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Toymods Club Treasurer
Location: Sydney
Registered: May 2002

Location: Perth
Registered: August 2003
Re: Final get together for Wagonist
Wed, 16 November 2005 19:08

i would like to come say farewell but working till 1am

Location: Perth
Registered: October 2004
Re: Final get together for Wagonist
Thu, 17 November 2005 00:55

Should be able to stop by for an hour or so around 8pm.

Toymods Club Treasurer
Location: Sydney
Registered: May 2002
Re: Final get together for Wagonist
Thu, 17 November 2005 10:33

jackel wrote on Thu, 17 November 2005 06:08 | i would like to come say farewell but working till 1am
I think the place only closes at 2, & I imagine that I'll still be there til that time, I don't have to be at work tomorrow

I supported Toymods
Location: Perth, Western Australia
Registered: December 2002
Re: Final get together for Wagonist
Thu, 17 November 2005 16:26

Nope, it's 12, and all you bastards that didn't show up have missed out! All i know is I'm hammered and I don't give a fuck!
kudos to "buck naked" for showing up and listening to two drunk guys dribble shit and giving us a lift home - fuck it made the walk home a hell of alot easier!!!
On a side note, have you ever wondered why it's so hard to type while you're pissed?!!!!?

Toymods Club Treasurer
Location: Sydney
Registered: May 2002
Re: Final get together for Wagonist
Thu, 17 November 2005 16:33

So where was everyone tonight?
Got work to do tomorrow or something?
You missed a great night out & you could've met someone from the Subaru camp who into the same thing as you. Annoying the local plod while getting the most out of their car.
I can't believe I typed that without any mistakes.

Location: Perth
Registered: August 2003
Re: Final get together for Wagonist
Thu, 17 November 2005 17:54

i just finished work

I supported Toymods
Location: Perth
Registered: May 2002
Re: Final get together for Wagonist
Fri, 18 November 2005 00:07

You picked a night which we already had a family thing on Good one. Ah well, least you got smashed and had a good time. Please tell me you drank Clint under the table, everyone else seems to 
As for the Subaru camp, there's one of those at home, why do I need another one?

Location: Perth
Registered: October 2004
Re: Final get together for Wagonist
Fri, 18 November 2005 03:28
CLG wrote on Fri, 18 November 2005 00:26 | kudos to "buck naked" for showing up and listening to two drunk guys dribble shit and giving us a lift home - fuck it made the walk home a hell of alot easier!!!
I would have had a guilty conscience if I let you bastards lose on the streets of Perth.
Did you take the ST205 out this morning? Have a good flight Steve, I hope you enjoyed your stay!