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I supported Toymods

Frankston, Victoria
April 2004
Wires for 4AGE injectors.. Bleeding coolant system... Sat, 22 October 2005 05:11 Go to next message
I am so close to the point of just giving up.. but I so badly want to drive this damn thing that I'll try anything...

I've had timing issues since I got the engine running.. And huge idle issues.. And... I really should have bought a complete 4age that was running before i bought it... Anyway enough whinging and complaining.

Apparently my engine is running really lean, so I figured I'd try the other injectors I have lying around. My current injectors have a blue and a yellow wire, +12V is going through each wire when the ignition is on, the other injector wires are black and red. I'm wondering which colour goes to which colour? Would it matter?

Pic of old injector wires:

Pic of new injector wires:


[Updated on: Sun, 23 October 2005 01:55]

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July 2004
Re: Wires for 4AGE injectors.. Sun, 23 October 2005 01:23 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Hi Kev

Sounds a bit strange. Can't imagine running lean is causing your problems. I have 272 degree cams with standard ecu and grey injectors and it runs fine. Yes it could do better but I am getting around to that. The pink injectors (late 86kw FWD injectors) you have flow only fractionally more than the greys, so unless the greys are clogged up, not worth bothering about. I would seriously examine your cam timing and then get your static timing right.

Preume you are running a standard ECU? Have you bled the cooling system properly so there is no airlock at the back f the head? If not the idle will constantly go up & down. Etc, etc, etc.

Fun isn't it.
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Forums Junkie

I supported Toymods

Frankston, Victoria
April 2004
Re: Wires for 4AGE injectors.. Sun, 23 October 2005 01:54 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Ended up changing the injectors anyway. For future notice:

Blue = Black
Yellow = Red


Blue = Black
Yellow = White

Anyway I've changed my coolant a bunch of times, seems my thermostat had seized, so I changed it over, but now i seem to get a bit of hot water to the top of the radiator, but the bottom of the radiator and the complete bottom hose stays freezing cold... Could that be an air pocket? How do I bleed it properly? I know theres a bolt on the side of the block next to the Oil Pressure sender, and I've undone that for a bit and screwed it back in, but it didnt help the bottom hose problem...

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July 2004
Re: Wires for 4AGE injectors.. Sun, 23 October 2005 02:07 Go to previous messageGo to next message
If the ECU temp sensor at the back of the head doesn't get a signal due to an air pocket, you will get an rhythmic idle like a sine wave, up to roughly 2500rpm then back down in a constant pattern. You need to be able to get the engine warm with the radiator cap off until the thermostat opens, at that point you should see coolant flow when you look in the radiator. Keep giving the rad hoses a good squeeze until you get no more air bubbles. Once that is sorted it should idle nicely.The bolt on the side is simply a block drain.

If it simply idles like a pig, this isn't your (only) problem. Then it could be a few things, cam timing, cam timing, did I say cam timing? You won't get your static distributor timing right if the cam timing is off, everything will be off. Then of course there are simple vacuum leaks etc, etc, etc.
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Forums Junkie

I supported Toymods

Frankston, Victoria
April 2004
Re: Wires for 4AGE injectors.. Sun, 23 October 2005 02:44 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Temp sensor is at the front of the engine (JDM 96kW Bigport) and I believe it is getting a correct temp reading as there is coolant in there... I do however have a massive vacuum leak that I found yesterday, seems I didn't seal the intake manifold right when I put the TVIS back in. When putting my hand completely over the throttle body the engine still sits at 1000RPM hahaha...

At TDC the cam lines both line up with the head and the crank lines up at around 3 degrees to the left, not sure whether that's advanced or retarded.. But either way I think it should be at 0 degrees? I was told by a mechanic that anywhere up to 5 degrees offline at the crank should be fine anyway...

I think the most of my problem is due to that vacuum leak. I'll fix the leak and then I'll leave the radiator cap off next time I run my engine and see what happens. Will probably have a video if it still ain't workin right.

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July 2004
Re: Wires for 4AGE injectors.. Sun, 23 October 2005 02:49 Go to previous messageGo to next message
The temp sender at the front of the engine is only for the temp guage. The one at the back is for the ECU and is critical. I think I would be lining my crank up on TDC! The knock pins on the cams need to line up with the marks on the front engine plate. I would get everything set up right as per the engine manual if I were you, can always play later Surprised
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Forums Junkie

I supported Toymods

Frankston, Victoria
April 2004
Re: Wires for 4AGE injectors.. Sun, 23 October 2005 02:53 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Dude add me to MSN? Lol I have a bunch more questions and it would be faster that way Razz

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July 2004
Re: Wires for 4AGE injectors.. Sun, 23 October 2005 02:55 Go to previous message
check your email. Love that avatar by the way.....
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