone else is selling them cheaper. there are always cheaper goods. and it is your decision where you buy from. you cant blame the seller for selling something expensive as he did not force you to buy it. dont tell me you have never bought something only to find that you could have got it cheaper elsewhere.

anyway, the price is not the point. this guy would not even respond to any of the seller's calls. where is the point in that?? im sure something could have been worked out if he did.

the PROBLEM is that HE DOES NOT WANT TO return the stuff back. and he does not want to pay for it either. ffs.

and for those victorians, if you compared your prices to the stuff you find over here in perth, im pretty sure that most parts over here are more expensive. the market over here is not as big. and if we compared prices of parts, i dont think anybody would ever buy anything in perth. you just cant compare the prices u get there to that over here.
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Forums Junkie

Melbourne, Australia
March 2005
re: post by Kravit Tue, 18 October 2005 14:21 Go to previous messageGo to next message
brotherjohn wrote on Wed, 19 October 2005 00:13

yeah well, the price might be high but this guy did agree to it in the first place. you cant just agree to something and change your mind after. im sure most people have bought stuff only to find that someone else is selling them cheaper. there are always cheaper goods. and it is your decision where you buy from. you cant blame the seller for selling something expensive as he did not force you to buy it. dont tell me you have never bought something only to find that you could have got it cheaper elsewhere.

I agree.
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Forums Junkie

October 2003
re: post by Kravit Tue, 18 October 2005 14:42 Go to previous messageGo to next message
mike (kravit) owe the man $200

almost all ae86 owners in perth know the guy you are talking about and he isnt dodgy.

you agreed to the price

[Updated on: Tue, 18 October 2005 14:43]

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Forums Junkie

I supported Toymods

Perth, WA
May 2003
re: post by Kravit Tue, 18 October 2005 14:57 Go to previous messageGo to next message
please tell me what is the point of handing him cash and saying nothing, then bitching about it on an internet forum?
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Forums Junkie

eastern suburbs, melbourne
March 2005
re: post by Kravit Tue, 18 October 2005 23:13 Go to previous messageGo to next message
wtf is going on here? is he paying you guys to say these things cos it sure sounds like it.
this is dodgy.

i recon if this mechanic is as good as you brided people say he is, he would take back the front cut with full refund and never deal with the kid again. if not then he clearly knows that he is ripping the kid off maximally.
in vic you can get a 4age replaced (swaped over, and installed into car) for 1700, with warrantee.
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July 2004
re: post by Kravit Wed, 19 October 2005 00:38 Go to previous messageGo to next message
illuminatus: dude im in the united states now. unless he is paying me in cold hard cash in green backs.. ive got absolutely nothing to gain from speak up for him. Beside can one guy pay off so many people? gee i shd speak up more and fill my pockets.. its so easy.

The truth is i can't stand people who will take a cheap ass swipe at a defenceless man who is making an honest living rather than take the matter reasonably. Im sure if he is completely and utterly dissatisfied with his purchase (which he sounds like) the guy will take it back.

2ndly, its a simple rule in real world. Deal or no deal. Perhaps he needs to tune in to more tv and get the concept right. No one forced him to take the half cut. We are all adults and we have shd be responsible for decisions we make and not paying the man and throwing cheap shots at the same time. Isn't that so freaking ironical? Im not sure if i speak for everyone.. but the people who have known him long enough has full confidence in my mechanic.

As for the price, cant say much.. its demand supply... i dun know about eastern states but i havent seen that many 86 halfcuts in perth.

lastly, i think kravit shd either speak to the man or stop spreading baseless and wild accusations behind his back.
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Forums Junkie

wollongong NSW
August 2003
re: post by Kravit Wed, 19 October 2005 02:26 Go to previous messageGo to next message
i think i have to agree with everyone else.
if kravit wasnt happy with what he was getting why did he hand over any cash?
seeing as so many people are saying that the mechanic has a good rep. and gets parts for everyone, and there is only one person saying he is dodgy i have to agree with the majority.
why should the guy bhave to give a refund? kravit might have taken the motor home swapped crap parts that he had onto the halfcut get the good bits and return the crap to the mechanic
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Forums Junkie

eastern suburbs, melbourne
March 2005
re: post by Kravit Wed, 19 October 2005 02:52 Go to previous messageGo to next message
i agree that he shouldnt have baught it if he wasnt happy with the deal.

the reason that i recon this is dodgy is cos noone has mentioned who this mechanic is, therefore how do all of you know that its your mechanic, unless he has contacted you and asked you to vouch for him(with posibly money involed).
but whatever, if i lived in perth i wouldnt go on the word of one person i dont know to rule out this mechanic.
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Forums Junkie

eastern suburbs, melbourne
March 2005
re: post by Kravit Wed, 19 October 2005 02:54 Go to previous messageGo to next message
i agree that he shouldnt have baught it if he wasnt happy with the deal.

the reason that i recon this is dodgy is cos noone has mentioned who this mechanic is, therefore how do all of you know that its your mechanic, unless he has contacted you and asked you to vouch for him(with posibly money involed).
but whatever, if i lived in perth i wouldnt go on the word of one person i dont know to rule out this mechanic.
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Corona RT142
Forums Junkie

November 2003
re: post by Kravit Wed, 19 October 2005 03:04 Go to previous messageGo to next message
illuminatus wrote on Wed, 19 October 2005 12:52

i agree that he shouldnt have baught it if he wasnt happy with the deal.

the reason that i recon this is dodgy is cos noone has mentioned who this mechanic is, therefore how do all of you know that its your mechanic, unless he has contacted you and asked you to vouch for him(with posibly money involed).
but whatever, if i lived in perth i wouldnt go on the word of one person i dont know to rule out this mechanic.

The trouble is though if the statements that Kravit is making aren't true by naming the business he leaves himself and toymods open to Injurious falsehood, if he names the mechanic then it would be defamation.

Toymods has a no tolerance policy in terms of naming and slandering ppl business's and names as they don't really have $$$ to go to court to defend themselves.
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July 2004
re: post by Kravit Wed, 19 October 2005 05:04 Go to previous messageGo to next message
illuminatus: how do I know it my mechanic? well Bobski and brotherjohn were witnesses and they are regulars there. 2ndly, i dont know of anyone who imports 86 half cuts in perth.

watever it is like ae95 says.. why pay almost everything.. dart off like a canniving thief and then jump the gun, throw slandering accusations and avoid payment? sounds too much like a dishonest man crying wolf to me. I'm talking logic here.

To make matters worse, everyone (read people who arent in perth) on the previous post were crying for blood of a man who doesnt ever appear on the forums. Just look at the people defending him.. all from perth. All of them have a first hand experience. All of them have dealt with him.

I've got better things to do than this but this is too much of an injustice to turn my back on. And where is Kravit now? Not uttering a single word to defend his own "facts". Worst still .. his refusal to reveal details make people wary of other honest sellers. If Kravit isnt happy.. speak out to the man instead of lurking ard toymods and stirring shit.

So for people who dont know the full statements, dont jump off and just simply take sides and shoot the mouth off. One drop of water doesnt make the sea.

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Forums Junkie

November 2003
re: post by Kravit Wed, 19 October 2005 07:32 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Most sellers provide a return policy.

If Kravit want's to keep the half cut, then he should pay the rest of the money. Straight up.

If Kravit thinks he got a dodgy deal, he shouldn't have brought it, that's true. But he should also be able to return it. If the 86 half cut is in good order and what have you, this mechanic/retailer/whatever shouldn't have much trouble re-selling it.

Also, one of the reasons why people think this seller is dodgy is 'cuz he was trying to avoid paying tax.
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Occasional Poster

August 2004
re: post by Kravit Wed, 19 October 2005 07:46 Go to previous messageGo to next message
i think most businesses would probably have to shut down on the basis of what you are saying. especially with tools buying stuff and returning them just on the basis that they dont like the stuff. i dont think what you are saying is feasible in the real world dude. it just doesnt work that way especially with these sort of people. IF kravit had spoken nicely with the mechanic and sorted things out, i am VERY SURE that something would have been worked out. but he did not, instead he left without paying the money and came on here to stir up shit. who's gonna deal with such a person??

and illuminatus, i think you have not got your brain tuned in to what is happening over here. or maybe you just need to grow up. not everyone is as hard up as you are for money. just how much can the mechanic afford to pay all of us??? most people like to work to earn their money and not gain 5 or 10 bucks from doing stupid shit on the internet. at least if you work, you spend your hard earned cash.

and if nobody trusted the mechanic in the first place, no one would have even bothered to stand up for him. he must have done something right as i can see a lot of people going back to him.
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July 2004
re: post by Kravit Wed, 19 October 2005 07:51 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Shraka wrote on Wed, 19 October 2005 17:32

Most sellers provide a return policy.

If Kravit want's to keep the half cut, then he should pay the rest of the money. Straight up.

If Kravit thinks he got a dodgy deal, he shouldn't have brought it, that's true. But he should also be able to return it. If the 86 half cut is in good order and what have you, this mechanic/retailer/whatever shouldn't have much trouble re-selling it.

Also, one of the reasons why people think this seller is dodgy is 'cuz he was trying to avoid paying tax.

That's exactly the point. It's either one way or the other. U cant just decide to walk away and not pay. Its either u r happy with your purchase and pay in full or u decide "u know what .. its not what i had in mind.". as for the last bit, thats not the central part of this debacle. Its about shamelessly slendering another without fulfilling his own obligations in the first place. If my mechanic was dishonest then i can fully understand his plight and i wont side him as well. U dont visit a whore and then decide.. "hey u know wat ,. u arent as tight as i tot u not paying" u either pay or dont pay. simple as that. i just find his argument lacking in facts and credibility.

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July 2004
re: post by Kravit Wed, 19 October 2005 07:56 Go to previous messageGo to next message
While i have no direct information on this transaction, i have bought a 1/2cut from this guy in the past with no dramas.
Its quite obvious that Kravits is having a cry because he found out he can get a cheaper price in the eastern states. Good luck even finding an ae86 front cut in perth let alone a cheaper deal here.

You will also find many ppl in Perth will vouch for his good prices and quality work, if you own an ae86 here you most likely you know who we are talking abt. id like to see another sour customer that has dealt with him cos its most unlikely.

If he is paying us guys then he must be paying 1/2 of perth Laughing where's my money?

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July 2002
re: post by Kravit Wed, 19 October 2005 08:17 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Goods purchased froma retailer may only be returned for reasons such as warranty or the goods sold not being as represented etc.
Retailers have the first option to correct the problem and aren't required to accept back or replace the item.
People get confused by the policies of retailers such as Kmart.
The law is structured this way to stop twits making deals and then changing their minds at whim.
This retailer has no obligation to accept back the half cut if the deal was as agreed.

If this retailer has fulfilled his part of the deal, why should he accept back the goods because some of you blokes think it was too much??
Some people try and appear to be too knowledgeable, does anyone know how much the retailer paid for the goods in the first place??

If none of you guys do deals less tax, you're fools!!

I can't believe how quickly many are prepared with nil understanding to jump on the bandwagon and bag a retailer when in many cases it's the complainant that is pulling the scam.
I've seen many times on this forum people making trouble for a retailer for questionable reasons.
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notorious P.E.R.T.H.
August 2002
re: post by Kravit Wed, 19 October 2005 13:05 Go to previous messageGo to next message
now i hadnt been on here for a while and i have been told by the said mechanic as well that some shit was going down with one buyer who did not back his end up. now i know who it is and yes there WERE WITNESSES who was present to back the story opposing Kravit.

illuminatus: perth is a small city and toyota/AE86 community is even smaller and everyone pretty much knows everyone. we are all defending a man/business which is dealing honestly and saving all of us money while he is doing it.

Kravit: i dont know you but why make partial payment and spit the dummy. its either buy if you are happy or dont buy if you are not happy. i guess you cant reply because you are in the wrong. i will be happy to meet you to solve this on the mechanics behalf so sms me, pm me, mail me and we can catch up. if you are reading this then its your cue to respond.

for all members in other states who think this dealing to be dodgy, just think this. will you pay partially for a product and whinge on the net? i sure will NOT PAY for something im not happy with. period.

also the prices in perth is different from other states as less supply gets into perth. perth people dont go around screaming at eastern states petrol stations to lower the price and pay partially and drive off!!! different area different price, its common sense in the adult world.

there is no need to compare prices here even if comparisons are made, it SHOULD be done before purchase not after.

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June 2005
re: post by Kravit Wed, 19 October 2005 13:35 Go to previous messageGo to next message
why the fuck doesnt this guy just get on the forum and tell his side rather then having every other wanker stand up for him....
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July 2004
re: post by Kravit Wed, 19 October 2005 14:06 Go to previous messageGo to next message
stealth007008: r u referring to the mechanic or kravit?
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June 2005
re: post by Kravit Wed, 19 October 2005 14:10 Go to previous messageGo to next message
only cause u asked me so nicely

[Updated on: Wed, 19 October 2005 14:21]

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Occasional Poster

August 2004
re: post by Kravit Wed, 19 October 2005 14:18 Go to previous messageGo to next message
No Message Body

[Updated on: Wed, 19 October 2005 14:24]

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July 2004
re: post by Kravit Wed, 19 October 2005 14:28 Go to previous messageGo to next message
stealth007008: Thanks for being so understanding. Wink Why isnt the mechanic replying? From my knowledge he isnt a toymods member and he isnt savvy in IT. As for why so many of us are standing up for him is because this is a guy who has a strong reputation and a good name. i have been a customer from day 1 n i know what he is like. Btw have u dealt with him?
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June 2005
re: post by Kravit Wed, 19 October 2005 14:32 Go to previous messageGo to next message
nah mate - i owned a saab since my first car so i assosciate with a different crowd, only owned my soarer 7 months
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July 2004
re: post by Kravit Wed, 19 October 2005 14:47 Go to previous messageGo to next message
stealth007008: ah i see.. a warm welcome to the toyota family then. Smile
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notorious P.E.R.T.H.
August 2002
re: post by Kravit Wed, 19 October 2005 15:54 Go to previous messageGo to next message
stealth007008: no one here is obliged to stand up for the mechanic but this thread goes to show how well he has looked after his customers. he looks after us, so we look after him. its that simple, and i hope you will get to meet him soon, so you will know what we mean. Smile
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July 2004
re: post by Kravit Wed, 19 October 2005 16:50 Go to previous messageGo to next message
crappyasstrueno wrote on Thu, 20 October 2005 01:54

stealth007008: no one here is obliged to stand up for the mechanic but this thread goes to show how well he has looked after his customers. he looks after us, so we look after him. its that simple, and i hope you will get to meet him soon, so you will know what we mean. Smile

My sentiments exactly.
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Forums Junkie

October 2003
re: post by Kravit Thu, 20 October 2005 01:04 Go to previous messageGo to next message
instead of hearing from his fan club i think if i was going to form an opinion i'd like to hear it from him.

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July 2004
re: post by Kravit Thu, 20 October 2005 07:34 Go to previous messageGo to next message
as said b4 he isn't a member here or on the net to defend himself.
bottom line is that this crap shouldn't be posted here in the first place.
the adult thing to do would have been to work it out between themselves.
nothing personal towards Kravit, just seams like he misunderstood what he was getting.

Mookie wrote on Thu, 20 October 2005 09:04

instead of hearing from his fan club i think if i was going to form an opinion i'd like to hear it from him.

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May 2004
re: post by Kravit Thu, 20 October 2005 07:49 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Bunch of crap man!!

What u on abt mate? Ive been doing business with him for more than a year now .. i send my car for regular service and check up and i never experience any problems. Plus i know him personally and i dont think he is the type of person u think he is .. ur bunch of crap man! Its not cheap to play AE86 in Australia man! Either ur hardcore or just a wanabe ...
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Kita-Ku, Sapporo, Japan
January 2003
re: post by Kravit Thu, 20 October 2005 10:01 Go to previous messageGo to next message
ae86echo wrote on Thu, 20 October 2005 17:49

ur bunch of crap man! Its not cheap to play AE86 in Australia man! Either ur hardcore or just a wanabe ...

Laughing Laughing Laughing AHAHAHAH.,....

ahh dear, sorry... that was just too funny not to uselessly reply to Very Happy

and as for this thread, it's not going anywhere, neither kravit or the mechanic are going to get involved, and nor should they with this much much crap flying around.. they should sort it out themselves...

wanabe LOL Very Happy ahhh, made my evening Razz

HAADCAAW!! Yo asp!!
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September 2003
re: post by Kravit Thu, 20 October 2005 10:07 Go to previous messageGo to next message

Its not cheap to play AE86 in Australia man! Either ur hardcore or just a wanabe ...

LMFAO Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing
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July 2004
re: post by Kravit Thu, 20 October 2005 13:47 Go to previous messageGo to next message
jokes aside. There wasn't a need for this thread if Kravit was sensible and mature enough to resolve this on his own rather than coming online to vent his pent up feelings and hoping other people to give him much needed sympathy. I don't see a point flaming someone without giving a fair go for the other party.

The truth is - Kravit simply doesn't want to respond. Here or to the seller. If he was genunine in his claims he would have picked up the sellers calls or back up his story on this thread. The reason i even bothered with this is the sheer number of people who hardly know the man or the story to jump on the bandwagon, shoot their mouths off when the person who needs help is not on this forums. As for kravit, he is still in hoping that by not paying is a rightful act but rather it is an act of cowardice. It is a testament of his character - or rather the lack of it. Not paying up IS theft. If there is any conscience left in him I advise him to come out of the shadows and make a legit claim or stop making baseless assumptions like "he could have this and he could have that". Thats not the truth. I hope by the numerous people vouching for the mechanic's character has cleared the matter up once and for all.

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notorious P.E.R.T.H.
August 2002
re: post by Kravit Thu, 20 October 2005 14:27 Go to previous messageGo to next message
the point of the thread was to defend a mechanic who cant defend himself on this forum. kravit knew he was not on here and attacked him knowingly. how sad is that?

im just here to clear the mechanics name so other toymods members who have yet to meet him has a chance to meet him rather than get mislead by kravit's empty claims.
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NSW - Blue Mountains
June 2004
re: post by Kravit Thu, 20 October 2005 15:13 Go to previous messageGo to next message
thread still not locked? wow

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Hobart, Tasmania
January 2005
re: post by Kravit Fri, 21 October 2005 02:52 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Corona RT142 wrote on Wed, 19 October 2005 14:04

Injurious falsehood

WTF?? Is that even a term!? Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing
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Forums Junkie

I supported Toymods
Toymods Club Secretary

May 2002
re: post by Kravit Fri, 21 October 2005 03:06 Go to previous message
Shraka wrote on Tue, 18 October 2005 23:55

Firstly, that post was locked, and you're just begging for this one to be locked also.

I agree.
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