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Location: In A Hole
Registered: September 2002
MkiV Toyota Supra
Mon, 13 January 2003 01:04
Hey I am looking at buying a MkiV Toyota Supra imported,
3 Litre non turbo, 5 Speed.
Is there anything I should be looking out for or any problems associated with these cars.
Your help would be greatly appreciated

I supported Toymods
Location: Epping, Sydney
Registered: May 2002
Re: MkiV Toyota Supra
Tue, 14 January 2003 08:04

not really any hassles at all.
the usual trouble with jap imported cars is drifters, but the supras are generally too expensive for drifters (they go 180sx's or gts-t's)
well built car, beautiful engine ... just make sure you dont pay too much
tho why you're not getting a TT I'm not sure

Location: In A Hole
Registered: September 2002
Re: MkiV Toyota Supra
Tue, 14 January 2003 20:59

Its for a friend and he's only just turned 20, if it was for my I would be going the TT, but he doesn't want to pay a ridiculous amount in insurance each year and figures he can do a conversion a few years down the track, and hes getting a good deal just on 20K.
Thanks for your help

I supported Toymods
Location: Sydney
Registered: June 2002
Re: MkiV Toyota Supra
Tue, 14 January 2003 22:41

I've seen TT's advertised as low as $22,500.

I supported Toymods
Location: Epping, Sydney
Registered: May 2002
Re: MkiV Toyota Supra
Wed, 15 January 2003 04:20

22500 for an auto ... and who wants an auto?
lowest 6-speed I've seen was 26000, excluding stamp duty & tyres (not counting wrecks etc)
20 000 is an alright price, assuming it's got a bit of rice with it (bodykit, wheels, or some such)
Location: ACT
Registered: December 2002
Re: MkiV Toyota Supra
Thu, 16 January 2003 01:14
You might want to get your friend to check the insurance on a supra NA -
The difference between getting a TT or NA will not influence the insurance by very much.... The fact that it is a grey import immediately makes the price of insurance huge.
The major factors for insurance cost I have come across are grey import, age, cost of vehicle and of course who you talk to on the phone!!! - don't get them on a bad day!