finaly i have it for my opel gt 210 hp dual vvti beams engine with six speed trans for rear wheel drive this 1800 lb car with a turbo upgrade to 333hp should spank just about every honda out there!
give me better ideas on my frankenstien and yes it will be better then a supra and weight about 1500lbs less muhaha sorry if i had a supra i would put this beams engine in it and cut weight from engine in at least 1/3
complete beams was $3600 which is cheap for a new car motor these engines are brand new i heard trans could run you 3500 alone so i got a deal! what i am planning is a stand alone ecu with vvti controls from japan with stack guages they are a F1 style digital guage that connects directly to stand alone ecu i just might end up with the lexus dial guages i still dont know yet? whats really funny is hardly anyone knows about these engines in the US prob wont for another 2 yrs the engines are really new. another reason why the engine is hot its better then the 2jz-gte it cuts weight off raceing supras use them because it shaves a good 1/3 engine weight they do turbo charge them up to 700hp in japan. it is the black top engine it says beams on it and duall vvti. Also they are hi demand for racing lexus people whe end up putting 2jz-gte over pricy supra engines in lexus cant stop as good and loose a lot of things the lighter BEAMS can do!
Congrats on the engine/box purchase, a very tasty unit indeed.. As for taking that engine over a 2jz in a supra?? hmmm.. on a track with that engine at 700hp.. yeh that would be nice.. But on the street!.. Stick that beams motor in the shed.. cause that 2jz with a single turbs conversion... hmm.. with all that USEABLE torque and power.. ohh yeh baby.. CHOPZVILLE!... A 700hp 2jz on the street would be wayyyy easier to drive than a 700hp 3s..